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Thread: Game: League of Legends (It's free!)

  1. #261
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    er.... why lichbane...? you shouldn`t be normal attacking and you barely even scale off ap in the first place.
    Last edited by UChessmaster; Mon, 10-24-2011 at 11:33 AM.
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  2. #262
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    1) movement speed to catch those goddamn running enemies
    2) this extra attack is just a nice bonus
    3) mana
    4) mres
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  3. #263
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    There's hardly any point to legendary items if you're not going to use the unique properly

  4. #264
    Started using Ashe again and I'm doing better than before. These are the items I'm getting in order; Dorans Blade, Beserkers Greaves, Vampiric Scepter, Phantom Dancer, B.F. Sword and Pickaxe. Good or bad? Any changes I should make?

  5. #265
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    switch to

    Dorans, Greaves, (Scepter ), Inf. Edge, (Scepter ), Phantom Dancer, Banshee's/Last Whisper

    @ lichbane

    its kinda useless on ryze
    you should get a defensive item instead
    endgame should look like this (random order)

    Boots,Banshees,Frozen Heart, Archangel Staff, RoA and WotA

    and if you want to get something more offensive take a Void Staff (which I think is better than RoA to be honest.)
    or even better, Abyssal Scepter

    which provides a third Aura and both offensive and defensive power.

    lichbane just won't help with anything
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 10-24-2011 at 04:06 PM.

  6. #266
    Chuunin Barumonk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Well i just got absolutely butt mangled by Tryndamere... how the fuck do you deal with that guy?
    Any champion can be absurd after they are fed. Champions who can harass easily, CC or who have high mobility will wipe the floor with Tryn. My personal preference is Vayne, but its also possible with Caitlyn, Urgot, Kennen, Rumble, Singed, Graves, Alistar, Cassiopeia, Corki, Ezreal, Fiddlesticks, Garen (early game), Heimerdinger, Karma, Karthus, Kayle, LeBlanc, Lee Sin, Rammus, Shako, Sion, Ryze (mid/late game), Swain, Teemo, Tristana, Trundle, Udyr, Xerath, Xin Zhao and Yorick.

    Pick one. =O

    ** Disclaimer, early, mid, and late game only references are void if said champion is fed.

    [Edit] 200 posts, only took me 8 years.

  7. #267
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    He has that attack that boosts him to the front, another one to slow you down and a fucking immortality ultimate... how do you deal with that shit again?

  8. #268
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Well, i`m not entirely sure, Ryze destroys Tryn, but as Ashe... i guess you can use your ult on him and kite him, not to kill him but to run away, her Q is excellent with that, exhaust is excellent for when he ult`s or to run away, also flash and ghost to escape. But just a heads up, Tryn is the king of pre-30, but he gets easier eventually, you should`ve seen the old Tryn >.>
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  9. #269
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Build armor
    Run Exhaust
    Ashe has a long ass stun, use it.

    Most AD carries run Exhaust/Flash nowadays anyways.

    Tryndamere is terrible champion with a slightly overpowered ultimate. Him and Master Yi will dominate games where you have little to no CC and no one is running exhaust.

    Also his slow only works if you are not facing him so try to anticipate his combo and not get hit by slow.

    To the people playing ranked.

    How is the situation with ranked? I didn't really want to do ranked ever since the reset elo and waited a while for all of the elo hell scrubs to get enough losses and go back to where they belong. Kinda wished i didn't get greedy last season , i managed to get 1490 elo and got impatient to get gold so i didn't wait for my duo queue partner. I ended the season at like 1370 or something like that.

