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Thread: Manga: Triage X

  1. #1
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Manga: Triage X

    Triage X

    Xamayon released HQ scans of the first volume as a joint with StandAloneScans

    The same Author/Artist best known for High School of the Dead (and various hentai), so those familiar with him expect good art, lots of ecchi, and great action scenes.

    The story is about a vigilante group based in a hospital that come from a variety of backgrounds including a local high school and a hospital. They use some pretty powerful hardware, closer to a paramilitary group than a neighborhood watch. When someone is deemed a "cancer" to the city, they are sent out with orders for a Black Label "treatment" and deliver ruthless and swift "excision" of the offender. Of course nothing is quite that simple, and the story starts from there.

    The team is made up of one guy and five girls (no surprise there) and two more people supporting them from the base.

    I'm a fan of HSotD, and this is somewhat of a refreshing change from the despair that series offers. The action is good, the characters have a nice interplay with each other, and the antagonists are a good mix of irredeemable bastards and frustrated civil servants.

  2. #2
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    It isn't a bad read but it isn't anything to look forward too either

    The main character is pretty extreme and i can't say i don't enjoy that, the use of medical terms as a metaphor fits for the most part but i can see it getting pretty silly if they overdo it, the tsundere and the shy girl scenario is pretty cliché... well i don't have anything truly bad to say about except for the horrible way the artist draws breasts, they look like bananas

  3. #3
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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  4. #4
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The older team members are scary awesome. The super-strong nurse Hitsugi and Dr. Yuko (katana) particularly. Miki (sniper) is a little understated, but that fits well enough and her personality quirk of toying with Arashi and Mikoto was funny. I do like that at least Dr. Yuko's superhuman sword skills are meant to be tied to her skill as a surgeon/doctor.

    It's also pleasant that they three team members compliment each others' skills on both teams. For Zero, Yuko is close range, and Miki far, while Hitsugi covers mid range and support, they're a pretty straight-forward team. For One, Mikoto covers close-mid, Arashi shields her while additionally providing variable firepower with the shotgun, and Oriha covers the both of them from the shadows and provides clean-up. That way, the other two can drive their enemies into Oriha's traps.

    The one thing I was hoping to get out of this volume was maybe something about why the others, "have all faced death one way or another." Arashi's was pretty clear, but we haven't heard much about the others at all. I'm particularly curious on how Oriha ended up doing this.

    Mikoto is a pretty good tsundere, and she's surprisingly open about all of it (which Miki and the others take advantage of for their amusement). Arashi is dense enough that nothing will come of it for a while, but he does care about her.

    Lastly, the best part about this volume: Miki bitching about how long it would take to clean out Yuko's hair. Finally a series that recognizes that super long hair takes forever to wash, especially when it it full of blood and bits of people. A startling piece of realism in a series that relishes in over-the-top.

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