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Thread: Game: League of Legends (It's free!)

  1. #581
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    No, I actually build the Spectral Wraith item on him. Seems legit. I've actually moved away from Madred's on several junglers now. I still think it's the best choice for clearing fast, and very cost efficient if you don't need the max level Spirit Stone items... but I've learned to spread out a bit. I tried the Lizard Elder item on Hec the other day and I wasn't that impressed. Probably due to all the nerfs like I mentioned before.

    Zac's passive has saved me so many times. I've only had a couple instances where my teammates forgot about it; one time I even came one blob away from death by minions because my Lux left me thinking I was dead. The sad part about it was we were on Skype and I was like "Come back and help me" and they still left. Lack of awareness for the lose.... >_>

    League has been pissing me off recently, honestly. I tried taking a week break, but that hasn't helped much. I'm looking to get back into an mmo or something for now.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  2. #582
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    So, League still pisses me off, but with the Freljord event going on, I have to take part in all the action. Going to give my opinions on all the new stuff. Walls of text incoming; TL;DR at bottom.

    First off, Lissandra seems broken. Crazy ass damage and cc. Probably going to be hit with the nerf bat before next patch. This is based off what I've seen in other games though; I haven't played her since I can't afford her yet. I can't decide if I like her or not.

    The new ARAM map. I love that they added this to matchmaking so you actually get more IP and a lot less dodges, but there are still several things I don't like about it. Starting from the beginning, it's blind random. Kinda makes the reroll feature pointless if you don't know what you're facing. The picks also don't seem very random. Ignoring the bad luck I have of getting the no tank team (even after rerolls) and having to face the all tank team 4 times, I've had to face a team with Malphite, Udyr and/or Olaf (at least two of those) in each game I've played so far. I'm going to play more today, so hopefully that experience will change, but so far the picks seem catered to certain champs (those three aren't the only examples). The map itself is beautiful, but I have some problems with it's design. The shop keeper apparently locks out at a smaller distance than the old proving grounds map. It seems like if you go past the nexus, you're locked out. This might be the intended design function, and I can probably get used to, but it's annoying right now. The wind effects and color scheme of the ground makes me lose focus on my character and some abilities. I played Amumu one game (the only game I won) and could never tell if my W was on or not at certain points. And I lose track of my character nearly every couple of minutes that action is going on. I just think there might be too much happening on the map. The last thing I'm disliking about the map is the tracking of wins/losses. This is more a personal dislike, as I'm very very particular about my wins in matchmade games. I hate to lose, and I hate losing even more if my losses are anywhere near my wins. This map is now another map that I will grind on just to try and make my wins surpass my losses by a large amount, only to become utterly infuriated at the inability to make a difference all because the "random" usually favors one team to be better, thus there is honestly nothing that can be done. Three different modes, three different reasons why I can't get my wins up, three times the rage. Anyone may feel free to comment differently, but I've been playing this game for three years, so I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about when it comes to my games. But that's a different topic altogether. This wraps up my opinions about the new ARAM map.

    Visual upgrades, skins, lore. I honestly don't have a problem with any of this except the lore of Udyr and Gragas. But even those are minor. They just don't seem like they fit in the Freljord. Especially with Gragas' new lore. It just sounds stupid, but I don't play him, so it's whatever. Sejuani and Trundle look much better, and Sejuani plays much better. I enjoy jungling her so much more now. The Legendary Anivia skin is fucking beautiful. I almost said "Riot, shut up and take my money" before I remembered I don't really play Anivia, so it'd be a waste at the moment. Maybe one day I'll get it though. Shyvana's skin is probably the only one I don't like the best. I love ice-themed things, but I feel like Shyvana's is just... not as good as it could be. I much prefer Darkflame or Ironscale. Might get the Volibear skin though.

