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Thread: B Gata H Kei

  1. #41
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This was a fine episode. I'm actually liking their hesitation. Usually I find it more or less annoying in series. Yamada is so weird with her contradictory personality.

    The two sisters form an interesting yet classic pair of desiring and lacking what the other has. Although naturally Yamada will most likely drop the idea of having 100 guys and stick to Kossu (Kossu is a nickname for the most popular vodka brand in Finland, btw).

  2. #42
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    This whole anime is so unrealistic and unrelatable...

    I don't care if it's your first time or whatever, there is no guy in existence that would ever be nervous enough to pass on so many chances at once
    no way dude. i was pretty sure anime was world renowned for its realistic, true-to-life stories, characters and delivery.

    seriously, i remember being nervous as fuck when it came to first romance in high school... so i sorta find their enduring meekness to be cute. it's annoying, too, but mostly cute.

    the two sisters really are a nice pair. i thought there could have been a real easy joke about all of Yamada's sister's boyfriends simply being lolicons (the camera voyeurs appeared in this episode, so why not the lolicons?), but i think it's just funny to see how they're exact opposites. every Macbeth needs a Banquo...

    the one thing about this show is the

    "Yamada!" "Kosuda!" "Yamada!" "Kosuda!" "Yamada!" "KAGOME!!!!" (someone will understand what I'm talking about...) that just always gets on my nerves. feels like really shoddy writing to me...

    the show is fun enough. it's not endearing fun like Nyan Koi or delirious fun like Zetsubou, but it's fun enough.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  3. #43
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    the one thing about this show is the "Yamada!" "Kosuda!" "Yamada!" "Kosuda!" "Yamada!" "KAGOME!!!!" (someone will understand what I'm talking about...).
    This is one of the reasons I dropped InuYasha. I noticed it here as well, and, while it is very annoying (as well as both characters lack of steady development)... for some reason this episode made me hate Yamada less than the last episode. Sure, I still wanted to bitch-slap her when she was in the library and still had a haughty attitude towards hanging out with Kosuda, but I think the scene where they kissed and she ran away because she wasn't sure what to do redeemed her character a bit. It made me realize that she actually had no idea what she is doing, and her haughty self is just a front. She hasn't admitted to herself that she has feelings for him, but she is starting to realize something isn't right (to her).

    I agree with Bill though that eventually Kosuda should either reject or pause some of Yamada's advancements, stating he is unsure of their relationship, and wants to know how she truly feels... or something.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  4. #44
    B Gata H Kei manages to find a loophole in my irrational hatred for Tsundere's, by actually being the first show I've seen to adequately speak from the point of view of one. Yamada and Kosuda's date was completely messed up, with her walking around in front the whole time and Kosuda following around like a scared puppy dog. And then the sudden bouts of awkward intimacy that almost makes it obvious that she's only using him to get laid.

    Those two mixed together are sort of annoying for me, but I like that the show has already jumped to intimacy with sex (?) as the main goal, except for the typical romance that has expression of feelings as the main goal. (This is also why I like Arakawa, where they already begin on a relationship level).

    The best point of the show is when Kosuda realized he probably doesn't even have feelings for Yamada, that he's only doing all of this because she's hot. It seemed more like an actual realization than the sort of girly tsundere-like denial that Yamada is going through - a development that I quite liked.

    Oh and the 'plop' sound when he touched her other boob was hilarious. Such audacity! And then the realization that he can't actually feel anything, as well as Yamada's reactions via body language and Kosuda's complete misinterpretations of them.
    Last edited by Sapphire; Sun, 04-25-2010 at 11:30 AM. Reason: I thought her name was Yamato >.>
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  5. #45
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Your post made me realize that in some ways, Kosuda was asking himself wether he was with Yamada just for sex or not... Which is Yamada's objective as a front at least. Quite funny if you ask me.
    His reaction is very normal for a 15 years old guy, full or hormones, that would go anyways to get his first time... or not! Reminds me of these wonderful days when sex was in like 99% of my thoughts.

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  6. #46
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    He didn't realize he probably doesn't have feelings for her, he pondered whether his feelings were just based on her looks, or if he truly liked everything about her. He was getting ready to tell her he liked her, but he stopped because he wasn't sure of the basis for his feelings. But then they kissed, and his feelings were reaffirmed, hence his "I will follow you everywhere" bit.

    EDIT: David, you're fast. But, your post made me think about what you said (regarding his thoughts about sex). I guess an argument could be made that his realization of "like her just for her looks" relates to his wanting to have sex with her, thus mimicking the feelings of wanting to be with her, but I didn't delve at it that far.

    His realization that Yamada seems like she wants to have sex (cause he still doesn't know that's all she wants) was much later in the episode, and he was going to act based off that, until the camera people ruined the mood for them.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Alhuin View Post
    He didn't realize he probably doesn't have feelings for her, he pondered whether his feelings were just based on her looks, or if he truly liked everything about her. He was getting ready to tell her he liked her, but he stopped because he wasn't sure of the basis for his feelings. But then they kissed, and his feelings were reaffirmed, hence his "I will follow you everywhere" bit.
    I interpreted that as a more, "Who cares if I like her or not? She's hot as hell and I'm going to get some of that!" sort of reaction.
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  8. #48
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire View Post
    I interpreted that as a more, "Who cares if I like her or not? She's hot as hell and I'm going to get some of that!" sort of reaction.
    While that is a typical high school male reaction, I still believe that isn't the case for Kosuda. I mean, as Arch pointed out, he is completely unable to take advantage of opportunities that are presented to him (multiple times in this one episode), so I cannot see him being interested only in sex. Whereas Yamada physically states it, and attempts to place themselves in situations that could lead to sex, Kosuda has only ever just wanted to be with her, until her actions cause him to become aroused. If he seriously believed he just wanted to be with her for sex, I feel he would become a lot more forceful with her advances.

