Well i just got absolutely butt mangled by Tryndamere... how the fuck do you deal with that guy?
Well i just got absolutely butt mangled by Tryndamere... how the fuck do you deal with that guy?
Most Tryndamere will build full damage and hit like a truck. Since they don't build defense, just make him waste his ult early and then CC him for the 5 seconds duration. His early game is also garbage so any strong laner can just completely shut him down from farming and prevent him from getting enough gold to be a threat.
Wow, obviously low level game - Yi with Archangel's staff, garren with inf edge as 1st item... damn. oh and chog with revive.
Arch - you are playing on EU west right? if so add me ('Xelbair' obviously).
Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?TOX: 33524385841A92B08787EEBEBA2DB51ED293C4F15A2E292F3F C92165E82388281433A77EA8FE
Sent the inv
Lets go a round Xel, i'm sure you could teach me a thing or 2
Played just enough ranked games this season to get a rating showing.
Not fun I tell you. My 10th game I went 16-4 as Graves, but lost. If this was DoTA, would've been over way earlier. Team game or not, people can just be so straight up bad at video games.
Why isn't a player that left replaced with a bot or something? It's utterly impossible to recuperate if the other team is halfway decent.
interesting thought, but a bot would, in most cases, be a hindrance and just end up feeding the team more. I'd rather play a 4v5 then a 5v5 with a feeder.
If your team cooperates and knows what they'er doing a 4v5 game is very salvageable. Just a few days ago i won a 4v5 game after our tank left and both the nexus turrets were down. All it takes is one ace and then you push for victory.
A lot of the Co-OP AI bots are actually like a lot better than a surprising amount of the population that play LoL. It's kinda sad.
Lets say that bot is programed to play defensively then. This is just food for thought though, i just find the current solution ( not having one ) quite shitty.
Oh and by the way, is it common for my team to assume i should solo the mid lane even when the other team has 2 bitches on it? It's not like i can't manage but i hate playing next to the turrets and usually get my ass kicked when they're both good. If one's fooder i'm golden, but if they're both decent then i'm fucked.
My record was to win a 3v5 game. i was fed as hell as heimer, so i could defend 2 lanes at once. 2 of my friends kept defending the other lane, after we aced the enemy team i went and popped a ward near their base. then went back, defend a bit, and when they started a heavy push i left my mates to defend and teleported to ward -> killed turret near their inhi then inhi and went back. i did that one more time and we won. 5 hits more for them on our nexus and we would lose.
Ark - you'll learn how to handle solo line vs 2, it rarely happens on mid later. they have less exp than you so use it to your advantage.
Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?TOX: 33524385841A92B08787EEBEBA2DB51ED293C4F15A2E292F3F C92165E82388281433A77EA8FE
Arch: The typical setup is two top, one mid, two bot. Once you get to the higher levels though, the typical setup is one top, one mid, two bot, one jungle. But yes, to answer your question, mid lane is supposed to be a solo lane.
It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.
Oh... they get less exp? I didn't know that
Guess i'll defend till 6 then, when i have my ultimate and they don't they should be easy pickings
You should focus on last hitting. Even if they play correctly and it's 1v1 in mid, the best thing to do is focus on last hitting. You get better exp and better gold. And, if you just last hit, you can keep your minions from pushing too far out into the lane to where you are vulnerable to ganks.
Of course, you're still probably in your early levels, so it probably won't make much of a difference. But it's always best to start practicing it earlier. When it comes to defense, by the way... let the tower hit the melee minions twice then you should be able to get the last hit. Caster minions are a bit more tricky... but something like, hit it once, let tower hit it once, then hit it again will probably work.
Oh... if someone's being stupid and you can get a kill, by all means go for it. Harassing is great as well, but not at the expense of missing last hits.
It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.
You could do a few things. If you are a strong mid that can clear lanes fast and safely (Morgana, Anivia, etc.) then you can probably hold that 1v2 fine. Or if you're a rather weak mid lane have one of your team mates that's in a 2v1, come up to make it a 1v1 in the lane they left and 2v2 for you mid.
Or if they foolishly put 2 mid and have a weak solo against YOUR duo, use that to your advantage.
Another thing 1v2 mid is quite different from 1v2 top. It's pretty easy to zone someone out from getting exp top if it's a 1v2 lane and the 2's are stronger to remove the exp advantage. That's almost impossible at mid due to the short range.
While they might still be able to prevent you from getting gold via last hitting, you can still keeping the exp advantage. Most champions with ultimate at level 6 will be able to beat 2 weaker level 4 unless it's some annoying combo. Then again, most competent players won't consider sending 2 mid so that shouldn't be a problem.
plus with Ashe you can last hit and harass at once with her Volley if you time it well.
Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?TOX: 33524385841A92B08787EEBEBA2DB51ED293C4F15A2E292F3F C92165E82388281433A77EA8FE
Man I only got this game a few days ago and I'm REALLY BAD! Anyone got any tips? :P And what characters are good? I'm lucky if I get a kill a game, and a couple of assists.
10 champions rotate weekly that are free to play. If you go to your summoner profile, to the champions tab, and check the box labeled "recommended", that will give you an idea of which champions to try out while you're still learning the ropes. After a few weeks of rotations, and several games under your belt, you'll get a good feel for what you like to play. Commonly, Ashe is the champion of choice for new players, as she is the tutorial champion, and she's a badass archer. But Ryze, Yi, and Nunu are pretty common as well.
It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.
With Ashe, if the enemy team isn't aware of just how squishy you are then you'll be making the lanes, turrets and enemy champions your personal bitches. If they do, you'll have to play defensively but probably still do fine.