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Thread: Working!!

  1. #1


    From ANN:

    In the story, a high school freshman named Sōta Takanashi (Jun Fukuyama) works part-time among the restaurant's high-spirited, eccentric, yet cool staffers. Yoshimasa Hiraike (Kaleido Star, Sketchbook ~full color'S~, Solty Rei)

    Episode 1:
    Last edited by TheBladeChild; Sun, 03-07-2010 at 08:21 PM.
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

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  2. #2
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    This episode was freaking hilarious. This reminds me of Seitokai no Ichizon, yet mixed with some Durarara and minus the parodies and mystery. This is definitely a must watch for me in the coming season.

    I really like Jun Fukuyama's voice when he isn't acting all insane and evil. While Lelouch is still my favorite role for him, Gauche and Souta are very nice on the ears.

    The store manager was bad ass. I like the front kick then the cellphone scene, but I am glad that she still has a female side despite her attitude. She is definitely my favorite character so far.

    So far, the only character I am not liking is the girl with androphobia. I generally don't like shy characters much, but when mixed with random violence, lots of noise and a pretty boring character design, then she loses a lot of points.

    Minicon eh? Interesting if any romance will actually develop in this show, or if it will stick to comedy.
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  3. #3
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    m.3.3.w - Yuurisan - Episode 01


    Hilarious stuff, as Shinta said. I loved the scenes with the manager.

    The names are so confusing in this show, and I bet it's on purpose. There's a Souta, a Satou and Souma?

    I was expecting the katana to make its way into that delinquent scene, but it seems that mystery will have to wait.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 03-19-2010 at 03:24 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  4. #4
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
    Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)

  5. #5
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A better, under 12 years old version:

    Episode 2 - Yus-m33w

  6. #6
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I actually watched Chihiro's version, which surprisingly wasn't as bad as what I thought it would be. They've improved.

    As for the episode, wasn't as funny as the first one, but still quite enjoyable.

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  7. #7
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I hope the show shifts focus away from the violent girl. I generally dislike slapstick, and that is pretty much all she is worth.
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  8. #8
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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  9. #9
    I really despise characters like Inami in fiction. If the schtick was she hit Takanashi reflexively and then he hit her back and they got into fights all the time I might find it funny but with her just beating on him while he is encouraged by the entire cast to shut up and take it from her without complaint makes it less funny and more irritating. It also stretches the imagination that she hasn't managed to hit any male customers yet seems to almost go out of her way to him him.

    Since I doubt she's going anywhere I can only hope they keep on the track of explaining away her violence as a coping mechanism for budding romantic feelings. That way I can try to savor the split second after she confesses to him and he rejects her with crushing finality but before she punches him through the roof while everyone laughs.

  10. #10
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura View Post
    I really despise characters like Inami in fiction. If the schtick was she hit Takanashi reflexively and then he hit her back and they got into fights all the time I might find it funny but with her just beating on him while he is encouraged by the entire cast to shut up and take it from her without complaint makes it less funny and more irritating. It also stretches the imagination that she hasn't managed to hit any male customers yet seems to almost go out of her way to him him.
    There is a difference between Takanashi and male customers. He actively antagonizes her verbally.

    I'm not really sure which one of the others pointed it out, it might have been Poplar, but the others caught on that he is making it worse for himself by always verbally attacking Inami. They believed it was because he was trying to help her get over her androphobia, but the truth is that he hates her because she is older than 12 years old (and not Poplar).

    So I wouldn't really say he's just taking it without complaint. He's certainly starting it. I agree that it is a miracle she hasn't hit anyone before he started there for her to release it on, but that may just be excellent shift and table management by Yachiyo and Kyouko.

  11. #11
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #12
    Ryllharu are you saying that it's Takanashi 's fault that he is constantly being hit whenever this girl sees him? Because he doesn't like her and doesn't pretend that he does it's on him that he gets physically assaulted repeatedly? I have trouble both seeing how your explanation applies to the situation and how it is relevant to the issue of the acceptability of her behavior by the rest of the cast.

    On one hand even when he doesn't say anything to her she hits him such as when she first saw him and knew nothing about him or his feelings towards her. It seems to me that he doesn't have to say anything to her to elicit a violent action from her which makes me doubt that he is actively 'making' her hit him.