    New summoner icons. I love the the new icons, and the way to obtain them is very quest-like. But you can only choose one, and I'm at odds with myself over which icon I want. Taking a look at it three different ways, I can make an argument for each one. If we're basing the choice off looks, Ashe wins. Sejuani isn't that bad looking, but she's an Amazon, and very manly, so Ashe has the advantage there. If we're going off playstyle, Sjeuani wins. I mainly jungle, and one of my best is Sejuani, thus giving her the advantage. On that note, since I despise playing ADC, Ashe comes in last place in this scenario. And finally, if we're going theme/ideals, Lissandra wins. I've always been a sucker for using dark magic to change the world. And Black Ice is just badass looking. Never was interested in diplomacy or brute strength. So three different areas, and three different choices. I have no idea which icon to choose. The last determining factor will probably be the people I play with and what they decide to pick. For now I chose Lissandra, but I've only won one game so I have plenty of time to change.

    That about sums up my thoughts on this patch. I've never really had this much to say about any other patch, except for Zac, so I apologize for the long post. Maybe someone else will share my opinions about certain matters.

    TL;DR: This patch is awesome. Lots of new content, featuring both positive and negative aspects. Exciting event, lots of choices. Personal opinion on several things, but enjoying it nonetheless. Oh, and Lissandra is OP.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  3. #583
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I'd like to know how the shit i'm supposed to gank a lissandra lane, I've literally had her escape from me when she was attacking the turret. Pretty hard for mid to win it my himself when her q is basically free poke.

  4. #584
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    The league system for 5v5 is dumb, we only lost 1 of our placement games because we used a sub mid and ended up in freaking SILVER 4! Now we're just stomping teams ridiculously until the system puts us where we actually belong.

  5. #585
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    I still play pretty frequently, mostly as Ezreal, Thresh, and Lulu, but not much ranked or any srs business right now. Even got to play some ARAMs a few days ago with Zileas. He's a nice guy.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  6. #586
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Over a year playing this game and only now am i officially any good at it.

    Now for plat :3

  7. #587
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Over a year playing this game and only now am i officially any good at it.

    Now for plat :3
    All this time with the big talk, and you were only silver??
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #588
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn View Post
    All this time with the big talk, and you were only silver??
    My league doesn't make my points any more or less valid.

    Here's some educational reading for you.

  9. #589
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    My league doesn't make my points any more or less valid.

    Here's some educational reading for you.
    An argument from a higher position of authority is not necessarily absolute, but they often carry more weight than an argument from a person without expertise. This applies in the case of league for example, because your league ranking directly relates to the legitimacy of your argument.

    I haven't played much in Season 3 so i can't formulate an opinion on the current state of the game. In both season 1 and 2, the game environment varies greatly from 1300s to 1500s to 1800s and then 2000+ elo. Everything from popular picks to ban list and item build changes greatly at each stage of elo. If you were making your argument at the perspective of someone at 1400s (or w/e silver is now) it wouldn't be true for someone at playing at 1700~.

    For reference: I was around 1600 in Season 1 and got close to 1800~ in Season 2 and now i'm like Silver or something.

  10. #590
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    An argument from a higher position of authority is not necessarily absolute, but they often carry more weight than an argument from a person without expertise. This applies in the case of league for example, because your league ranking directly relates to the legitimacy of your argument.
    Oh wow. I have no words for how wrong that whole sentence is.

    If you were making your argument at the perspective of someone at 1400s (or w/e silver is now) it wouldn't be true for someone at playing at 1700~.
    This is a better argument, but it still doesn't make any point a 1400 makes invalid it just makes it relative.

    Anyway i think i know why Assertn thinks i was "talking big.

    Look at this:

    Silver 4 is in the top 40% of the league, while Silver 1 ( where most of my teammates are in solo1 ) is in the 20%. There's a huge difference in skill when it comes to the silver league because that's where most players are, which is why i was complaining about how we were steamrolling people in our Silver IV team. To my point, once we won our promotion series we were sent directly to Silver II, skipping III.

  11. #591
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    My league doesn't make my points any more or less valid.

