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Thread: Game: League of Legends (It's free!)

  1. #281
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Wait... nasus is OP? I owned him so many times. Is it because of his ultimate?

  2. #282
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    So we're much saying the same thing? I never said he needs to build armor first thing. What i mean is that he needs to incorporate some defense into his build so he doesn't get instantly burst down. If you're farming properly getting an getting assists then getting an IE at roughly 20~ min is very possible and then a little lifesteal + some defense by the time laning phase is over. What i have a problem with is those people who never build any defense and just go damage, damage, damage. IT IS a problem if you're the main damage of the team and you get taken out instantly by their assassin because you don't build any defense.

    Bottom line is there is no "correct" way to build a champion. Even pros are just now discovering builds and new method to playing old champs that work. You do whatever works for you and that's that. I always build some defense after finishing my first dps item and that has always worked for me, if anything my dps seems to be higher than when i build glass cannon simply because i can stay alive longer to dps.


    Nasus isn't OP, he's only OP when people are stupid and leave him to farm his Q for 20 minutes. Nasus laning phase is pathetic and he's actually not very tanky before getting his ult. His base damage is much lower than other champions and his slow is good but it's not an instant gap closer like many other bruisers. He'll outshine other bruiser if he is left completely alone to build 200+ bonus damage on his Q. His main problem is that he can be shut down way too easily by competent players so you will rarely see a really strong Nasus in a high level game.
    Last edited by Dark Dragon; Tue, 10-25-2011 at 04:09 PM.

  3. #283
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Wait... nasus is OP? I owned him so many times. Is it because of his ultimate?
    all he needs is a good farm (solo-top) and someone who can initiate teamfights (like Ashe for example)

    100 minion-kills on his Q means +300 dmg
    + base damage
    + 110 flat Q-skill damage
    + Sheen/trinity-force

    do the math
    and it can crit.

    + ult which gives additional damage/life
    + *best* slow ingame with the best anti-carry debuff ingame (olololo ~60% slower attackspeed and movementspeed)

    of course he is stronger against physical/tankish-teams than caster setups
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 10-25-2011 at 04:16 PM.

  4. #284
    Chuunin Barumonk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Wait... nasus is OP? I owned him so many times. Is it because of his ultimate?
    Nasus is actually a good suggestion if you're new, I think. First his Q gains 3 extra damage permanently for each enemy you last hit with it, the idea is to level this first and to keep it on cooldown as much as possible by last hitting. This will also extend to other champions later because last hitting is a key player trait in MOBA-style games in general. Second, one point in W will suffice for the majority of the game, it's a.. 47% ranged instant slow (guessing, I can't remember) at just one point. Nasus' E lowers the armor of all enemies in it's aoe and damages them over time, this combined with your Q is why you're focusing on AD with Nasus. Lastly his ultimate makes him stronger than 95% of all other champions given equal gold and levels.

    Pretty much you just Q, or QWEQ. Smack some bitches around with your staff, pop your ult if help comes and finish off your prey. I would only really be concerned about retreating if there are 3 or more enemy champions or if you end up with their carry and someone who can chain CC like Alistar together. In team fights just kill their carry, don't hesitate with your ult because once the CC starts it will be too late and you may drop before you can do anything.

    Also, for the crap about defensive items vs offensive items, just look at hybrids if you're worried. A common setup against AD teams is atmogs (Atma's Impaler + Warmog's Armor) which gives 900+ hp, 45 armor, 18% critical strike, and increases your damage by 2% of your maximum health (20 damage per 1k hp). A viable alternative for anyone except Ashe is to trade Warmog's for a Frozen Mallet for the extra damage and slow for only 200 less health. | If you're against AP then get Mercury Threads and a Ruby Crystal, you can upgrade the Ruby Crystal to a Catalyst and then later to Banshee's Veil. You can also just grab the Cloak of Negation instead of finishing the Catalyst first if they are hitting you pretty hard, but the general idea is to supplement your armor or resist with health.

    [Edit] I should note that you really shouldn't rush atmogs if you're the carry, and it's pretty useless if you're an AP champion. The Atma's Impaler equivalent item for AP has zero defensive stats so there is no real comparison. Just keep in mind that if you aren't going for a specific unique effect on an item like Sheen or Bloodthirster that it's okay to only grab a component to an item you will complete later if you really need it. You don't want to take too much potential damage away from yourself early game building defense, because you will have no way to sustain yourself mid and late game - everyone else will out farm you and build up so many more items that your defense won't even matter.

