I love Zanki. I hope she gets more screen time, but Togame just had to spoil it.
I love Zanki. I hope she gets more screen time, but Togame just had to spoil it.
i'm not really a big fan of the whole 'i am the descendant of... and so i possess ...'s secrets and this will be % relevant to our fateful fight/encounter' it was interesting (and makes tons of sense) that Kyoutoryuu itself is a Deviant Blade. of course, the interesting question is whether it has any 'poison' at all, or if, being made after the 12 swords, it's only weakness is being a human rather than a sword...
i thought the holy man was a bit annoying, and i always find most philosophical, soul-searching episodes to be a bit empty, because the characters will inevitably stick to their old ways for the sake of continuing the relationship with the viewer, and the lessons they've learned will only flare up to give them a decisive advantage in X/Y/Z fight/encounter, along with an annoying "there's something i've learned along the way, and it's blahblahblah" speeches.
i'm more interested in seeing us get down to business with Houou, the Masked Guy, and Shichika.
and, yeah, it doesn't make any sense for Hitei to not know about Togame's personal history. so many others knew about it...
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
I think Shichika has poisoned Togame more than enough. A swordsman that loves her blade as she does can only be seen as already poisoned. She might even be able to sacrifice her limbs, her goal, or maybe even her life for her sword in the future (if not now), acts that are unimaginable for a normal user and blade.
Whether that's deviant poison or simply a woman falling for a man is another question. Zanki spent plenty of time with Shichika and also had physical contacts with him, but hardly resisted when he left with Togame.
I can't really consider Shichika's hypothetical poison a relevant question since he's still a human, even if Shikizaki Kiki was around to manipulate the birth of the Kyoutoryuu line.
What I mean is, the very fact that Shichika is human is the poison. It is because he is a human sword that his user Togame fell in love with him.
I was speaking in a figurative sense rather than a mystical sense when I used the term poison, but I bet that is what the author is going for as well.
well, you've just earned about all the insight points i could have awarded on this subject. i was thinking that "shichika's 'poison' is his humanity" but i always seem to forget that it's Togame who is wielding him, and that she would be the one affected by it, not him. guess i'm always thinking of the actual combat, and not really the stuff that goes on on the sidelines...
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Zanki would not have been affected by the poison as she never was the wielder... she was always fighting against Shichika. Even when they last trained and she showed quite a bit of control there.
About that last training, anyone felt Shichika was barely defending himself and she was really near being stronger/better than he is, when she's not a specialist in kyoutoryu and he trained so hard from a very young age?
That was to my eyes quite a problem, a hint that our perception of Shichika's strenght is probably higher than its actual worth... When he was against Nanami or the amazingly strong little girl, you could always have said that those were particular cases of monstruous gift.
But Zanki is hasn't been depicted as particularly strong/gifted. She trained hard in her own art, yes, but that doesn't explain why she was so near Shichika's level. Also, I found her comment on her limits a tad fishy... or maybe even ironic. Telling Shichika it is better to stop there before she puts him to shame.
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
Zanki was pretending. She herself admitted she was desperate in that short exchange. The reason she looked so composed was because she was trying her best to put up a front. It is not in her personality to lie about her actions either. If it had gone on longer (probably in the very next clash), Shichika would have wiped the floor with her. That is probably the reason she admitted defeat at that point.
Still, Shichika thought he lost to her at that time, or my memory isn't good enough?
Did that exchange seem dangerous enough for him to feel that way?
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
He lost as a swordsman (when he fought her while using a shinai). He isn't a swordsman though. He can't even hold a sword and walk properly.
After that, he wasn't even given a chance to give her the same kind of beating in his own turf because Kiguchi was smart enough to quit while she is ahead. I can't blame him for feeling defeated.
Shichika of the old would have likely given her a much worse beating. Now he's half sword - half human at best or worst, however you look at it. He can't anymore enter every brawl like a fight to death of an utmost importance (and no regard whatsoever to the life of the opponent). He didn't want to kill Zanki, I reckon, and that somewhat lessened his skills in that particular fight.
And yeah, Shinta, I get your point about the poison now. I agree.
If it was the old Shichika, Zanki would probably be dead in the very first grab move that Shichika landed. The sword Shichika would never let an enemy live (or even see any reason to do so unless ordered by Togame) given such an opening.
I'm glad for his change though. I love Kiguchi too much to let Shichika kill her like he did my other Katanagatari favorite (Nanami).
I'm sorry, are you really counting Love as a poison?![]()
Yes, figuratively. I'm sure you know what I mean when I say it was the author's intent rather than it being a mystical power like the other swords.
What if it had been a dude to pick up Shichika then?
Katanagatari no Pico?
They would be best friends. Attachment is not restricted to romance you know.
Hey, you were the one who started using the world love.
If you had said obsession i might have agreed but i just can't see how Love can be viewed as a poison regardless of your perspective. Not the pure kind they both seem to have anyway.
The only one who has ruined herself with her blade was Nanami and that's only because it was her intention all along.
The poison itself refers to how their wielders will do anything to keep the blade to themselves, ruin may come from that fact but it's usually happening around them as opposed to directly to them.
How does love not make you do anything within you power and beyond to keep the target of your love? Whole wars have been fought over love.