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Thread: Naruto Chapter 482

  1. #1
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Naruto Chapter 482


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    Last edited by Marik; Wed, 02-10-2010 at 03:02 PM.

  2. #2
    That dumb bitch.

    It better be her plan, and I hope it backfires. Then her, Sasuke, and Sai end up dead in a ditch.

  3. #3
    Why Sai? He has the least to do with this Sasuke bullshit but he's been stepping up to the plate to do something to at least help Naruto.

  4. #4
    Sai's just a terrible character. And I predict with Danzou dead, he's not going to amount to much in the future either knowing Kishimoto.

    Kishi has no idea what to do anything besides his lovechild, Sasuke.

  5. #5
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Sai's ink clone is kind of cool. So is Madara's mausoleum of Uchiha.

    How did Sasuke do the Shishi Rendan during the forest of death part of the Chuunin exam? He learned that from Lee, after the forest of death part.
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  6. #6
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    No he learned it before the written exam when Lee and he fought the first time. He just didn't show it until the third exam. His fight was the first in the third exam and he didn't see Lee fight a single time between since he was out cold when Lee came to defend Sakura & Co. And Lee got beaten before Sasuke woke up.

    So he must have used the time between the first exam and the third to think up that move..

  7. #7
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Yup, called it, treacherous bitch, murder her. Though to Sasuke's credit, he's quite the fucking ladies man, I'm a little jealous. This guy does nothing whatsoever, at all, nada con nada to lead these girls to believe there's anything between he and they. Yet, he becomes a freaking god worthy of worship and all manner of sacrifices in the eyes of these pathetic excuses for females. Is it bad writing? Or maybe it's Sasuke's version of Naruto's power to be able to make friends out of anyone? Looks like Sasuke trumps our favorite idiot once again xD.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by TwisT
    No he learned it before the written exam when Lee and he fought the first time. He just didn't show it until the third exam. His fight was the first in the third exam and he didn't see Lee fight a single time between since he was out cold when Lee came to defend Sakura & Co. And Lee got beaten before Sasuke woke up.

    So he must have used the time between the first exam and the third to think up that move..
    Except he only learned Shadow Dance from Lee (the move where you teleport behind the opponent).

    Shishi Rendan is his silly combo he used after Shadow Dance. And the first time he used it was during the exhibition matches.

  9. #9
    Naruto catches up with them then starts a fight. That's all I want. Sakura gets in the way right at the beginning and gets 1 shotted.

  10. #10
    Sakura must not be interested in ranking on the character popularity polls lately is she?

  11. #11
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    maybe she's just pulling-a-sasuke, and once she earns his trust she's gonna turn on him and kill him?

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  12. #12
    at least sasuke is almost out of chakra

  13. #13
    I thought this chapter was pretty neat. Finally we see some Naruto after his panic attack, Madara and what looks like his Uchiha museum, Sai willing to face all 3 of them, Sasuke with the intention to finish Karin, Naruto escaping and headed after Kakashi/Sakura and Sakura with the intention of leaving Konoha. It would actually be awesome if she actually preferred Sasuke to Konoha, and not some stupid tactic to get him later on.

  14. #14
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I hate Kishimoto.

  15. #15
    Did not see the ending of the chapter coming, honestly, I thought Sakura had a better grip on reality. I hope she has some plan and is lying (like she has been the last few chapters) to do something. But I suspect Naruto will intercept them leaving and sh!t will hit the fan. next chapter will be good (I hope).

    (the collection of Uchiha eyes was creepy and foreboding)
    Tra la la la la! Why do I need a reason?

  16. #16
    last page literally made me laugh out loud. I needed that, especially after the new bleach chapter.

    but I kinda hope sakura is serious about it. maybe she will become more interesting. I was quite surprised she said that, altho I know I prolly shouldn't have been. I can't see sasuke being interested in accepting her offer tho.

  17. #17
    Between this week's Bleach and Naruto, I can't tell which was worse.

  18. #18
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    plot aside, that was completely from the left field.
    when did Karin get captured by the Orochimaru team? she obviously wasn't one of them during the Chunin exam, and after that, Orochimaru was mostly involved in molding Sasuke.
    it always seemed like she was an old-timer at the freak camp.
    It's not impossible, but since nobody ever cared to establish how she got there, it seemed like Kishi just made it up now..

    speaking of which, what about Juugo? he's the source of the curse seal, he's around 16? Anko had the seal before Orchi escaped the leaf (or right around that time, probably?), so Juugo has been, what, two years old?

    I'm all in for the girls switchroo, Sasuke and Sakura deserve each other. Karin deserves better.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  19. #19
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Actually, I think Juugo is older than Sasuke. I forgot where they hinted at it, but I am pretty sure he is an adult.

  20. #20
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    No surprise here. Sakura will attempt to assassinate Sasuke. Only thing is that Sasuke won't fall for it...... at least he better not. Knowing the shitty writing that's been happening, he very well could. But yeah, he won't fall for it, owns Sakura, then Naruto comes to save her from Sasuke.

    @DBZ, lol at they both deserve each other. So funny and true. Sakura's character is completely destroyed. She needs to die as well.

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