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Thread: Game: League of Legends (It's free!)

  1. #341
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Nothing for mobility? How do you secure kills?
    Depends who i`m facing, usually i don`t harrass at all and focus on farming, then the enemy gets used on not being harrassed and i do a qweq combo (preferably after i get tear), that should do decent amount of damage, then i flash in and exhaust and do my full combo (qeqwq), enemy will flash out but they`ll be exhausted, you should be able to reach them.

    If i dont think i can harrass at all then i just play safe all lane and focus on those tear stacks, Ryze`s early lane is his weakest.
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  2. #342
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    My main champion has been Irelia for a long time now, but I finally picked up Vayne the other day, and I gotta say, she's quickly becoming my second favourite. Her poke and damage output is incredibly strong, and against anyone other than Cait, Sivir, or someone with heals, I can usually force the enemy out of lane multiple times. Being paired with an Alistar has been my best pairing so far. Finished laning phase one game at 7/1/2, matching the enemy Talon at 8/3/1 (solo top feed). Granted, this is on my alt account (level 24), but even on my main account, I've had some great games with her.

    I haven't played or been interested in any of the more recent champs, except Ahri. She's fun as well, but I only have her on my main account, and since I don't play it as often, I haven't played her in awhile. It's fun to chain her abilities perfectly and leave the enemy asking "wtf" in /all. Haha...

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  3. #343
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    What's the point of an alt account?

  4. #344
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    to play on other region - i've got low level alt acc to play with low-level friends and another one on EU east.
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  5. #345
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    They asked me not to play Ryze, i carried them hard.

    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  6. #346
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Fiora seems OP.

    I know Xel claims differently, but I think it's highly unlikely that the 10+ people I played with/against, that chose Fiora (and proceeded to dominate the game), were all highly skilled. Her ultimate being able to ignore turrets, and her lifegain, makes her extremely strong, as I've been soloed twice by her, on my turret. Granted, I underestimated her abilities the first time.

    In my years of playing, I've always run into at least one or two people that do extremely bad with the new-release champ, within the first few games. It's never failed. Until now. I could just be extremely unfortunate I guess (or fortunate, for the few games I had a Fiora on my team). But I guess I'll see in a few more days.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  7. #347
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Not really, as her name states she's an impressive duelist but that's about it. Unless fed her late game is pretty meh.

  8. #348
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Her ulti is a bit strong, but well - it has about 130s cd on 1st rank, plus it dosen't deal that much dmg to single target - and yi has such thing once per 5s? 10s? oh - and it has melee range.
    you have to cc her in right moment - her E gives her a GIANT boost to dps(108% atk speed at rank 5!) - she is shining while doing this.
    Riposte is nice harassing tool but it only reflects: basic attacks, creeps attacks, big mosnter attacks. so while fighting near creeps her E is way waker.
    Her Q is nice chasing tool - but to be honest - it is weaker version of renekton's one - she has to target someone to use it, but she has slightly bigger range.
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  9. #349
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    She suffers from a lot of the same problems that Yi does. A Yi will completely wreck your team if you have less than 2 CC and no one is running exhaust, anymore than that and he is completely shut down in team fights. Her ult being a free hourglass with lifesteal component is nice, and she is very strong. I've won pretty much every 1v1 lane match up top with her, but she suffers come team fights.

    Her damage is strong, but it's mostly sustain damage rather than instant burst. Unless ridiculously fed, a smart team with proper CC can shut her down really hard. In fact, Olaf is much better than her as a solo top or jungle pick in every way thanks to his new buffs.

  10. #350
    I dont think she is op. She is balanced in a really unbalanced sort of way. By that i mean, her strenghts are op, but her weaknesses are waaay under powered. Her main strength really is her ult. That's what defines her. All her other skills are technically crap compared to other meele champs. She's like a weaker version of xin or irelia, except she doesnt have a stun/interrupt.

    The fact that Reposte can ONLY block basic attacks makes it fairly useless against 95% of champs. You can't block skill shots from panth or nidalee for example, and most ap champs can harass her all day long. Her E is nice for farming and pushing lanes, and her Q is good to chase down enemies with (particularly since you can reuse it a second time) but over all its just her ult that makes her seem OP. And even that is pretty useless until late game when you're running IE at lv 3.

    I also find her passive to be god awful. Early game you get such little sustain that even a line of minions will bring you down if you dont have any of your minions to hide behind. I haven't tried stacking bloodthirsters with her yet, so maybe that will offset it, but i find her early game to be way shitty right now. You can either go for early damage, but lag behind in movement speed and atk speed (which really makes that early damage useless cuz you arent hitting fast enough to duel properly) or you can build atk speed and delay getting your atk dmg items till late-mid game.