    On the other hand how can you defend physical abuse on the order of punching in the face as a response/reaction to verbal 'abuse' on the order of not being tactful. I'm certainly not nominating Takanashi for man of the year but from what I've seen of his comments towards her never seemed to cross any boundaries that should exist within a free society. Inami, however, should be behind bars or in a mental institution (preferably with bars) as far as I'm concerned. Responding to nonthreatening verbal stimulation with physical aggression is a sign of a serious mental problem and the cast seems to behave as if they understand this, but they treat it about as importantly as they might an 18 year old who still sucks their thumb. One of the most worrisome things about Inami is that she seems to blame her victims for 'making' her hit them more than or instead of showing remorse that she harmed or wants to harm them for nothing other than being male.

    Imagine a gender flipped version of this scenario where a guy felt that a woman didn't like him, based in part on her openly stating the fact repeatedly, and he reacted by hitting that women every chance he got. Do you think the people around these two should condone the guys behavior with infinite patience while advising the woman to bear with it and try to get the guy to like her more?

    I understand that in the frame of reference of the show this is all just fun and lulz and that women hitting men is meaningless no matter how many times it happens. I think it irks me most that the other cast members acknowledge that it's a bad thing for Inami to hit men for nothing but they don't seem to see it as a big deal and never go beyond encouraging her to stop on her own.

  13. #13
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    A bit of an overreaction of your own here...
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura View Post
    Ryllharu are you saying that it's Takanashi 's fault that he is constantly being hit whenever this girl sees him? Because he doesn't like her and doesn't pretend that he does it's on him that he gets physically assaulted repeatedly? I have trouble both seeing how your explanation applies to the situation and how it is relevant to the issue of the acceptability of her behavior by the rest of the cast.

    On one hand even when he doesn't say anything to her she hits him such as when she first saw him and knew nothing about him or his feelings towards her. It seems to me that he doesn't have to say anything to her to elicit a violent action from her which makes me doubt that he is actively 'making' her hit him.

    On the other hand how can you defend physical abuse on the order of punching in the face as a response/reaction to verbal 'abuse' on the order of not being tactful.[redacted]


    [redacted]I think it irks me most that the other cast members acknowledge that it's a bad thing for Inami to hit men for nothing but they don't seem to see it as a big deal and never go beyond encouraging her to stop on her own.
    Yes, it is his fault that he is getting hit more instead of customers or the other male workers. He is egging her on. He even actively encouraged her to get it out on him instead of her attacking the general manager while convincing her that he is more air than he is a man. She was hiding behind him casually before he reminded her.

    At the beginning, she was shocked enough to see him that she lashed out. Toward the end of her episode (eps 2), he is quite actively harassing her verbally. He denounces her repeatedly, snaps at her for getting his name wrong, calls her unfit for work more than once, and so on.

    It's not acceptable behavior, nor did I ever mention it was, and even Inami herself thinks so. The cast all acknowledges it is a problem, but so far she hasn't hit any customers (by miracle or by Yachiyo's dutiful work). Kyouko doesn't care, she'll just use her gang to find new customers.

    They haven't been able to stop it because most of them are girls (or kitchen staff who are out of range behind the counter). She's been trying to get past it, but it is such a comedic extreme level of fear that she can't. She has also displayed willpower to avoid it when she is forced to deal with male customers. But it isn't excessively unwarranted. She doesn't run up to him when they are across the room from each other and beat him up. Either she is surprised as they meet around a corner, or he verbally provokes her in some manner or another.

    Would you be decrying with such vigor any other character who shares the similar behavior? Almost every female cast of an ecchi series has the violent overreaction character type. Hell, pretty much every Kugimiya Rie character shares that sort of behavior. Akane Tendo, Narusegewa, it has been going on for decades. I find Inami's version particularly amusing (moreso than the standard megaton punch character) because due to her job it is such a hilarious handicap. It is a miracle she still has a job, and that contributes to the humor.

