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Thread: Game: League of Legends (It's free!)

  1. #361
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    With his recent buffs, Vlad is seeing some competitive play again. It's very difficult to kill a Vlad who is playing passively and he'll win most lane match up once he gets his revolver and reached level 7. Ryze counter him early game, but it's still a toss up since that requires you to play very offensively early game which is easily punishable.

    Even champions like Kassadin that is suppose to counter Vlad would have a hard time doing so without putting himself at risk. In my opinion Kennen and Mordekaiser are the only 2 current AP mid that can safely beat Vlad in lane.

  2. #362
    the fact that his pool nullifies anything you throw at him is ridiculous. i've faced him as brand, ulted him in the face only for him to pool and my ult to fizzle out. It should atleast bounce even if it does no damage to him

  3. #363
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Yeah, his pool is majorly annoying. But it does cost a decent amount of health to use.

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  4. #364
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    That pool is the reason why Vlad is impossible to balance. It also heals him for a portion of the damage dealt if used offensively or going through a minion waves. The rest of his kit is pretty mediocre and his ult isn't as game changing as some other ult in the game since the nerf, but his laning phase is just too ridiculous as it is.

    Pool needs to be reworked or Riot needs to remove the spellvamp stats altogether before they can balance Vlad. He's just going to fluctuate between being OP or UP until then.

  5. #365
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Le Advisor Udyr would be me. Let us game sometime~
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  6. #366
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UChessmaster View Post
    Ryze, it was clear he totally outplayed me :/
    How, just how? Ryze has bigger range on every spell than vlad.. You need to play offensively vs him as Ryze.

    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin View Post
    the fact that his pool nullifies anything you throw at him is ridiculous. i've faced him as brand, ulted him in the face only for him to pool and my ult to fizzle out. It should atleast bounce even if it does no damage to him
    pool wastes 20% of his current hp so it is not that good. Noob vlads will try to dodge everything with pool, good ones will try to dodge only dangerous stuff.
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  7. #367
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    The biggest complaint I have with Pool is that it pops projectiles. I'm fine with not being able to target him during, but if I've got a stun in the air to his face (like Sion's stun), it should still hit him. And like Assassin said, bounce spells should still bounce. I do know that ignite and other dots still tick while in pool, if you hit him before he does it. But yeah...

    So I've been playing some Kayle again. As AD (masteries and runes) and with a Doran's blade, activating E at level 1 makes me hit for almost 100 damage. Makes for some easy early kills, provided they're not tanky or don't have support. She falls off late game though, and I find I'm mostly just running around trying to ult whoever is dying. But it's still fun. Haha.

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  8. #368
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Actually, with the right build Kayle is probably the strongest AD carry late game. Before her rework, she had an incredibly shitty early game to make up for being the strongest end game character due to double scaling from her old passive. With her new passive, you get an additional 15% shred to both defense. With her Q scaling at 1 AD + constant up time on her E, you're just better off going full AD build on her.

    She scale incredibly well with lifesteal due to her ult being a 3 second invincibility. So you can get low, pop ult and lifesteal your way back to full in 3-4 hits.

    I suggest starting with 2-3 Doran Blade and then transition into an early Bloodthrister + Zerker. What you build next is situational, but Black Cleaver > Malady > Phantom Dancer/Nashor's Tooth/2nd BT and then finish off with a Guardian Angel is my usual standard path.

    Start with one point in E and then max R > Q > W > E. A fun first blood trick with her is to run Surge/Ghost and lane with someone like Nunu or Taric as your support. Her damage output is ridiculous with Surge because her abilities also scale off AP so you're getting a bunch of free damage. A well placed stun from taric or a slow + AS boost from Nunu and you're pretty much guaranteed to melt their AD carry or Support.

  9. #369
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhuin View Post
    The biggest complaint I have with Pool is that it pops projectiles. I'm fine with not being able to target him during, but if I've got a stun in the air to his face (like Sion's stun), it should still hit him. And like Assassin said, bounce spells should still bounce. I do know that ignite and other dots still tick while in pool, if you hit him before he does it. But yeah...

    So I've been playing some Kayle again. As AD (masteries and runes) and with a Doran's blade, activating E at level 1 makes me hit for almost 100 damage. Makes for some easy early kills, provided they're not tanky or don't have support. She falls off late game though, and I find I'm mostly just running around trying to ult whoever is dying. But it's still fun. Haha.
    LoL is very forgiving when it comes to disjointing(that is proper term for 'popping projectiles' that originated from dota) skills/attacks - most games in such genre allow stealth, untargettable and much more effects to do so.

