No, I actually build the Spectral Wraith item on him. Seems legit. I've actually moved away from Madred's on several junglers now. I still think it's the best choice for clearing fast, and very cost efficient if you don't need the max level Spirit Stone items... but I've learned to spread out a bit. I tried the Lizard Elder item on Hec the other day and I wasn't that impressed. Probably due to all the nerfs like I mentioned before.
Zac's passive has saved me so many times. I've only had a couple instances where my teammates forgot about it; one time I even came one blob away from death by minions because my Lux left me thinking I was dead. The sad part about it was we were on Skype and I was like "Come back and help me" and they still left. Lack of awareness for the lose.... >_>
League has been pissing me off recently, honestly. I tried taking a week break, but that hasn't helped much. I'm looking to get back into an mmo or something for now.