  14. #14
    Maybe you and Japan's audience finds it endearing and funny, but I'm with Yuki in that her character is so ridiculous her punchline (heh) got old really quickly. I don't have have a problem with tsundere characters punching someone after a “Kyaaaa!” moment because that's usually just one facet of their character. However, Inami's sole characterisation is her deathly fear of men and need to lay hooks and gut shots into them. She's not apologetic about it either. The only recompense she's even made is along the lines of "I know I shouldn't be like this."

  15. #15
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Working!! episode 4

    Quote Originally Posted by animus View Post
    I don't have have a problem with tsundere characters punching someone after a “Kyaaaa!” moment because that's usually just one facet of their character. However, Inami's sole characterisation is her deathly fear of men and need to lay hooks and gut shots into them.
    I'm sorry, I don't really see the difference in a "Kyaa" reaction punch and Inami's behavior. If you want to argue that Inami's kind of violence is wrong, it doesn't really fit, since they're the same. The other is almost always a misunderstanding. Inami gets startled by a man, she decks him.

    If one is acceptable, why exactly is Inami an exception?
    She's not apologetic about it either. The only recompense she's even made is along the lines of "I know I shouldn't be like this."
    She apologizes quite a bit actually.

    By the way, episode 4 is out.

    [FFFpeeps] Working!! - 04[480p]
    [FFFpeepsremuxed] Working!! - 04 [720p]

  16. #16
    Not that it has anything to do with this issue but I have, on multiple occasions, mentioned my general dislike for the character trait of female characters repeatedly responding to non-threatening stimuli from characters, particularly male characters, with fierce aggressive action. I may not have articulated the fact that the implicit acceptance of this behavior as acceptable by the other cast members is a part of the irritation. If it only happens once or twice I can generally laugh it off as a joke, but when it is portrayed as an integral to the personality of the character it stops being entertaining to me and starts being irritating unless there is an effort made in the narrative to show that this behavior is unacceptable or at least has negative consequences.

    EDIT: My irritation is directly proportional to the perceived 'realism' of the setting in which the behavior is taking place. I can pretty much see Working!! happening in real life if you get enough mentally troubled people together in one place.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Mon, 04-26-2010 at 06:24 PM.

  17. #17
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Upon watching episode 4, I take back some of what I said Yuki.

    But Souma totally got what was coming to him.

  18. #18
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    While I hate Inami and nonsensical tsundere physical violence in general, I found some of the punch gags in this episode quite funny, like when when she explained how she was just hiding embarrassment in her last punch.

    I also really enjoyed how she beat the shit out of Souma. I hate characters like Souma. I just feel that it is so easy to beat him at his own game yet no one seems to try.

    The chef (Satou?) is easily one of my favorite characters in this show, because he is quite normal and is generally a nice guy. It is odd to say that it is refreshing, but against the backdrop of the other characters, it really is. I guess that is the appeal of Working! anyway.
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  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I'm sorry, I don't really see the difference in a "Kyaa" reaction punch and Inami's behavior. If you want to argue that Inami's kind of violence is wrong, it doesn't really fit, since they're the same. The other is almost always a misunderstanding. Inami gets startled by a man, she decks him.

    If one is acceptable, why exactly is Inami an exception?

    She apologizes quite a bit actually.

    By the way, episode 4 is out.

    [FFFpeeps] Working!! - 04[480p]
    [FFFpeepsremuxed] Working!! - 04 [720p]
    The difference being that it happens in moderation, whereas with Inami, that's all there is to her character. I didn't say it's necessarily wrong comparitively speaking, just that it's irritating because at least for me she wore out nearly all her "Oh she hit him, lol." reactions.

  20. #20
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I'm just waiting to see when Inami would stop hitting Takanashi, so he'd be the only one to ever be excepted.

    I enjoyed seeing the sisters. Not so much the drunk one, but the novelist and lawyer were pretty entertaining to watch. The lawyer in particular got me cracking with her Are you infringing my rights? and That's slander if you were heard in public, all while hurling her book at her brother. Hopefully we won't see too much of her to keep it all fresh though, unlike Inami's case.

    And what was with:

    1) Souma (seemingly indirectly) giving chocolates to Satou, and
    2) Souma blushing while peeking at Satou in the staff-room?


    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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