Yeah but you could always see his outline clearly.
Yeah but you could always see his outline clearly.
I guess I haven't been paying attention to details. *facepalm*
Anyone still reading this? Chapter 515 is out.
Edit: I always enjoy seeing Kenichi get angry, but I'd like to see what he can do to a master class fighter.
Last edited by LaZie; Mon, 03-25-2013 at 07:53 PM.
Chapter 558 was just hilarious.
Oh, the panties thing? Yeah, that was pretty good.
Ma Kensei is just boss like that.
Latest chapter is the best one I read in months. Developments, less fan service, and Shounen goodness aplenty. Glad to see Oden back.
I didn't think anyone else was reading this. The last few chapters have been pretty good and the fights haven't been half bad.
Still reading every chapter.
Ch 580
Finally something epic. At least I think it is. Looks like Ken-chan graduated from Expert to a low level Master. Using a Master level skill like that. I mean come on! Laser eyes like all the masters!
Bet he forgets how to use that after this is done
That was a pretty cool chapter. I think Kenichi is a low level Expert; I don't think he is at Master level yet. Hopefully he keeps it up.
Its an unfortunate thing when they spend dialogue explaining why some new power development is impressive and I can't follow the meaning. All I remember is that theres two or more kinds of ki and one eats you away or something...
Or maybe I'm an idiot. Can't count that out.
Apparently, the next issue is the last one, but here is the current one.
Manga as a genre will never recover from this huge loss