    Im still trying to find a good balance, but she definitely is fun to play if only cuz of her ult. I've had games where i've gone 11/2 and games where i've gone 0/7 so it all depends on team composition.

  11. #351
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    I'm jungling with her, starting with riposte - which is godlike for jungle - leveling it first, getting E second, and Q once on lv3. Her ganks are very deadly. Runes: armorpen(red)/armor(yellow)/cdr per lv(blue)/movement speed(quints)
    Item build in order of buying)
    boots+3/merc threads
    inf edge/black cleaver
    frozen mallet
    black cleaver/inf edge
    sell lantern -> bloodthirster

    depending on enemy team i'll get either one of those:
    banshee's veil if they have annoying as fuck spells or Last whisper(if they are more tanky with tons of armor)

    this gives me a nice 2,8k hp, high ad and nice armor reduction(which is applied by ulti).

    Her passive is better than you think, especially for jungle. it dosen't give that much sustain as WW's one but that is nice extra healing after you finish the camp of creeps. Also remember that it stacks up to 4 times when you hit champions which makes her great at 1v1(this tiny bit with lifesteal from lantern lets me survive 80% of times).

    I think that building atk speed on her is a waste - with just black cleaver and using her E she has 2.050 atk speed, and at rank5 she can use it once per 3 seconds or so(it last 3s, then 3s cd after that)
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  12. #352
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    I have since retracted my statement on Fiora. Apparently I just had the extremely unfortunate luck of being paired against every skilled Fiora that would just wreck me and my teammates, on our towers, multiple times in multiple games, and it was pissing me off. Now that she's been out for about a week, and I've played with several more, I can easily see how dependent she is on her skills. Baiting Riposte and having her waste Burst of Speed is what I've learned. Her ultimate still annoys me, especially under a tower, but I no longer feel rage when laning against her.

    In fact, I've raged less about LoL in general, over the past few days (not that I really raged to begin with, but I was getting extremely frustrated). Before this week, I had played 50+ games over a two week period and won, maybe, 6 of them. I admit I played badly in some games (which I also admitted in game), but I felt like, no matter how well I played (I had 7 kills on Vayne before laning phase was over in one game), I still couldn't pull off a win. So I decided I didn't care about winning anymore. In fact, if I was going to lose, I was going to have fun doing so. So I started playing champions I wasn't used to, and some in ways that amused me. And out of the past 5 games, I won 4 of them. I don't know if that's ironic or not, but I'm not complaining.

    Anyways, the reason I decided to post was because I wanted to share the stat screen of my last game as AD Sion. In champion select I had prepared to play AP Sion. Both my runes and masteries were set for it. With 30 seconds left, my teammates say I should go AD, since we had Lux and Kat insta-lock. I hurriedly switched my masteries, and chose a rune set I thought would work well, and proceeded to enter the game. Now, I don't usually brag in games like this, but fuck I carried them so hard. Nevermind that their Morde was retarded in top lane versus me and Lux. It was a really good game for my team, and I roamed for a bit securing kills for the other lanes. I even 1v1ed Olaf at one point. So without further ado, here's the image.

    You guys can say what you will, but I feel really good about that game. It would be nice to have more like it, but I'm not sure which champion I want to experiment with next...

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  13. #353
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Dafuq... No jungler?

  14. #354
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    A vlad defeated me in lane, a damn vlad...
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  15. #355
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    What were you playing? Vlad is still a strong champion, even with his nerfs, and item nerfs. Even more so, a skilled player with an UP champ can easily outplay a non-skilled player with an OP champ. Not claiming that you are either, I'm just stating for reference.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  16. #356
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Ryze, it was clear he totally outplayed me :/
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  17. #357
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    I carried a game as Teemo the other day. Didn't die once. The enemy team tried to focus me, of course. Global taunt too good. I don't know if it was skill that kept me alive, or just plain luck, but I'm not contesting it. I've really enjoyed dominating games lately with champions that are, as I mentioned previously, considered underpowered or bad.

    On another note, does anyone here go by the summoner name of Advisor Udyr? I had a friend request when I logged on yesterday, but it's not anyone I played with, so I'm trying to figure out who it is.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  18. #358
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    When has Teemo ever been considered underpowered?

  19. #359
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    He has a global taunt and if you look at him with a mean enough face he dies.
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  20. #360
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    When has Teemo ever been considered underpowered?
    Since forever? Teemo is paper. Just like Uchess said. He has no escapes, his blind only hurts auto-attacks, and his mushrooms are really only good as mini-wards/temporary hindrances. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing Teemo (mostly because I have the Cottontail skin, and it's fun to watch people rage about dying to someone with that skin), but I will completely agree that he is way too squishy to be reliable.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

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