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  9. #49
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I don't know how it worked for you guys, but I remember I was totally overflown with sex thougts and aroused by anything related to women that had even a distant relation to sex.
    It was some kind of burning torment, always there, but as any other human being I was controling that through self control and social behaviour.
    I remember the first times I had opportunities and I was litteraly shaking, not knowing what to choose beetween the force keeping me civilised and social, or letting go of myself and having the hormones take over my body.
    I think of that as something funny nowadays, but at the time it was incredibly disturbing and powerful.
    Kosuda probably isn't as sexually obsessed as I was then -after all his brain is available for photography - but I can perfectly picture his mindset where he can't choose beetween his instincts and his reasoning, the easy way out being the usual question "Hey, am I even in love with her" when his body screams "WHO CARES YOU MORON!"

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  10. #50
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Psh, I'm still overflown with sex thoughts. >_>

    Anyways, like I said, all this applies to typical high school males... however, one thing we have learned from anime is that nothing is typical (unless you define a typical tsundere). So while there isn't enough evidence to point either way, I still say that, based on current events, there is more at work than just his hormones.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  11. #51
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    By the end, I believe he adopted the "Just do it" attitude.

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  12. #52

  13. #53
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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  14. #54
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Well even if Yamada keeps getting it wrong, at least Kosuda's happy about the fanservice this time to indicate things are moving along.

    I'm mildly surprised those two don't talk to each other much at all during school. I can see Yamada being all high 'n mighty while Kosuda's chickening out, but you'd think something would change after their kiss.

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  15. #55
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    What would they talk about? Yamada's head is full of unrealistic sex dreams 24/7 and Kosuda being a typical anime male lead wouldn't dream of talking about sex with a girl.

  16. #56
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    What would they talk about? Yamada's head is full of unrealistic sex dreams 24/7 and Kosuda being a typical anime male lead wouldn't dream of talking about sex with a girl.
    Well that's true. I was hoping something was going to follow up Yamada's fondness of Kosuda's photography, rather than simply realising he sees things in a different perspective.

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  17. #57
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    "Jane pretends to be indifferent, but she's nuts about Bob."

    loved this episode, but the CoalGuys were trolling us hard throwing in all those "him/his" when Glasses Girl was talking about bringing chocolate to the Kosuda household. it was strange that she referred to Kosuda's sisters as "Kosuda-kun" (then again, that's a girl who refers to herself with the Naruto / Bleach manliest 'ore'), but a good bit of misleading on their part there

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  18. #58
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It seems to me Glasses girl was really taking the chocolate to the Kosuda guy, not his sister. While it was indicated earlier she initially liked the sister, I think she has since shifted her attention to more hetero possibilities. So, I deem Coalguys decided to simply use "him" from the beginning of this episode, despite the fact it might kind of spoil later parts of the ep.

  19. #59
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Watching this episode sort-of made me cringe.

    First of all, I came to the realization of just how much time has passed since Kosuda and Yamada began... confusing one another. Didn't the anime start out at the beginning of the school year? I can only assume that's around August/September, and this episode took place around/on Valentine's day. You'd think with that much time, they would be in a slightly further position than having just kissed. The individual episodes make it seem like things start progressing quickly, but when you look at the entire timeframe, not much has happened at all.

    Secondly, I hated that Yamada didn't have a stronger reaction to hearing/seeing that Glasses girl made Kosuda an extravagant Valentine's cake. It's been hinted at several times that she has stronger feelings for Kosuda than just wanting to have sex with her, so seeing that competition, you'd think she would be hurt/afraid a bit more. I mean, when she thought they were dating, she couldn't sit still, and hated the thought of them being together. I guess maybe she thought she had Kosuda wrapped around her finger enough that Glasses girl's cake wouldn't sway him?

    Thirdly, I hated Kosuda's response when Yamada confronted him about liking girls with no underwear. Pulling from Archie and David above, no guy in their right mind would answer that with either a "No" or an "I don't know". The question wasn't instigating who he would like without underwear, it was simply ANY girl without underwear, and any healthy male (which Kosuda has demonstrated he is, even before this episode) would like that. Even if he was trying to demonstrate some self-control, or whatever, in front of her, he could have mentioned that the thought intrigues him, but he hadn't thought about it until she asked him. That at least gives the illusion that he likes it, but isn't a pervert.

    I've never been quite adept at criticizing a show, or putting exactly how I feel into words, but as much as it may seem that I hated this episode, I actually enjoyed it, overlooking the issues. Aside from one episode of Mai Hime, this is the only show I can think of with a female character coming to school without wearing any underwear, so it was nice to see something different, even though nothing really happened. And having Kosuda openly show his enjoyment of Yamada's body (even if he was alone) makes me feel like he might start being less reserved soon.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  20. #60
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhuin
    Thirdly, I hated Kosuda's response when Yamada confronted him about liking girls with no underwear. Pulling from Archie and David above, no guy in their right mind would answer that with either a "No" or an "I don't know". The question wasn't instigating who he would like without underwear, it was simply ANY girl without underwear, and any healthy male (which Kosuda has demonstrated he is, even before this episode) would like that. Even if he was trying to demonstrate some self-control, or whatever, in front of her, he could have mentioned that the thought intrigues him, but he hadn't thought about it until she asked him. That at least gives the illusion that he likes it, but isn't a pervert.
    I would have answered "I don't know"....

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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