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Thread: Kaichou wa Maid-sama!

  1. #41
    Usui is just so boss, I can't even hate him for being contrived because he's just so awesome.

    I was with Misa right up until she reverted to tsuntsun retard mode and punched Usui despite knowing that the Aoi was a boy and thus an acceptable target for violence/rape/molestation/whatever. Then again, knowing Misa it would probably never cross her mind that Usui knew the deal with Aoi just as well as she did and he was trying to deal with it his own way. I couldn't help cheering for her when she bitch slapped Aoi though as I felt he was getting annoying and it hinted that at least Misa is an equal opportunity man beater.

    I wasn't so fond of this weeks attempt at a tear down of Misa though. Aoi's bitching at her for not making an effort to 'act feminine' in her free time just seems so 1950's. I suppose this doesn't mesh with Japanese culture as much but one of the things I respect about Misa is that she doesn't seem overly concerned with superficial things, at least about her self.

  2. #42
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura View Post
    Aoi's bitching at her for not making an effort to 'act feminine' in her free time just seems so 1950's. I suppose this doesn't mesh with Japanese culture as much but one of the things I respect about Misa is that she doesn't seem overly concerned with superficial things, at least about her self.
    You could take it as Aoi's personal point of view. The boy wishes he had been born a bishoujo idol girl, so it's highly understandable a girl of high potential making no effort to appear beautiful would piss him off with his jealous personality.

  3. #43
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura View Post
    I was with Misa right up until she reverted to tsuntsun retard mode and punched Usui...
    ...I couldn't help cheering for her when she bitch slapped Aoi though as I felt he was getting annoying and it hinted that at least Misa is an equal opportunity man beater.

    I wasn't so fond of this weeks attempt at a tear down of Misa though. Aoi's bitching at her for not making an effort to 'act feminine' in her free time just seems so 1950's. I suppose this doesn't mesh with Japanese culture as much but one of the things I respect about Misa is that she doesn't seem overly concerned with superficial things, at least about her self.
    Misa has always been an equal opportunity man-beater because she is a man-hater. She hits the idiot boys at school all the time and she is violent by nature. Knowing Usui, he probably enjoyed it. I'm sure he could have stopped her from hitting him if he wanted to.

    I agree with Kraco on the second part. Aoi wants to be cute and girly but can't without being ridiculed. To him, Misaki is wasting it. It's the same logic behind why Honoka attacks her, thinking Misaki is wasting her youth. Misaki is very respectable for concerning herself more about the wellbeing of her family enough to get exhausted than waste her time being young and frivolous. But that doesn't mean others can't get angry at her for it. Even her mother and sister have displayed a concern that Misaki is sacrificing herself for the two of them.

  4. #44
    I suppose I should have chosen different words, I was not trying to say I had just witnessed my first evidence that Misa's man-beating wasn't equal opportunity, I was merely commenting that I would have been concerned if she showed a preference for beating Usui and not other males she felt morally superior to. I am glad that she doesn't seem to spare any male from her self-righteous violence as opposed to picking and choosing which would make her feel more hypocritical.

    Also Usui could never hit Misa, dirtying his fists with her blood would only make him look less awesome. It's far more win for him to maintain his true moral superiority and accept her violence while occasionally directing her attention to the results of her own BS attitude slowing building her closer to being an acceptable target of his awesomeness.

  5. #45
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura View Post
    Also Usui could never hit Misa, dirtying his fists with her blood would only make him look less awesome. It's far more win for him to maintain his true moral superiority and accept her violence while occasionally directing her attention to the results of her own BS attitude slowing building her closer to being an acceptable target of his awesomeness.
    I don't think you watch/read enough shoujo Yuki. Usui stopping Misaki from hitting him would only result in him catching her fist or wrist and pulling her closer before making her even more flustered and feisty, probably stealing a kiss too. Pure fangirl bait. Like when he grabbed her chin delicately when he was dressed up for the school festival.

    Pretty standard stuff, and I'm sure that even with Misaki's berserker strength, an easy feat for Usui.

  6. #46
    Shoujo is not really my bag, I thought you knew this. I started watching this show b/c I told you I would. If not for Usui's awesomeness inspiring me to be a better man I would probably be raging at it constantly and regretting the decision much more than I do.

  7. #47
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 04 - Eclipse

    [Eclipse] Kaichou wa Maid-sama - 04 - HD | SD

    Kunio from Static-Subs taking over for Kokizzzle.

  8. #48
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Episode 05

    [FFFpeeps] Kaichou wa Maid-sama 05 [720p]

    I'm not ashamed to watch FFFpeeps. I can't wait that long for Eclipse. Translation quality this episode was a little lower than normal for them, but still plenty watchable.


    This episode delighted me. Typical situation. Misaki's safety is compromised, she's detained and in trouble. Her weak girl body is no match for two men. Despite all her fiery attitude and posturing, she is still just a frail and delicate flower. There's no way her attitude can save her now, she got herself into this mess due to her overconfidence. Usui's supernatural Misa-chan Sense is set off, and he comes just in the nick of time to rescue her and sway her heart...

    ...only Misaki broke free with her berserker strength, kicked the crap out of her captors and ruined Usui's heroic entrance by having things well in hand before he could do any rescuing.

    I really enjoy the way that Misaki didn't fall prey to that cliché of clichés in these sort of series. She is a tsundere who can take care of herself. Usui's attempt to be cool backfired on him completely.

