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Thread: Internet privacy, the fight continues

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  1. #1
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Paris & Versailles, France

    Internet privacy, the fight continues

    Guys from ESIEA in Paris opened project perseus.

    This project is to be able to protect citizen's privacy for all of their internet uses.

    Short explanation of how it works:
    Sender adds lots of noise to their data by modifying bits with complex transforms etc..
    Receiver can decode data only because they have enough data to get noise profile and recreate data.

    The idea is that it's a kind of encryption that does not need secure keys as some other methods. Because with these keys, you have legal limitations in most countries of the world...

    It's safe against packet sniffing, provided the sniffer can't get all packets to extract noise.
    It's safe against data corruption from attacks and so on, as noise profile is modified.
    It's not safe against man in the middle I think.

    Another service I'd like to try is btaccel
    The idea is to paste a torrent link, have their servers download the thing, and then do a direct dl from their servers.
    Ok I know, you have to trust them and there are limitations I'm sure... did not try yet.

    The idea is that I could organise my dls when not at home, without the need to have my comp on and try and take control from a distant site... I do not like the idea.
    I already know it doesn't work with private trackers.
    Also, it necessarily adds time before you can get the file, so not for your highly anticipated show of the week.
    Also, you need a code for activation, just sent an email and will see how much time is needed to get access to the alfa version.
    Last edited by David75; Tue, 11-10-2009 at 04:16 PM.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

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