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Thread: Kaichou wa Maid-sama!

  1. #61
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 7 - FFFpeeps

    - - - - -- - - -

    A lot happened in this episode. Not only did they introduce a major villain lasting more than one episode but they also made Usui and Misaki's relationship take a step backward.

    Forgetting the villain of whom little can really be said as of yet, I think more meaningful (for now) was Usui's decision to take the step back by undermining the meaninfulness of the kiss. In practice it made Misaki to return more to her previous state, with an added feeling of annoyance, but deeper down it suggests Usui might not be as serious as I thought he was.

    After all, if Usui had been completely serious, there's no reason why he wouldn't have tried to turn Misaki's hesitation to his own advantage by convincing her further. But instead he wanted the situation to revert back to Misaki only thinking he's just teasing her. Of course the situation was hampering Misakin work and her general level of coolness but I doubt Usui really cares about the school or the cafe beyond Misaki's involvement with them.

    So, I can't help but wonder what's the ultimate reason why he wants Misaki to remain in the gray zone instead of becoming his girl. Maybe he has some unescapable destiny awaiting him after high-school and despite liking Misaki, he knows he can never be together with her. So, it's better for Misaki to remain as she is.

  2. #62
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I think more meaningful (for now) was Usui's decision to take the step back by undermining the meaninfulness of the kiss.

    But instead he wanted the situation to revert back to Misaki only thinking he's just teasing her.

    So, I can't help but wonder what's the ultimate reason why he wants Misaki to remain in the gray zone instead of becoming his girl.
    Trimmed down the quote a bit, but I'm going to address most of the original post.

    I saw it as Usui getting a bit depressed or perhaps even alarmed that Misaki was starting to push him away. Misaki didn't like the way remembering the kiss made her feel uncomfortable. She became girlish and flustered, off-center and not her usual self. I think that is the primary reason why Usui kissed Yukimura. It got Misaki to relax from the tense state she had started to develop when around him, and got her back to her feisty usual self.

    I don't think Usui wants to fall into a relationship with her just yet. I think he values the seduction and the teasing more than the goal of being in a relationship. He got that depressed look when she brings her guard up and tries to keep a distance from him. He probably greatly dislikes when she won't let him get close to her, and her hesitation alarms him. He goes back and forth with her playing a villain and a savior. When she either has her guard up or won't let him help her up, he got that same look both times.

    His motivations are still a huge mystery, but he can't properly tease her when she is on edge near him.

    I very much enjoyed how quickly he was able to shut Misaki down when she started to get a bit haughty about being "Misaki-kun". Her embarrassment following the perfectly executed lariat was wonderful as well. The two of them are an excellent duo.

  3. #63
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I don't think Usui wants to fall into a relationship with her just yet.
    That's pretty much given after his actions. Misaki getting more tense in his company was a sure sign of her uncertainty of her developing (and mixed) feelings. No matter how much he gets her to relax in his company by fooling around, if it ever turns into a real relationship, there's no avoiding of Misaki's behavior changing. He can't have both, because Misaki's normal behavior is not that of a girlfriend.

    I dare say it's clear Usui likes Misaki so unless it's for some external reason, I can't see why he wouldn't want her to become his girlfriend. After all, it's more than likely her behavior would revert back towards the usual kaichou mode (that Usui so likes to tease and humiliate) once she got over the initial nervousness and excitement. She has got so strong a personality, after all.

  4. #64
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I don't think Usui has any dramas about settling into a relationship with her at all. That's why he confessed, after all.

    He's ready to go anytime, but Misaki isn't. This was evident enough this episode as Misaki didn't have a clear answer to his confession, and was merely avoiding him, avoiding the decision. Seeing as she's not yet ready (and realising his timing was probably off in the general scheme of things), Usui did the only thing he could to take that kiss back.

    His depressed look afterwards was more than indicative that he really wanted to start a relationship with her.

