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Thread: Angel Beats!

  1. #41
    I had to do a double take when yui hung herself because it was that funny. after seeing the whole ep doesn't otonashi seem a bit too good for being just nomal? I mean the way he pitched is somewhat of a similar stance for some jap gyro pitchers, apparantly some weird way of throwing the ball, then again it prob doesn't mean much

    the others have their memories and whatnot and they have been there for quite some time so their crazy abilities are ''normal'' but for him who is relativly new seems to be able to do things the others are not,like staying alive with the guild incident, could he be something of an ''angel'' himself?

  2. #42
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Someone mentioned the idea that he was suspicious on the last page (too lazy to go back and find out). It wouldn't be a surprise if he was an Angel, or maybe even a program created by Angel (or if Angel is working under someone, then by them) to gather information on Yuri and her friends. We know of no one else that lost their memories so far, so he would be an anomaly. However, if he were the the only one to ever lose his memories, wouldn't Yuri and the team be more suspicious of him?

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  3. #43
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhuin View Post
    Someone mentioned the idea that he was suspicious on the last page (too lazy to go back and find out). It wouldn't be a surprise if he was an Angel, or maybe even a program created by Angel (or if Angel is working under someone, then by them) to gather information on Yuri and her friends. We know of no one else that lost their memories so far, so he would be an anomaly. However, if he were the the only one to ever lose his memories, wouldn't Yuri and the team be more suspicious of him?
    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    Now for our Otonashi, should we be wary of him, or is it only a scenario trick that he looks a bit suspicious?
    I'm still thinking there's something wrong about him.
    You would think he's related to the loss of Iwasawa, the same goes for this week's guy.
    Even the broom girl has doubts.

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  4. #44
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    That does remind me of his incessant struggling against searching Angel's room/computer. At first I just thought he was an idiot that still didn't comprehend the world he is living in, but with this theory that he is suspicious, it would make sense that he didn't want them to look around.

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  5. #45
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A memory loss shouldn't be any surprising factor in any scenario (whether they are actually dead or in shared coma). If somebody suffers a massive head trauma and then dies never waking up, it's plausible all the memories will get removed prior to death and having never woken up, no new ones (of a hostipal ceiling) are acquired.

    Though of course there's also the chance of being a massive wussy who wanted to forget a shitty life.

  6. #46
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Mazui - Episode 05


    Wow, this episode was epic, emotional, and annoyingly stupid all at the same time.

    Where do I begin?

    The brigade members that took part in the test mission are morons, though Otonashi was at least the most helpful. It doesn't seem like a smart idea to be discussing your plans of sabotage (even screaming it at parts), especially when your victim is only a few feat away. I cannot believe they managed to accomplish that feat so many times, with even Angel none the wiser to what was going on. You'd think that, considering their history together, she would pay closer attention to their actions (can't believe I just commented negatively about Angel!). Otonashi on the other hand seemed pretty level-headed through the ordeal. He may not have spoken out against the plan as much as he truly disagreed with it, but despite his disagreement (and later, sympathy/regret) he maintained order by distracting Angel from investigating into the commotions. He was even able to extract her name (which apparently Yuri already knew, but just "forgot"). Tachibana Kanade... and according to Mazui, Kanade = "to play music"... Because of this, I am sensing an even greater music motif from this series.

    As mentioned before, there is something definitely odd about both Angel and Otonashi, evidenced more by the fact that Otonashi seemed to have no trouble at all answering the questions on the exams, despite his lack of memories, as well as his sympathy for Angel (or rather, his humane reaction to the things that happened to her, unlike the other members). And of course, since Angel lost her position as Student Council President, she didn't oppose the Brigade during their Operation Tornado, which could mean (as one member actually pointed out) that all the times she opposed them before was because they were disrupting the school, and it was the President's job to maintain order. Her creation of Guard Skills was simply in response to the Brigade member's creation of weapons.

    So with Angel effectively out of the picture now (at least by her "moral backup"), I'm wondering how the series will progress. Unless Otonashi decides to support her, or something unexpected happens, I don't really see her opposing the brigade any more right now. Actually, I kind of hope Otonashi drops the Brigade and decides to confe-... er, join Angel and find out the mystery behind their world.

    And lastly... new GirlsDemo, amazing as always. Yui actually wasn't that bad while she was performing. She at least didn't seem that hyperactive or annoying. The last song Iwasawa wrote huh... I thought that was My Song?
    Last edited by Alhuin; Sat, 05-01-2010 at 12:00 AM.

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  7. #47
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Interestingly, Kanade only acts when something disruptive happens, and if she misses the chance to act when the disruption is taking place, she doesn't chase the matter up afterwards.

    The new President, however, let the thing go on, but came back to punish everybody who was involved, something that Kanade never did.

    Add that to "it makes it look like I'm the bad guy" that she said before, it's almost like Kanade was actively keeping the President seat so she can keep order while "punishing" Yurippe's group as little as possible.

    What on earth is she, besides cute?

    (It was sad to see Kanade's ticket getting taken. By the end, I was actually expecting Otonashi to pick up his dish and take it to her. Mapo Tofu tastes great btw!)
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 05-01-2010 at 02:07 AM.

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  8. #48
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Interestingly, Kanade only acts when something disruptive happens, and if she misses the chance to act when the disruption is taking place, she doesn't chase the matter up afterwards.
    Hmm, I never realized that myself. Well, I realized it, but it never occurred to me as something intentional. This also reminds me of the times violence was involved in their situations. With the exception of her first appearance (although, I guess you could consider demanding proof to be provocation), her violent endeavors were provoked by one of the group members. It seems like most of her actions to quell the disruptions have been through civil, school-facilitated ways, thus leaning more heavily to your theory.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    It was sad to see Kanade's ticket getting taken. By the end, I was actually expecting Otonashi to pick up his dish and take it to her.
    Expecting and hoping.
    Something good better happen to her at least. It's too sad right now

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  9. #49
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I have to say I felt sorry for Angel for the whole duration of this episode. She really seemed alone. It actually looks like she was always alone, pitted against the rebels and maybe - it wouldn't surprise me - even against the other council members, because the new president looks more evil than anybody in the series so far. Although I don't really know how this new dude could fare any better against the rebels.

