Mon, 01-25-2010, 12:28 PM
Episode 3 - Frostii
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I have to say poor Hiro experienced a most traumatic car ride. I'm not actually sure Issei is genuinely gay, he might have as well wanted to eat Hiro literally. Who knows. Kind of interesting the fruits seem to inhibit the beastly behavior. Also interesting how the shinigami girl's dad is a doctor/researcher apparently trying to solve the town's issues more peacefully than her daughter. At least that's the impression I got.
Isuzu, however, is genuinely a tease.
Mon, 01-25-2010, 07:48 PM
Traumatic indeed, poor Hiro-kun
And apparently his "tastyness" has to do with some physical characteristic of his, maybe the wolves are really into megane shotas
Tue, 01-26-2010, 01:57 AM
my favorite part of the series are the clay-mation cars 
leave it to AIC. 2010 and they still can't do good cgi...

user posted image
Fri, 01-29-2010, 08:43 PM
Fri, 01-29-2010, 08:51 PM
Yuki, the eternal rebel, watching gg when everyone else is ( apparently ) remaining faithful to frostii
Fri, 01-29-2010, 11:34 PM
i'm actually going with [Batsu] on this one. kinda slow, but I think it's worth it :\

user posted image
Fri, 02-19-2010, 05:26 AM

user posted image
Sat, 02-20-2010, 10:23 AM
The latest hassuku to drop from the tree:
Episode 7v2 - Formula
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This continues pretty strongly in my opinion. Although it has clearly taken a big step away from mystery already. Things are being revealed in a pretty straight-forward fashion and we see a lot of people's doings already. Though it's not necessarily bad as such. Some thriller elements remain with that one girl getting snatched away (did she find out too much or was it just a coincidence?).
I guess Hiroshi's hesitation and confusion were quite realistic but I hope he will get a grip on himself soon. He hasn't really been much of a maincharacter so far.
Last edited by Kraco; Sun, 02-21-2010 at 08:42 AM.
Reason: v2 link
Sat, 02-27-2010, 07:43 AM
Hiroshi's confusion:
Episode 8 - Formula
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Hiroshi is starting to annoy me seriously. I take it they are trying to make him a normal dude thrust into the middle of mysterious stuff he can't understand but surely he should at least possess some self-preservation instincts, suspicions, and thinking faculties other than being emo in the darkness of his room. Now he's little a dimwit just waiting to get betrayed and backstabbed by anybody willing. But maybe such a stupid personality is a part of being such an aphrodisiac for the wolf people.
Other than that, I found the handyman's plan to lock the karibito-sama and the mitsu into the same building deliciously evil. Since Kushinada's job was to hunt the fallen ones, it's indeed fittingly ironic, if exceedingly traditional, to make her one of them herself. Naturally I expect her to be able to stop herself and escape before that happens. I'm sure those ambitious council members would like her to fail, though.
Sat, 02-27-2010, 07:19 PM
I hope Nemuru gets some good development next episode. Right now, very little is known about her except that she is bad ass, quiet, and has a conscience.
Sun, 03-07-2010, 05:46 AM
Hiroshi's decision:
Episode 9 - Formula
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The dude is seriously pissing me off. Although considering how this episode chose such an uber cliched and traditional route, it doesn't really matter how indecisive, dull, and annoying he was (though he certainly excelled at those arts). His old man and sister surely were right when they said he possesses no guts and the handyman even more correct when calling him dull and too stupid to understand anything. His only good quality is emitting the pheromone and that's only because it might get him killed and thus freed from his own tedious existence.
But then again, foolishness in general seems to be running deep in this show like the Kasai fellow proved by allowing the doctor geezer to have such a final call. Too bad the handyman's wicked plan was thwarted by a mushy plot device.
Sat, 03-13-2010, 06:02 PM
Poorly veiled mysteries:
Episode 10 - Formula
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While it seems it was all out of the bottle with all the revelations of the previous episode, this episode still manages to actually have a good atmosphere by showing for the first time some of the native culture of the town and tying it together with the jouga counting song.
Nothing changes the fact the slaying that one screwball in the middle of the day, right in front of all those people was 100% unbelievable. Surely that many people, since Nemuru wasn't there alone, could have grabbed the girl and taken her behind some bushes for the bloody deed. Furthermore, as if that wasn't enough, we get the done to death scene of the bad guy spilling out all his plans to a dying person. Taking into account the ridiculousness of the said plan itself, I certainly hope it was nothing but a diversion he planned to be able to carry out his actual plan. But I fear this is actually it.
I feel like this series forgot its roots when things started to happen in this ep.
Sat, 03-27-2010, 04:35 AM
Episode 11 - Formula
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Somehow this episode seemed to skirt some major issues and I can't help but feel the whole idea of building mysteries around the town and the wolf folks fell flat.
More concretively, the safety mechanisms of the dam were ridiculous beyond belief. Walk in through an open door and press one button to doom the city. I don't know who was the bigger criminal: The handyman or the designer of the dam. The flow of water through the dam under normal situations was also strangely low. How much electricity can they produce when only a trickle seeps through? Well, I suppose there could be another outlet nearby with another channel, where the turbines/generators are located as well.
I'm not expecting much of this series anymore with the mystery vibes all but dissipated but I'll watch the last ep nonetheless to see more of Nemuru humanization.
Mon, 03-29-2010, 05:28 AM
The Last Hassaku:
Episode 12 Final - Formula
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A somewhat strange and detached last episode. Almost like based on some extra gag material. Still, it had some good parts like the differences between Nemuru and Mana's mental images of a castle, dogs, and servants.
Last edited by Kraco; Mon, 03-29-2010 at 11:06 AM.
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