    Here's some educational reading for you.
    You're right, I should respect the validity of your position when you make it a point to mock my win/loss ratio :P

    Edit: Anyway, I'd have to say my current favorite champs at this point are Ezreal, Lulu, Thresh, and Blitz. I just wish I had more chances to play with Blitz, though. He's pretty much an auto-ban, and when he's not, he gets firstpicked by the enemy team, even though usually that person doesn't even know how to play him properly. When the latter happens, I just go Ezreal and violate him ruthlessly for his sins.
    Last edited by Assertn; Sun, 05-26-2013 at 03:10 PM.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #592
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn View Post
    You're right, I should respect the validity of your position when you make it a point to mock my win/loss ratio :P
    Making fun of newbies is tradition though :3

    Xelbair gave me shit when i started as well

    Anyway, I'd have to say my current favorite champs at this point are Ezreal, Lulu, Thresh, and Blitz. I just wish I had more chances to play with Blitz, though. He's pretty much an auto-ban, and when he's not, he gets firstpicked by the enemy team, even though usually that person doesn't even know how to play him properly. When the latter happens, I just go Ezreal and violate him ruthlessly for his sins.
    You can always do some blind pick to play blitz. Once you rise in elo he stops being banned quite so much i think, in which league are you right now?

  13. #593
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Made it to Gold IV already, pretty cool.

  14. #594
    This new ARAM mode is my bane. I suck at those massive 5 vs 5 battles. Half the time I dont even know where I am and I land half the target skills on the wrong enemy. I never would have thought that I would miss the lane phase with some nice 1v1, 2v2 and a few ganks that let me get the advantage to compensate my lack of skill when its late game and 5v5.

    żAny realistic way to improve at 5v5?
    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  15. #595
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Lower particle effects, focus on where your character is and follow on the tank`s initiation.
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  16. #596
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edort4 View Post
    This new ARAM mode is my bane. I suck at those massive 5 vs 5 battles. Half the time I dont even know where I am and I land half the target skills on the wrong enemy. I never would have thought that I would miss the lane phase with some nice 1v1, 2v2 and a few ganks that let me get the advantage to compensate my lack of skill when its late game and 5v5.

    żAny realistic way to improve at 5v5?
    You're either the tank or a carry since nobody really builds to support in ARAM. If you're a tank try to initiate or keep your eyes peeled for your carries initiation ( something like Varus Ult ) and if you're carry work on your positioning.

    Then there's also the concept of diving the backline or peeling the frontline for your carry, you know how that works?

    Edit: The difference between Gold 4 and 5 is pretty funny, G5 is filled with guys that just got there on luck but 4 is a much bigger challenge.

    Edit2: Nevermind, Gold 3.
    Last edited by Archangel; Tue, 05-28-2013 at 05:18 AM.

  17. #597
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Meh... I think it's time for me to take a break again. I started queuing up SR with different groups, and we lost more than half our matches, usually do to stupidity. Don't get me wrong, I had my share of player mistakes, but the compounded losses really crushed any remaining motivation I had to play. For a while, ARAM was fun, but it's nowhere near as random as it used to be, not to mention the possibility of mirror matches. The game just doesn't excite me currently.

    I think I mentioned this previously, but I'm becoming more and more motivated to start up an MMO again. It might be all I need to calm myself with League. The problem is, I have no idea what I want to play. I plan on participating in the launch of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (yeah, go ahead and laugh, but you can't deny the game looks beautiful!), but that's not until the end of August. I've debated between going back to WoW, GW2, or Star Wars, as well as starting up something new like Tera or Aion (if that's still around) or something. Of course, this isn't the thread to discuss that, but any input would be greatly appreciated.

    By the way, congrats on your promotion to Gold Arch. Had I more luck, and more motivation to play ranked, I would've been there too... but instead, I decayed from Silver I to III. Such is life, I guess.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  18. #598
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I can't contain all this swag

  19. #599
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Alhuin - Try Tera. Just ignore the story and quest text. It has a great battle system.
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  20. #600
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Yeah i'm sure that's what you play it for, the battle system.

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