    I was completely expecting Otonashi to take the curry to Angel. He's certainly different from the others in the rebels by showing concern for Angel and the whole situation in general. In short, he hasn't accepted Yurippe's world view despite belonging to the rebel group.

  10. #50
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I was completely expecting Otonashi to take the curry to Angel. He's certainly different from the others in the rebels by showing concern for Angel and the whole situation in general. In short, he hasn't accepted Yurippe's world view despite belonging to the rebel group.
    Having "lost" his memories does help, I have to say. Everybody else pretty much has a tooth to pick with God from their previous life, and decided to take it out on Angel.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alhuin
    Expecting and hoping.
    Something good better happen to her at least. It's too sad right now
    Yeah, I was hoping too, so I felt really disappointed when he didn't follow it up and simply went "I asked a stupid question".

    I have no idea what it would be, but I'm expecting some deeper relationship between Otonashi and Angel, since , Otonashi (音無) means "no sound", while Kanade (奏) means "to make music". To throw an idea out, if music is metaphoric for "memories", then maybe Angel will help him recover it? Or if not, Angel's role is to fill in something that Otonashi is missing?

    On the other hand (God forbid that) they may be polar opposites and arch-enemies of some sort. After all, it seems the battle against Angel herself has never been successful until now... until Otonashi joined.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #51
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Hmm... those are very interesting theories. I didn't realize that Otonashi meant "no music". I prefer the first one though, with Angel being the means of restoring his "music" (where music = memories), however the second one is entirely possible as well... with him stripping her of her "music" (where music = power).

    @Kraco: I forgot to mention that part myself, about her seeming to always have been alone. If you think about it, even when she was the president, you never saw any students praising her, or being amazed by her... in fact, the one time you saw any reaction from the students to the her was when she was tearing down the GirlsDeMo posters, and they treated her "like the bad guy". I had assumed the rest of the student council would support her at least, but they, too, have never been seen supporting or cooperating with Angel.

    Also @Kraco: Regarding your memory loss statement from above... I scanned through the first episode again looking for something, and as I came across the first meeting of Angel and Otonashi, she comments that "memory loss is common, especially in incidents where one hits their head before death". So you were right.

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  12. #52
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Poor Tenshi/Kanade .

    I think the next few episodes will be attempts to oust that new guy as the president and restore Kanade.

    I'd imagine that she was just like them, but decided to make the best of the situation instead of rebelling.

  13. #53
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    OMFG I love you, and that picture.

    I just want to hold her... and tell her everything will be alright...

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  14. #54
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Mapo Tofu is great and as strong as they describe it.
    Beware your stomach when eating some though.

    And yes, the ep was pretty sad for Angel, being cast aside so much and even tormented by Yurippe's squad

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  15. #55
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragon View Post
    +5 internets for you

    Angel Beat Op on guitar
    Last edited by Archangel; Wed, 05-05-2010 at 08:53 AM.

  16. #56
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #57
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    That was plenty awesome with Tenshi scenes (including some flirting, go Otonashi go! ), battles to the death, yaoi hugs and then some more Tenshi scenes to balance those out

    Still, it feels out of place, like too much happened all at once and they should have at least introduced the character of the acting president before forcing all these developments on us

    The way they just sort of threw it in there makes me think they're trying to force the drama out of this show and i hate that, hopefully their pace will get back on track with next week's episode

    PS: It might be sankaku's animation Nazism getting to me but i couldn't help but find a couple of animation glitches in this week's episode too

  18. #58
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    K-On!!, what?
    This episode had more moe overload than K-On!! could pull off, in my opinion. Kanade's envious look when Otonashi started talking about the food dish... her quick change of mind when he mentioned treating her... her "forgetfulness" for eating during school breaks (because she wanted it that much) and subsequent quick devouring... the way she drifted off to sleep in seconds upon being imprisoned... need I go on?

    I agree the episode itself felt rushed, considering what's-his-face just became known, and it seems like he is either going to disappear or take a back seat during the next episode. Which means there's still something bigger at work that they have to make time for.

    H2O vibes all over when they showed what's-his-face's flashback.

    And I totally called that Kanade's abilities were made for self defense (if it wasn't obvious already... >_>).

    Other than that, not much to discuss about the episode, or change in theories. The "God is chosen" idea was nice though... I wonder if there was any truth to that statement.

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  19. #59
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhuin View Post
    And I totally called that Kanade's abilities were made for self defense (if it wasn't obvious already... >_>).
    ... they're called guard skills, you can't claim credit for something that dammed obvious

    That's like "calling" that the harem male lead will continuously attract more girls, that the shounen hero will defeat the bad guys after a sudden burst of energy or that the dude with the cat allergy will undoubtedly attract more and more cats

    Quote Originally Posted by Alhuin View Post
    Other than that, not much to discuss about the episode, or change in theories. The "God is chosen" idea was nice though... I wonder if there was any truth to that statement.
    I don't know about it being true or not but i will say that it would be pretty interesting if any of the fallen members had happened to hear this theory and chose to act on it themselves

  20. #60
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Hence why I mentioned it was obvious.
    Besides, it was more like... I was talking out loud to myself... except posting out loud to myself... >_>

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

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