    Glasses-Misaki was eye-candy. She carries more elegance than usual (which isn't that much really). Cross-dressing was another fun bit, and it made me realise that only girls with modest to moderate bust sizes would be able to pull it off convincingly, especially the open-shirt, chain + cleavage look.

    The new villian's somewhat refreshing in that he's one who will has already found out Misaki's part-time job and really has no issues disclosing it. In that sense, he's by far the most threatening of them all.

    The preview suggests that despite his financial and cognitive ability, he's opting for the "steal your clothes" trick though..

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #65
    I really love this series! Love how Usui messes with Misaki and she gets so embaressed. kawaii!!!!!

  6. #66
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #67
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The first half of this episode was somewhat sluggish but the second half more than made up for it. Especially with Misaki calling for Usui. And Usui naturally appearing like the overdramatic hero he fancies himself. I guess it's uber traditional Misaki needed saving but I don't mind. This series work so well.

    At least I'm happy the scumbag president didn't get to meet Misaki's sister before Usui. Or at least I hope Usui will before the series is over. I could imagine a good scene or two with those three in Misaki's rundown home. Usui doesn't care or pay visible attention to Misaki's economical situation, which is probably important to Misaki as well. Considering how hard she's working, she must have some pride and self-consciousness in that particular matter and not clashing with that is likely a wise thing for Usui to keep in mind.

  8. #68
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I guess visible shoulders are a lot more sexy, Misaki was more womanly than usual in that episode. Her face features (and body globally) were more refined most of the time she was in that other HighSchool.

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  9. #69
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    I guess visible shoulders are a lot more sexy, Misaki was more womanly than usual in that episode.
    Throughly agreed. This episode would even satisfy most armpit fans (when she was pinned on the table).

    Kraco mostly mentioned what I would have, but easily the best part of this episode was that Igarashi challenged her into putting on a maid outfit in under 10 seconds, and not only did she do it, he then mocked her for doing it so perfectly. If she was trying to hide it, she didn't have to wear the stockings, armbands, or the katyusha (maid headband) if she was only concerned about not being seen naked. He completely outmaneuvered Misaki in this episode.

    Lots of cute eyecatches throughout the 2nd half of the episode too. Misaki on the table, Misaki in towel, Misaki embarrassed at both Igarashi and Usui while wearing the maid outfit, Usui holding her close, etc.

    I liked that Usui stole her a Miyabigaoka uniform too, hoping that she would at least try it on.

    I am however, rather surprised that the next episode will be a gaiden episode.

  10. #70
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I liked her Maid Latte uniform better. The slight looseness and flow in that one gave off a more refined look.

    This one was too... vulgar.

    Usui's rescue was over much faster than I had thought it would. Him and the rich Prez didn't even have any contact.

    I share Usui's relief and easiness at knowing Misaki's back her the usual. He must have missed that.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 05-22-2010 at 09:19 PM.

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  11. #71
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I would note that the Maid Latte uniform also has open shoulders. The top of the sleeves are completely open.

    I have mixed feelings about the Maid Latte uniform. The one Misaki wears is good because of the boots, Honoka's works as well because of the white stockings, and Erika's shows of her chest. However...the long skirt on Subaru's looks really out of place with the top. I generally like her style, but the Maid Latte top doesn't work at all with a long dress. She would look better in more traditional maid uniform with such a long skirt.

    Of course the one Igarashi gave her was more vulgar, it was fetish wear designed to make her upset. If Misaki didn't bother to put on the katyusha, it just would have looked like a short goth-loli dress.

  12. #72

  13. #73
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 9 - FFFPeeps

    - - - - - - - -

    It wasn't as strange as Mayoi Neko's episode but I can't say it would have developed the plot to any direction. Fortunately the real deal seems to continue next week.

  14. #74
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Suzuna rewarding their honesty with postcards had me chuckling pretty hard. Honesty had nothing to do with it. They were just hungry XD.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  15. #75
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The other side of the table:

    Episode 10 - FFFPeeps

    - - - - - - - -

    It's bad taste to discuss only the preview, but this episode, concentrating on a side character, wasn't really that significant aside from a couple of good scenes. The preview, however, promises good things. Usui will finally meets Misaki's folks (much to her surprise apparently) and it seems like Usui's secrets are finally starting to get revealed. I'm really looking forward to the next ep.

