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Thread: Working!!

  1. #21
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Souma was messing with Satou. He knows that Satou likes Yachiyo, and rubs it in Satou's face constantly. Souma knows that the embarrassment will double if Satou is given both of Yachiyo's chocolates. The thought of what will happen makes him blush because he is a weirdo, not because he is attracted to Satou.

    As for the sisters, I preferred the opposite set. The drunk sister is great from all the teasing and poor behavior, and the youngest sister is 5'5" and 12 years old!! No wonder that Takanashi's reference frame for children's ages is 12. His sister hasn't "transitioned" over to evil like he views his other sisters. She doesn't set off his minicon fetish though because she's already gotten so tall.

    I thought the other two were pretty boring. It felt like the creators weren't sure what to do with a writer and a lawyer character, so they just said, "we'll just make them as [WRITER] and [LAWYER] as possible." It felt like they had no personality in comparison to the other two. Granted, we saw a lot more of the drunk sister and the younger sister than we did the lawyer and writer, so things could change.

    I did wonder why he was so afraid of getting hit in the face with a book when he's been thoroughly beaten, and particularly in the face, by Inami for weeks.

  2. #22
    Takanashi hasn't ever shown any indication that he enjoys being physically (or emotionally) abused, though we haven't seen him assaulted by a loli if my memory serves me. Whether it's a book from his sister or a fist from Inami they still appear to cause him pain which he would probably rather avoid if possible. I can buy him being so obsessed with the loliform that he'd suffer through Inami's psychosis in silence and keep working at the restaurant but at home he has less incentive to not resist abuse.

    The lawyer sister kind of disappointed me as she started out seeming like a stickler for the rules type when she threatened Takanashi for slander but then went and committed assault and battery which drew a laugh but ruined her credibility as a rule worshiper. Now I have her marked her as uptight and bitter about being christmas cake with selective interpretation of the law as her preferred instrument of her imposing her bitterness on others.

    I didn't see anything in the first sister that didn't fit the stereotypical [DRUNK SKANK] archetype to round out the [SOCIALLY INEPT AUTHOR] and [SERIOUS BITTER CHRISTMAS CAKE PROFESSIONAL] archetypes of the other two. I'm generally a fan of drunken, whorish characters even when they are abusive bitches and this one provided a pretty standard schtick of embarrassing the hell out of a friend or family member in front of their peers. As a bonus she provided an opportunity for Inami to fail a test of respectfulness. She could clearly see the sister tormenting Takanashi with something he didn't want shown and when it fell to the ground she made the choice to pick it up and look at it rather than just walking away and ignoring the situation (I'm not so cruel as to expect anyone to help a victim of a drunken sister attack). Good job Inami!

  3. #23
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  4. #24
    Man those subs had so many errors.

  5. #25
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus View Post
    Man those subs had so many errors.
    Yeah. I thought they would be better than that. (and from memory, I thought they WERE better.. ).

    Leaving "mobiles" (keitai) untranslated makes no sense.

    As for the episode, nothing much interested me. I wish Inami didn't get so much focus. It just gets boring that way.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  6. #26
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Well, they are named "Himatsubushi" which means "using up free time"...
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  7. #27
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

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  8. #28
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    It was a much more interesting episode with a change of location and character focus. Even the scenes featuring Inami were better since she doesn't hit someone Souta in a flustered way every 2 minutes.

    After this episode I still like watching Izumi the best, but Kozue's appeal is slowly rising since we got to look a bit past her drunken exterior. Despite all that though, Izumi's softly spoken, tired self is just fun to watch.

    Kazue having divoiced was both a surprise that should be expected. I can't imagine her with a man at all. At least, not one who'd have some sort of ruling personality. Guess all that "legal rights" stuff was a one-off thing too, but it could always be that she reserves that card for self defense only.

    And the Magic Hand? Where do I start? It was just awesome XD
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 05-11-2010 at 09:26 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #29
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    This episode was great.

    "I'm sorry i always rape him"

    I can imagine it being hilarious if Souta relationship with Inami from now on always involve the magic hand. Inami is definitely more likable when she's not decking people 24/7.

    I like that Nazuna has total control over the others.

  10. #30
    The episode wasn't particularly funny or anything but I really enjoyed it.

    I really liked Kozue, despite her falling under the drunk slut archetype, I just find her very endearing. I liked Izumi, too. She's just too cute for a gloomy character.

    To be honest the Takanashi family is more interesting than the Working! crew at this point which might be remedied by the new character ala the preview. I wouldn't mind watching a Slice-of-life dedicated to the family alone.

