at first i thought Kanejou was going to be just another boring character, but it's pretty funny how her and Yamada are such good contrasts.

Two girls who are confident, beautiful, competetive and ruthless, both with sexually deviant goals that they immerse themselves in realizing while trying to maintain a respected position of adoration amongst their peers. Both have no parents and exactly one female confidant, who try to dissuade the girls from their deviant paths, but ultimately support them in their quests.

And that's the only thing they have in common.

Yamada is trying to "master" one guy so she can boink everybody in the world. Kanejou is trying to "master" everybody in the world so she can boink one guy.

Yamada is poor, crass, cold, a bit of a dolt in social situations and all around awful at (almost) everything her peers care about. Kanejou is rich, elegant, warm, courtesan and the absolute best at everything that her peers care about.

well, i think it's pretty cool. but since the main characters are Yamada and Kosuda, it's not like it's ever going to get further than the premise it is.

i also thought coalguys went way overboard with their attempts to make the translations stylized and humorous. UTW, on the other hand, has some very stiff translating style, and I don't like that either, especially when it's just a silly comedy...

basically, i don't mind when coalguys takes liberties and localizes their subs, so long as they're actually funny...