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Thread: Sora no Woto

  1. #81
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    [Nipponsei] Sora no Woto Original

    That French insert song better be there...
    04- Servante du feu

    is the one

    I could eventually provide you with a "basic" translation later this evening (day's work is to begin), unless it's already available with a simple googling.

    After a quick search, it seems that whole song isn't translated yet, because you have the anime version and the full one.

    Also, some scripts seem to have some mistakes in french, thus the translation to another language reflect those mistakes.

    I will have to listen to it carefully, headphones on, because some words confused me when listening and reading the scripts at the same time (on laptop speakers...)

    If you have scripts, that will save me some work
    Last edited by David75; Thu, 04-01-2010 at 06:33 AM. Reason: More on "Servante du Feu" translation

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  2. #82
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    The double is there to separate the lyrics from the discussion:

    First is the french transcript. It wasn't that easy, because it is more a poem than a song, so some pronounciation techniques useful for rhymes make identification a little more difficult. Headphones really were useful.

    Aimerais-tu en ce monde voir quelque chose s'effacer
    Et que l'air soit plus pur, le coeur des hommes transformé ?
    Et pourtant tout est si fragile ici sur la Terre
    Il n'est rien qui soit futile, tu sais

    D'un côté beau ou bon et quelque fois prodigieux
    Et de l'autre les loups pauvres et bien souvent monstrueux
    Qu'importe ce que ton coeur te dictera, souviens-toi
    Que la différence naît dans tes yeux

    Chante toutes les couleurs du monde
    Sans manquer une seule note
    Chaque chose a sa place ici
    Chaque émoi forme la symphonie de notre vie

    Savoure l'harmonie du ciel
    Vois que tout est essentiel
    Et comprends que toi aussi
    Tu en écris la mélodie

    Voudrais-tu de ce monde pouvoir revoir l'écriture
    Et choisir ses couleurs, confères ta propre peinture ?
    Prendre le bien, le mal, et sans trier, accepter
    Sans couvrir tes yeux tout regarder

    Joie et malheur ne font qu'un
    Tout est dans le destin
    De chaque rire naît un chagrin
    Dans chaque voix dans chaque petit bruit vit l'infini

    Savoure l'harmonie du ciel
    Vois que tout est essentiel
    Et comprends que toi aussi
    Tu en écris la mélodie

    I really need sometimes to get something meaningful in english, rather than a too direct translation, I need to get the global feeling of the text first. I even wonder if I'm good enough for this task.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  3. #83
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Sora no Woto episode 7.5

    This would be the missing episode that was alluded to when Kanata mentioned it was, "a long story," about how she found out about the distillery that that funds their remote base.

    Sora no Woto eps 7.5 [BD]
    file size: ~900 Mb


    I can see why this episode might have been skipped from the original broadcast set, but it was certainly a most excellent episode.

    What really brought a smile to my face was how serious they all took the mock battle and Yumina's inclusion. Certainly Filicia's actions were a large contributor to that level of behavior, but they really took it to extremes, Noel's Gatling Gun being one of them. The bigger one was the fact that every one of the girls always "died" with the dye dripping from their mouth like blood. How the dye gets from a shot to the abdomen to their face is anyone's guess, but it was a cute and ultimately hilarious effect.

    Filicia's zero resistance to alcohol was an amusing surprise given how mature she usually acts, as well as Kureha's absolute resistance given her typical immaturity. I must admit, I truly felt sorry for the poor girl.

    Their hangovers the morning after was just icing on the cake. Yumina, Kanata and especially Filicia having next to none, Rio and Noel having it the worst. Even the owl.

  4. #84
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    pwq - Sora no Woto Episode 13 (1080p)


    World map at last! It was hinted that Helvetia was built on old Japan, but all the French and castle backdrops completely wiped that from my memory. If No-Man's Land is Asia (or Eurasia, as they put it), then that means the Sea of Japan's been completely dried up. I have no idea where Rome is then, but they hinted it as being somewhere in North Korea.

    The aerodynamics/physiology books were written in English, so I guess Asia must have been screwed over big time in the invasion to the extent that no survivor speaks their language.

    That, or everybody packed bags and moved halfway around the world.

    Kanata didn't look as good as Rio as the Flame Maiden. Long hair and maturity goes much better with that attire.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #85
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I started watching it thinking I'd have lost the magic I felt while watching the original run... but in fact it's still there.
    Music, sceneries, atmosphere, everything is nicely done and I can plunge into it in a matter of seconds. Truly a delicious experience, even if not that much happens, it's very nice.

    Regarding the aeronautics and anatomy books, they are in fact in French, at least the titles hint at that.

    For the map, well it's very hard to mix it with the sceneries and culture bits.
    The architecture, town, rocks, construction material, mountains and cliffs are incredibly close to what you'd find in one of the Balkans countries or a Italy, South of France, or other places aroung the mediteranean sea.
    I'd be very surprised that in a crumbling world, they'd be able to transport everything from rocks to very old construction methods in Asia.
    But having lots of Japanese/Asian culture visual elements is also strange in that background, with people that do not show much of Asian physique.
    Also, I do not think that this story would take place a lot more than 100 years after our time, as books and many elements from our era aren't that degraded. I don't know if we shall put too much thought into this. It is good enough in itself I guess.

    The flight dream to find the promised land was obvious from the very first picture where we see the aeronautics books. After all, flying is a very efficient way of quickly covering lots of ground and maybe find the place that isn't dying.
    But looking at the map also tells that even with a plane, it might be an all or nothing approach.

    After all, the deserted land is at least as large as the land from Vladivostok to Lisbon and Athens to Oslo. If the promised land is like an average European country in size, you can totally miss it. You can however always think that the promised land needs water and as such would have rivers and deltas you can see while flying around the land coasts.
    That would be an approach easing the landings, maybe allowing for water and food resuply... provided there's fish and other edible things, eventhough they stated that everything of the like died/was dying. Then there's fuel for the flying object and repair elements. The distances to cover are huge, I wonder if it's possible for her to organize things. It would also be sad finding such land and not be able to go back and tell people.
    Also, you could meet people there, that would not be happy knowing there are starving/depleted nations willing to come and share/take what they have.
    We are after all in a declining world where every resources are coming to an end, hence the wars fought in order to steal/get what's left and try to survive just a little more.

    Ah, a nice ep it was

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  6. #86
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Finally got around to watching the ep, when I happened to spot a 720p release. A jolly good episode. It has the same atmosphere like David mentioned, and served the larger story really well, far better than most extras ever do.

    Regarding the dream to find new, living land, logic dictates it should be easy enough unless there's some otherworldly killer virus going around killing everything with DNA, but that seems unlikely since these folks have lived for a good long while in their shrinking sphere. Thus it seems more like a combination of two things: Larger climate change drying East Asia and all the people living there in their ignorance believing their little corner is the last viable place in the world.

    We can already deduce from the fact the quite southern land of former Japan seems to be relatively friendly and moderate that the temperature of Earth hasn't drastically risen turning the whole planet into a hellish Venus v2. So, it's a simple climate change. Which ultimately and absolutely means that there must still be vast lands receiving sufficiently rain to support lush life.

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