    Like I've said before, I always wanted to see a scene of Usui visiting Misaki's shack and meeting her weird sister. Misaki isn't particularly trying to hide her situation but who knows how that scene will end.

  16. #76
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It's a bit of a throwaway episode.

    Probably the only redeeming parts are Usui embarrassing Misaki about how kind-hearted she is, and Shizuko being dragged everywhere, blatantly ignoring the band members, but all the same getting just as pissed as Misaki was getting. It had that little anger symbol stamped on her head through most of the scene the one guy was tormenting Sakura. Shizuko is just too polite to rampage until later.

  17. #77
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    It's a bit of a throwaway episode.

    Probably the only redeeming parts are Usui embarrassing Misaki about how kind-hearted she is, and Shizuko being dragged everywhere, blatantly ignoring the band members, but all the same getting just as pissed as Misaki was getting. It had that little anger symbol stamped on her head through most of the scene the one guy was tormenting Sakura. Shizuko is just too polite to rampage until later.
    The fact that Shizuko didn't react pissed me off.

    The Three Idiots were pretty funny, and we got some female-orientated fanservice, so that's not too bad (am I the only one in this forum who appreciates that?).

    But yeah, otherwise, I'm looking forward to the next episode. I've always known Usui was rich, but I can't remember whether it's actually hinted in the episode, or if it's just influence from the ED and/or Takishima Kei.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 06-05-2010 at 09:53 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #78
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Secrets within secrets:

    Episode 11 - FFFPeeps

    - - - - - - -

    In the end nothing much was revealed. It's pretty interesting Usui didn't seem interested at all in trying to get closer to Misaki by getting closer to her family. And it didn't seem like he judged it a bad tactical choice by evaluating Misaki's reaction to such an indirect thing. Rather, he simply had no interest in it. As much as Misaki is actively trying to keep Usui at a certain distance and never closer it also seems like Usui is doing the same thing but more subtly.

    We also ended up learning nothing about Usui himself, other than that he obviously has money or strange connections but that shouldn't have been any surprise. It's also more or less apparent he lives alone (which might explain his strange hobbies).

    I expected more from this episode but at least Shizuko showed her true skills.

  19. #79
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    In the end nothing much was revealed. It's pretty interesting Usui didn't seem interested at all in trying to get closer to Misaki by getting closer to her family. And it didn't seem like he judged it a bad tactical choice by evaluating Misaki's reaction to such an indirect thing. Rather, he simply had no interest in it. As much as Misaki is actively trying to keep Usui at a certain distance and never closer it also seems like Usui is doing the same thing but more subtly.
    I think when you take those two things together, it may have revealed quite a bit more than you are giving it credit.

    As you pointed out, Usui lives alone (no lights on, large spacious apartment). He also not only didn't want to use her family to get closer to her, once he realized that it was the Ayuzawa household, he actually started to get a bit uncomfortable, strange for the typically unflappable Usui. By the time Misaki came home he was happily chomping away on apples with an identical expression to Suzuna, but he very clearly did not want to stay there long, at least at first.

    So, I would guess that from his uneasiness with being near Misaki's mother and sister, as well as the fact that he lives alone, that Usui has some family issues.

  20. #80
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Perhaps he's exiled or something? I can only guess with "Can I walk out with this?" that he didn't buy the suit, doesn't own the place, but has enough connections or relationships that the manager would let him out with it.

    I was waiting for them to show us the secret, since I expected the whole round-about trip earlier was to drive away Shizuko and Sakura, so that he can show Misaki a "secret that no one else knows about". I guess the address fits the description, even if she never actually went to it.

    I thought the little things in the background really made this episode: the child offering sand "dumplings" to the other, the Three Idiots looking like little children, Sakura's mouthflap flapping away disregarding of where her pauses were...

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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