  11. #31
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Yeah, the Takanashi family is one of the better parts of the series. I was very amused by Izumi not actually standing, or Kazue and Izumi's various exchanges (either about being weak or being divorced and scary). Nazuna being the Queen of the house was great too. Like animus, I also find Kozue endearing. She's a drunk, but Souta is still her one and only little brother. She dotes on him to a point, and depends on him a great deal as well. Her getting upset enough to smash his door but the be dissuaded by the bunny she bought him was cute.

    I also found a strange allure to the relationship between Takanashi and Inami. The rape line was really funny, but the whole interplay with the Magic Hand is rather interesting. He uses it to keep himself safe from harm, and Inami in turn is both pleased and really annoyed at it. She is even more embarrassed that she has to hold 'hands' with a plastic grabber. It jabs right at her frustration that she can't get over her androphobia and has to rely on a plastic device to get close to anyone. On the other hand, it shows that Takanashi is putting forth a great level of effort to stay on good terms with her and not have to avoid her. That has to piss her off at least a little, if not incite her guilt.

    He's also probably the only man to ever know her well enough to give her a gift. She was super embarrassed, but wears them anyway. She might be unrealistically violent, but in the end, she is just really really really really shy.

    edit: I must have watched Izumi crawling away in fear from Kazue a dozen times.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Thu, 05-13-2010 at 06:44 PM.

  12. #32
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

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  13. #33
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Hah, even Otoo seems to know he's too nice for his own good, but can't do anything about it.

    Love it how Popura's Satou's anger indicator. The completely took it out on her this time.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #34
    Working Episode 8 - Himatsubushi

    What a bait and switch. I am disappoint.

  15. #35
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus View Post
    Working Episode 8 - Himatsubushi

    What a bait and switch. I am disappoint.
    All we got were feet.

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  16. #36
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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  17. #37
    Pretty awesome episode for the 1st half. Hearing Fukuyama Jun trying to do the girly voices gave me the creeps.

    Anyways, next episode is starring Nazuna. Too bad it's not another Takanashi Household episode, but it'll have to do. I'm guessing there aren't gonna be any more of those, unfortunately. I read some of the scans of the 4koma manga and the sisters get more development there.

  18. #38
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    That's some pretty twisted parenting there. I was aching for Takanashi to say something, and I think he got let off a bit too easily.

    When "Dad" first commented that Takanashi was a girl, he seemed like such the overprotective type that he'd "test" him out. He still kinda did, but not physically.

    Damn Yamada for not having a black wig. I thought Takanashi was pretty smoking hot with this lighting + glasses:

    I'm actually not that convinced that it's him, but I can't think of who else that person could be. (how does pink + orange = purple/black?)

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #39
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I thought Takanashi was pretty smoking hot with this lighting + glasses:

    I'm actually not that convinced that it's him, but I can't think of who else that person could be. (how does pink + orange = purple/black?)
    It's not. That is the other worker listed as Matsumoto Maya. She doesn't have a seiyuu because she never has any lines. You can usually see her in the background in a lot of episodes.

    Little Inami was really cute though. "You were raising me just to rape me?" was priceless.

    This episode turned Inami from some irrational violent psychopath into a victim of truly horrible parenting. The weights in all of her belongings giving her her berserker strength, and the 10 years of effort that went into it from the various gifts given slips into the disturbing territory. I imagined him sending her feminist exploitation movies from the 70s.

    Ootsuka Houchuu (Jiraiya, kitten raper from FMP, etc) was a treat as her father.

    Since Popura doesn't express any interest in Takanashi, I guess it is fitting that they are starting to push Takanashi and Inami together. He's really gone a long way now in helping her out, now going as traumatizing himself again crossdressing, and frequently interacting with her via the claw. He's probably one of the only men that can actually touch her without her freaking out. Here, he even grabbed her and covered her mouth!

    We can only hope that his sister Kozue doesn't find out he was crossdressing again. She would surely get all excited (while drunk) and squeal with joy all over the place. I'm sure that a number of the girls and especially Souma have a bunch of pictures of "Kotori" now.

    Looking forward to more Nazuna. She's sure to figure out that Inami is now in love with him.


    I forgot to note that one of the more amusing parts was that Yachiyo certainly saw "Kotori" first, but only had a shocked expression when Kyouko spat out part of her parfait.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 05-31-2010 at 08:07 AM.

  20. #40
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    [Nipponsei] Working!! Original Soundtrack

    I gave Saitei subs a try, and I don't recommend them.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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