Based on a manga series authored by Yoshino Hiroyuki and featuring art by Kenetsu Satou. The manga is serialised in the shounen manga magazine Champion Red.
The story takes place on the grounds of St. Mihailov Academy, a Japanese Eastern Orthodox school, and draws heavily on religious references from the aforementioned religion. Here it follows the trials and hardship of two of its students, Oribe Mafuyu and Tomo Yamanobe, until the encounter with a mysterious, silver-haired, Russian boy named Alexander, or Sasha for short. This pits them and the whole school in an all-out war between the Church itself and the so-called "Adepts", a sect of individuals wielding powers linked to the elements of chemistry.
CoalGuys - 01
Such outstanding plot and character development... i find myself feeling unworthy of laying my eyes on such a masterpiece.