    Yet she's still completely confounded by people calling her cute or treating her gently. It is a wonderful counterbalance because she is always feared at the school, so getting complimented in that manner messes her up completely. Usui calling her a girl got her all flushed and full of denial, Aoi and Usui messing around with the lolita picture of her got her even more flustered.

    Her evil threatening stance while on the phone at the beginning of this episode...wonderful. I like Misaki's hair length too. It's not absurd anime long (waist, ankles), it isn't generically long, and it isn't quite shoulder length. Just a slight shift in it can give her a completely different air.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Fri, 04-30-2010 at 06:16 PM.

  9. #49
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I was indeed hoping that Misaki would not need help despite Usui's desire to make her a "girl". I don't really get what the hell he was saying anyway. The only reason I think a girl would be in more danger in a similar situation (assuming both of them were being targeted already) is because of a lack of physical strength. Misaki is clearly not a frail maiden, so Usui's remarks seemed kind of sexist.
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  10. #50
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Regarding episode 4... I don't know why I overlooked the trap idea, especially during the changing scene, but apparently I did, cause it was a hell of a surprise. It annoyed me that Aoi constantly criticized and belittled Misaki about her appearance when, according to himself and the chief, he receives the same ridicule about the way he dresses from his classmates and his father. I was expecting there to be a moment of realization when they were out in the rain, when Misaki confronts him and points out that he is doing to her what others do to him.

    I was slightly confused when Usui showed up at the cafe, and proceeded to sit upstairs, with no appearance from Misaki. Until that time, hasn't she always been out front to greet the customers and/or showed herself out front with Usui lounging around somewhere in her view? Even if he was just trying to avoid Aoi, how come he didn't walk into the back like usual and find Misaki himself?

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  11. #51
    Usui is the Matt Damon of anime.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  12. #52
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Usui's expression when Misaki broke free was priceless.

    His rescue wasn't required at all...but he made a forced entry anyway

    I really dig those eyecatches too.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 05-01-2010 at 09:45 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #53
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhuin View Post
    It annoyed me that Aoi constantly criticized and belittled Misaki about her appearance when, according to himself and the chief, he receives the same ridicule about the way he dresses from his classmates and his father. I was expecting there to be a moment of realization when they were out in the rain, when Misaki confronts him and points out that he is doing to her what others do to him.
    He's a boy who wants to be a girl - or at least wear very cute clothes usually worn only by girls. He's not a champion for a gender role free society. Maybe if he was 15 years older, he would behave more like you expected. In this case his existing behavior served realism.

    Anyway, I also liked episode 5. It was a nobrainer Misaki would need no help and thus it surprised me a bit Usui still chose to break the window and enter. On the other hand that was just like him; unlike Misaki he rarely seems to worry about anything (although we don't yet know if he's actually carrying some huge burden that's just masking avoid any minor things).

    One thing I'm waiting for is Usui meeting Misaki's sister. I'm sure it will happen eventually.

  14. #54
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    A little late, but for consistency:

    Eclipse - Episode 05

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  15. #55
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    FFFPeeps - Episode 06


    Usui's steal of a kiss took me completely by surprise.

    When Misaki said she liked the brothers' enthusiasm, I was expecting a hint of jealousy or something similar on Usui's expression, since everything he does appears far from enthusiastic (besides turning up to Maid Latte).

    With that in mind, it was great to see him show the other boys down with his leap of faith. Great episode. (but next episode might be even better... bishounen cosplay!!)
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 05-08-2010 at 09:44 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #56
    They... k-kissed.. on episode... 06..

    BRB heart attack
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  17. #57
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire View Post
    They... k-kissed.. on episode... 06
    Hold on Saph.

    Usui stole a kiss on episode 6. It isn't like Misaki went in for the kiss too. That's perfectly normal, and proof of how awesome Usui is. Misaki was too shocked to get pissed about it or slap him. She also showed a great deal of concern for him after he jumped.

    But I love her flustered dishonesty.

    I kinda hate those annoying five brothers. I really can't stand characters like them...or any sycophants for that matter. The only good that comes from them is the assumption that Misaki is Usui's bodyguard.

  18. #58
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 6 - Eclipse

    [Eclipse] Kaichou wa Maid-sama - 06 - HD | SD

  19. #59
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    But I love her flustered dishonesty.
    I wonder how long she can continue it. Nobody is so dense that after first kissing, then telling directly, and finally jumping off the roof to save the photo it would be left unclear how strongly the other one feels. If she's still in doubt, she must consider Usui thoroughly evil to go through so much trouble to simply tease her without any deeper meaning.

    The stupid five were certainly annoying but on the other hand they allowed Usui to save Misaki for a whole number of times. It seems to me Usui grabbing and touching Misaki is everyday business already and Misaki has no defense mechanisms in place anymore as long as it's Usui invading her personal space.

  20. #60
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I wonder how long she can continue it. Nobody is so dense that after first kissing, then telling directly, and finally jumping off the roof to save the photo it would be left unclear how strongly the other one feels. If she's still in doubt, she must consider Usui thoroughly evil to go through so much trouble to simply tease her without any deeper meaning.
    I didn't say denial, I said dishonesty. Misaki has been embarrassed for a considerable length of time about Usui's compliments to her, along with Satsuki's fantasies and the less common comments by the other maids and Aoi.

    I've little doubt she'll wear down eventually. I just very much enjoy how she says she "hates" Usui when she probably doesn't mean it anymore.

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