    [Edit; again] After thinking about it for a second, I guess an AP comparison to atmogs might be Glacial Shroud + Rod of Ages/Rylai's Scepter. Glacial Shroud gives 475 mana, 45 armor and 15% CDR and costs ~700 less gold than Atma's Impaler - and it upgrades to Frozen Heart for about 100 more gold than Atma's and it gives 500 mana, 99 armor, 20% CDR and an aura that slows the attack speed of all enemies near you by 20%. As for Rod of Ages vs Rylai's Scepter, you should go Rylai's if you need the slow, otherwise go for Rod of Ages. Rod of Ages has an accumulation time for it's passive (10 minutes) before you get full benefit, and once 10 minutes passes then Rod of Ages is better than Rylai's except for the slow. Rylai's has slightly better initial attributes but it's maxed out immediately, however all your spells will slow the enemies you hit which can be beneficial for chase and escape.
    Last edited by Barumonk; Tue, 10-25-2011 at 04:56 PM. Reason: Expanding a bit in some areas, again.

  5. #285
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Ahhh... i was on a 2 time losing streak but i just carried the whole last 2 games basically by myself... feels good.

    The last game was especially delicious because some Cat kept bitching on how she wanted mid since Ashe was too squishy and then ended up getting a 2/3/0 when i was 5/0/2. Then they gave up though... pussies.

    Edit: Question, is exhaustion viable for Ashe? The range is so small and the bitch is so fragile that i hardly ever have the balls to risk it.

  6. #286
    Flash/Exhaust is pretty much THE staple of Ranged AD carries now.

    It used to be Flash/Ghost in the past, but Ghost is honestly so bad after the many nerfs it receives.

  7. #287
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    as Ashe, you use exhaust defensively
    so yes, its viable against certain champions
    (tryn, yi, other range AD carries etc.)

    Flash/exhaust is a nice summoner-spell combo imho.

  8. #288
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I'm using heal/flash right now, heal is nice for those first kills. Exhaust... i dunno, I'll think about it.

  9. #289
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Decided to launch LoL again... but I've been installing updates for the past thirty minutes now. In the meantime I guess I'm going to read up on all the changes. What's the talk about the new champions from Riven on?

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  10. #290
    Xerath is pretty strong. Great range and his passive is situational.

    Graves is kinda OP. Although, I think what makes him OP is his passive.

  11. #291
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    It's rare finding a decent xerati player though, a he's fairly useless in the early game.

  12. #292
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    I played two games on my alt account, since I knew I would be rusty and didn't want my ass handed to me... and I lost both. The sad thing is, as rusty as I was, I did better than anyone else on my team. Gotta love taking a month break and coming back to the same shit.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  13. #293
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    i bet the 4 other players in your team think so too
    I've yet to see someone who does not

  14. #294
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    I detect a slightly pretentious attitude in your comment.

    Yes, I do think I was better than everyone on my team those two games, but I have my reasons. It doesn't mean I think I'm better than every other LoL player. But believe what you will...

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  15. #295
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Make a EU alt account and lets go a couple of rounds

  16. #296
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Can you have the same username on an EU account as on an NA account? I could see both why you could and why you couldn't... but I have like 4 different NA accounts, so if I can't use a same username it's going to start getting complicated.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  17. #297
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    You can.
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  18. #298
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Okay, second question: EU West or Nordic & East, Arch.

    EDIT: Nevermind, I went back through the thread and found it.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  19. #299
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhuin View Post
    Yes, I do think I was better than everyone on my team those two games, but I have my reasons.
    thats what your teammates said

    It doesn't mean I think I'm better than every other LoL player. But believe what you will...
    I'm not saying that
    I'm just saying its easier to blame your teammates instead of helping them by warding and ganking more often

    but the LoL community is simply to retarted to realize that (worst game-community I've ever seen, even CoD and CS players are more fun to play with). thus they surrender at 20/25 minutes,
    stay afk in base, because they think its over after the killcount went down to 0-2
    refuse to help people if they've got problems (by switching lanes etc.)

    and so on..

    and by the end of the game, they pick someone with bad stats to unleash ALL THEIR HATE upon him
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Thu, 10-27-2011 at 02:53 AM.

  20. #300
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    I'm just saying its easier to blame your teammates instead of helping them by warding and ganking more often
    Warding and ganking, huh. So let me get this straight... if I told you I spent more than 1/4 of my total gold income (which was about 10.4k one game and 8-9k the next game) on wards, and, while not necessarily being able to gank because of my inability to gank, but contributed to protecting several teammates from ganks (which, of course, doesn't matter in the end because they would just overextend again when all are mia)... are you still going to scorn my judgment? What if I said that I singlehandly prevented at least three teammates from dying (in one game) by helping them escape using my stun/knockback/slow/whatever else I had (subsequently taking all the focus, then flashing away), and yet all every single one of them wanted to do was run into a 1v5 trying to take down the 17/1/6 Cait.

    Again, yes, I do have my reasons. I agree that the majority of LoL players simply blame their teammates and that's it. In fact, most of them are far worse. But there's a fine difference between doing that, and making a justified call on the performance of your teammates. Like I said in the very first post that started this mess... I am rusty. I haven't played in almost two months. When I can contribute more to the team than the rest, even in my rusty state, then yes, something is wrong. Granted, maybe my other teammates haven't been playing very long, or maybe they took a break, or whatever... I don't care. I was making a justified statement, the means behind why they made me feel that way are irrelevant.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

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