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Thread: Game: League of Legends (It's free!)

  1. #41
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    I recently tried a warwick jungle build, it's absolutely amazing.

    I was able to solo baron by lvl 13-14 to give team a nice boost. This guy is absolutely amazing for ganking so you can help different lane without worrying too much about exp lost.

  2. #42
    Welcome to the super addctive game club TheBladeChild Ziapsu btw.

    You should try of my favorite champs. A sneaky little bugger and very annoying once you know how to play him.

  3. #43
    He's pretty awful, however. He's probably on the same tier as Evelynn for useless champions.

    On that note, solo ranked queue has been pissing me off. Was 1512 earlier but dropped to 1394, due to having 2 feeder games, 1 leaver game, and 1 dumbass jungling Shen (wtf?) who kept crying the other team's jungling Warwick was outlevelling him. No shit, I wonder why? Then lastly, I hate to take a loss, a leave, and an ELO hit because the shitty client bugged during draft mode.

  4. #44
    damn i suck so bad at this game
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
    Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)

  5. #45
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    So i just bought Vladimir.

    He's squishy early on but i found him to be amazing later. His ultimate is like the "I win team battle" button unless your team is completely useless. Sanguine pool is easily one of the best utility move in the game and it makes chasing or running so much easier. His nature of not having mana and cast with health lets him lane forever without needing to go back if played properly.

  6. #46
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    if you really really want to win guys, play mordekaiser.
    he's probably the strongest hero early/mid-game and the best laning hero (he will dominate 2v1 lanes or at least the enemy team won't even touch ur turret), and one of the stronger champs in late-game.
    so overall, he's just amazing and OP

  7. #47
    Are we playing the same game here? Sure Mord's a good character, but he's not OP by far. The best 1v2 champions are Nasus, AP Sion, Morgana or a Deny-focused Gangplank.

    He dips off during late-game. There're much stronger late-game champions.

  8. #48
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Mord is tanky while doing decent damage and his ultimate lets him push towers with ease. Animus is right though, his dmg is pretty meh late game and he lacks CC and chase abilities.

  9. #49
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    his teamfight dps is above average late game, and extremely high early/mid

    1-2 sfc + W skill = 200dps*hero -> 3~5 heroes = 600-1000dps

    no autoattack
    no E or Q no ult no ignite.

    and morde can just as easily kill minions as morgana if not better
    its just that most mordeplayer skill Q because they suck ass and don't know that W (shield) is his main ability from lvl 4 onwards

    and people don't know that they have to stack magic-pen (runes+item).

    during the lane phase I can run into minions with my W and regenerate more shield-power than a single hero is able to deal dmg to me.
    and get every single minion kill + 4-creep-pack in the jungle (near mid... that is, if I solo mid)

    1. pendant(or doran) @ "5." sell or upgrade
    2. sorceress boots
    3. sunfirecape
    4. frozen Mallet
    5. second Sunfirecape(enemy-melee-team) or force of nature (magic resist)
    6 abysmall sceptre (that one with a -70 magic resist aura)
    7. choose what you think is best... warmogs (acutally a pretty bad item), GA etc.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 09-07-2010 at 12:46 PM.

  10. #50
    I should try that build.....i've been trying to find a tank to play. I bought rammus, and hes good but he doesn't have any direct attacking abilities, and my play style is too aggressive for him. I tried malaphite as well, but he only has one real damage ability which is seismic shard and it takes alot of mana early/mid game.

  11. #51
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Hey; everyone should list their main accounts again.

    How many wins do you all have?

    I weened off LoL for a couple months; but I'm starting again with a few of my friends.

    And I pretty much dominate every game. Nidalee, Udyr, Annie, Cho Gath, War Wick, And Shen are so OP......
    I have a maxed out Jungle Page and AP page.

    - Specialist Flea
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  12. #52
    41 Ranked Wins, 162 Normal.

    I played during Closed Beta, and only recently started playing LoL again.

    Typical characters I use mostly - Xin, AP Sion, Nasus, Jungle Amumu, and Warwick.

    IGN - Animus

  13. #53
    I only have one. Its Ziapsu. too bad there isnt a clans feature in LoL.

  14. #54
    Just finished a ranked game with a loss where we had an awful ass Warwick, that went 3/16/3. His build was fine but he does the dumbest fucking things. The funniest thing is at the beginning of the game he said he didn't have masteries and had his rune page set up for Kayle.

    I was Xin and we could've easily won that game, we had Xin, Warwick, Vlad, Malphite, Taric. They had Rammus, Janna, Singed, Ezreal, and Kogmaw. I pretty much destroy their Ezreal and Kog in 2 seconds and I did, but life's hard when you have their Rammus taunting you whenever his CD allows, the singed throwing down Adhesive then flinging you, and their Janna using their ult to reset the team fight and blow you off their squishies. I ended 13/9/8, but I was 13/5/4 before the fights started going downhill because our Warwick was just straight up awful and wasn't holding his weight.

    It wasn't like his build was wrong, it was the typical build of boots (but the damn ass got Berserker Greaves with so many forms of CC), Madred's Bloodrazor, and Guardian Angel.

  15. #55
    Thats what i love and hate about the game. Its totally team based, so you can win or lose regardless of how good any one individual is.

  16. #56
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    I think the problem a lot of WW players has is that they are too overconfident in him staying alive. I mean, WW is awesome and just his passive can out heal Baron damage. Most of his survivability thought is base solely in his ability to drain so when he get stun or exhaust, he's pretty much a sitting duck.

  17. #57
    Had another game I just won luckily, which had another awful Warwick. Honestly, I seem to never get the good Warwicks on my team, but always get the awful ones.

    The only good thing about this WW is that he got an oracles to kill Ward's and solo'd dragon/duo'd Baron when we were kinda idling after we took out an inhib or two.

  18. #58
    Tried out singed as my first main character, stubbornly stuck with him for a week and realized that i just plain suck with him so I switched to shen. Feel that im at least decent with him, I love Shen's ultimate stand united, saved myself and a few friends with it.

    Main acc: TheBladechild
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
    Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)

  19. #59
    Got the new hero, Miss Fortune and played a few games with her. She's pretty fun, her Q is great at harassing, and her passive is good. However as with her archetype she's a pretty hard carry with no escape mechanisms, so Flash/Ghost are pretty much required. She's an EXCELLENT farmer. Ended one game at 234 creep kills at around the 40ish minute mark, along with 11 kills 1 death and 10 assists.

  20. #60
    Ok I keep getting random friend requests from people I dont know.

    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
    Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)

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