  10. #270
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Ranked is full of trolls, crybabies, people that call me bad for picking Ryze, people with wrong runes/masteries, people that pick mages/ad/tank/jungle when we already have those etc. so basically just the same.
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  11. #271
    Chuunin Barumonk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    He has that attack that boosts him to the front, another one to slow you down and a fucking immortality ultimate... how do you deal with that shit again?
    With Vayne, your Q allows you to tumble in any direction, so you counter his E by tumbling backwards. Just turn around and start pummeling him, half the time they will reflex their W to snare you once they see you tumble, but since you're facing him it won't do anything at all. The combination of your Q and one point in W should cause him to retreat rather quickly pre-6, if he does and you have at least one stack of W on him then finish it off as he runs away, preferably with a Q for the last stack to proc the true damage along with your Q damage.

    If he commits and you're sure his teammates are either not close enough to help or being occupied by your own team, then wait for him to finish approaching and exhaust him and pummel him some more. Most Tryndamere players build him as a glass cannon due to his ult, so as long as he isn't sporting a Bloodthirster then you should be far outdamaging his lifesteal, so just use your ult and start running back a bit as exhaust ends. Now your Q will stealth you while you're tumbling, so you get to play mindgames. The short amount of distance will likely cause him to use his E to whirlwind infront of you, so you Q backwards and put some distance between you - and if you're lucky he will overextend into the tower a bit and take a hit, but it's not necessary to win. More pummeling and he will blow his ult. Either use your Q again if its off CD to position him between you and a wall, or try to set up the positioning manually if he is just that retarded and E his face into a wall.

    At this point, he is fucked because he has to run or die. Depending on the location he will E through a wall, and you will either have to flash after him or let him go. Red buff trolling also works if he can't time his Q for shit. If he can't E through a wall then he will try to E somewhere, so just chase him and kill him, use Q to catch up since it's CD is significantly shorter than his E.

    [Edit] Alternatively, you can retreat after the exhaust with your ult towards another enemy champion who is decently close on the map. Your passive will kick in and he won't have a chance in hell of catching you without using his abilities.

    Also, this is just for when you're about even and it's still pretty early. Late game you can pretty much just E his face into a wall immediately and force his ult in 2 seconds and then chase with your passive. If he gets frisky then Q and exhaust will make him cry. Either that or he got fed and you're going to receive a chain of 500 damage crits.
    Last edited by Barumonk; Mon, 10-24-2011 at 06:45 PM.

  12. #272
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    That list is far too extensive, and any truly skilled Tryn will domrapeface those champs, even when fed. LeBlanc, and Vayne however, especially fed LeBlanc Vayne, are the absolute anti -Tryn champs.

    Any champion that can wipe Tryn's HP out in one or two hits and force him to waste his ulti chasing/running around an opponent he can't catch up to. Other than LeBlanc & Vayne, most on that list cannot outrun a skilled Tryn.

    Quite simply, do not allow him any chance whatsoever to get near, or to pull off one of those devastating hits on you.
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  13. #273
    Chuunin Barumonk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucifus View Post
    That list is far too extensive, and any truly skilled Tryn will domrapeface those champs, even when fed. LeBlanc, and Vayne however, especially fed LeBlanc Vayne, are the absolute anti -Tryn champs.

    Any champion that can wipe Tryn's HP out in one or two hits and force him to waste his ulti chasing/running around an opponent he can't catch up to. Other than LeBlanc & Vayne, most on that list cannot outrun a skilled Tryn.

    Quite simply, do not allow him any chance whatsoever to get near, or to pull off one of those devastating hits on you.
    Mm, I think if presented with equally skilled players that all of those champions can stop Tryn from farming and are able to escape well enough to get back inside tower range. The focus is really on Tryn when he isn't buff, because Tryn when he is buff is a lost cause. As for champions who hard counter Tryn, I think Jax is also on the list. His WQ combo is just crazy early game and ER late game will sustain him through anything Tryn can dish out given near equal gold.

    Also it's worth noting that an amazing support can allow your team to counter even the most amazing Tryndamere players by proper warding and cv placement to crush any chance he has of ganking or jungling.

  14. #274
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragon View Post
    Build armor
    Run Exhaust
    Ashe has a long ass stun, use it.

