What does everyone think about the anime selection on Hulu, or any other mainstream streaming sites?

I was browsing the recently added section, and to my shock, the first 26 episodes of Soul Eater were already on there. Not only does Hulu have popular anime like FMA: Brotherhood, Bleach, and Inuyasha, but they even had some selections that I would consider at least mildly underground like Ikkitousen and Ergo Proxy. I am impressed with every new title they bring in, and it seems that Hulu is only increasing in momentum. The subs are still ugly of course, but they seem to be at least somewhat attuned to the desired titles of their audience.

These people seem to be on top of things. Is this a representation of how anime is increasing in popularity, or has the streaming industry just now caught on to a simmering market of anime and otakuness that no one else bothered tapping in to?

What does everyone think?