    I prefer hybrid Kayle - atk speed ap/ad items - they work wonders with her righteous fury.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragon View Post
    Actually, with the right build Kayle is probably the strongest AD carry late game. Before her rework, she had an incredibly shitty early game to make up for being the strongest end game character due to double scaling from her old passive. With her new passive, you get an additional 15% shred to both defense. With her Q scaling at 1 AD + constant up time on her E, you're just better off going full AD build on her.

    She scale incredibly well with lifesteal due to her ult being a 3 second invincibility. So you can get low, pop ult and lifesteal your way back to full in 3-4 hits.

    I suggest starting with 2-3 Doran Blade and then transition into an early Bloodthrister + Zerker. What you build next is situational, but Black Cleaver > Malady > Phantom Dancer/Nashor's Tooth/2nd BT and then finish off with a Guardian Angel is my usual standard path.

    Start with one point in E and then max R > Q > W > E. A fun first blood trick with her is to run Surge/Ghost and lane with someone like Nunu or Taric as your support. Her damage output is ridiculous with Surge because her abilities also scale off AP so you're getting a bunch of free damage. A well placed stun from taric or a slow + AS boost from Nunu and you're pretty much guaranteed to melt their AD carry or Support.
    List of better ranged ad carries than Kayle: Ezreal(requires good aim with skillshots), Graves(godlike carry if played well), Cait, Ashe.
    i would put tristana on that list(high dmg output, great burst, shitload of escape mechanisms) but 99,9% tris players just stay behind in teamfights and just killsteal.
    You should only get more dorans' blades when you are failing your lane - atk speed items or ad ones let you last hit better(which is most important thing to do for ad carry till mid/late game - one kill is equal to approx 12,5 last hits - not including Ashe's hawkshot bonus or Tf's passive), therefore you get more cash. lifesteal on dorans is forgettable, and when you are doing well you don't need that much extra hp. plus you'll have to sell them later anyways.

    Don't get me wrong - Kayle is strong, but she isn't the best one
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  10. #370
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    I disagree. 2-3 Doran Blade is the standard build for an AD carry to get a strong mid game, this is especially important for Kayle who has a weak mid game. I usually buy 2 before transitioning into a BF item, and last hitting on Kayle is very easy with her new attack animation. In most of my game, i can usually get 90-95% of last hits before the 25 minutes mark. Attempting to rush BF will put you behind if the enemy team rush for an early dragon, you'll find yourself being out damaged by the enemy AD carry who bought 2-3 DB. Attack speed is a subpar stat unless you have a lot of it, the value for AS significantly increase the more of it you have. An early game attack speed item like Zeal or Recurved bow does not offer enough to justify the cost.

    Graves and Sivir are the 2 top tier AD carry right now with everyone else being a bit subpar compare to them. Ezreal is strong vs certain team comp, but he can get shut down very easily due to his poke mechanic and short auto attack range. Ashe kit is outdated and she has the worst level 5-13 out of every champion in the game, she's literally useless at that stage for anything other than initiation. Caitlyn is strong due to her range, but she has almost no burst damage and is unable to turn a fight in your favor. Other than a very strong level 1-3 tanks to rune/mastery, Kayle mid game is very subpar and she requires a tremendous amount of farm to become strong. This is one of the main reason why people don't use her. Kayle is definitely not the best AD carry due to her pitiful mid game, but she is the strongest AD carry with 6 items. It's just often too difficult to get to that point with her on the team.

    The strong thing about Kayle is her ability to weaken a tank and allow your team to kill them easily. In theory, you're not suppose to focus the tank, but you'll find that it's harder said than done when facing a competent team in ranked. She has strong burst damage and absurd sustain damage. Her damage is also split into Physical and Magic so you can't sufficiently build enough defense to counter her damage.

  11. #371
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    I find that for most AD carries, building a Wriggles first is the most important thing. You get some armour, ad, lifesteal, a free ward, and an on hit effect. You can sell it later, but most games I finish with it. As for Kayle, after Wriggles (and boots), I usually go Black Cleaver > PD > IE > Last Whisper. Seems to work for me. I also max E over Q because it lowers the CD without increasing the mana cost, which also allows for more uptime. You get a similar damage increase over maxing Q if you hit it a few times, but you don't dip into your mana pool. If you're going for quick burst and/or have a mana battery, Q is better, but I find E has better sustain.

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  12. #372
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    What the fuck?

    Dumbest surrender ever, and we were having a fun game too.

  13. #373
    People get rage and quit out too early. It's a fact of life in LoL. :\

  14. #374
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  15. #375
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    It's funny because he's asian.

  16. #376
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    It it me, or he looks high as fuck?
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  17. #377
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xelbair View Post
    It it me, or he looks high as fuck?

  18. #378
    or lead....get it? cuz hes asian

  19. #379
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    This is just so hilariously accurate.

  20. #380
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    True, still LoL players aren't that bad(they are still pretty retarded) if you played DotA or HoN...(Dota2 is strangely quiet).
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