    Most AD carries run Exhaust/Flash nowadays anyways.
    Tryndamere is terrible champion with a slightly overpowered ultimate. Him and Master Yi will dominate games where you have little to no CC and no one is running exhaust.

    Also his slow only works if you are not facing him so try to anticipate his combo and not get hit by slow.
    Ashe stuns tryn for like... 0,5 secs (melee range)

    the hard part is to dodge his slow
    if you can dodge that, you are fine, if you can't, you are most likely dead unless ur teammates are able to CC him properly

    tryn is your typical anti carry hero, when he is allowed to much roo

    building armor won't help at all until late game
    since you will just fuck up your already low dps (compared to other AD carries) even more.

  15. #275
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Ashe has a free CV and should be warding properly anyway, if you let a trynd get that close well then you are indeed "fucked".

    Building armor is fine, you need a bit of survivability mid and early game too. I don't get all these glass cannon AD carry build recently where you build no defense until the last item. They are the reason why characters like Garen/Trynd/Akali constantly have "OP please nerf" thread in the league forum.

    You guys have to remember that you're giving advice to a new Ashe player. Maybe someone like Chauster can get away with building no defense on Ashe because he has over 1000 games with just her. That is not going to the case here, so don't give him these difficult builds. A character like Ashe isn't going to do amazing damage until late game anyways and she has the benefit of having Frozen Mallet as an ability. You can sacrifice some of your damage, build a bit more defense and kite people.

    The most important thing to learn as an AD carry is the ability to properly farm. Unless you absolutely need to, don't leave your lane. Your job is to last hit minions and make sure that you are above everybody else in gold. Each minion give an average of 12-14 gold so roughly every 25 minion would equal a full 300 gold kill. Also remember that champions give less gold each time they die without killing, so tower diving to kill that Sona who is 0/6/2 is not going to be worth it. Alternatively, trading for a kill on a guy who is 6/1 when you are 0/5 is definitely worth it. Deaths function in the same way as killing spree where you gain/lose increment of gold given when killed and this number is reset if you get a kill/die. The only thing is that they recently introduced getting assists will reduce your death increment by one level, as if you die one time less.

    What end up happening a lot of time is that with proper farming, you will end up with a lot more gold than a guy who have more kills.

    Edit: It might also be a good idea to google Lolreplay. It's a program that record games you've played and let you watch them. It's a good way to catch your bad habits and mistakes that you made so you don't do it again.
    Last edited by Dark Dragon; Tue, 10-25-2011 at 12:04 PM.

  16. #276
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    what you call "glass canon" is called a carry

    its your job to carry the team and you do that with dmg, because thats pretty much everything carries can do
    in fact, ashe is one of the few AD carries who is able to CC too.
    and its the tanks and support job to cover and get people away from you

    building armor early will end up with you being useless for your team and it won't even help you survive at all.
    IE is the first item on ashe... always, then some lifeleech and *then* some defense.

    and it doesn't matter if he is new or not. he has to learn how to play her properly...and if there is one thing that has to be learned as a carry, then its how to deal damage without taking damage.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 10-25-2011 at 03:22 PM.

  17. #277
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    You're so adorable Kray, assuming that your team won't be completely useless 90% of the time :P

    If they would at least follow simple instructions... most of them won't even answer you and simply add you to ignore, while the rest are 12 year old idiots trolling the /all channel with stupidity

    I'm hoping it gets better by level 30.

  18. #278
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    I'm hoping it gets better by level 30.
    Cute... >_>

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  19. #279
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhuin View Post
    Cute... >_>
    How can you play for so long and still be retarded? HOW??!

  20. #280
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    You're so adorable Kray, assuming that your team won't be completely useless 90% of the time :P
    if thats the case you should play a bruiser
    Jarvan, Nasus (op)
    or hard/op carries like Akali (op) / Irlia (op)


    or... Ryze.

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