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Thread: What happens to Fox Demon if Naruto dies?

  1. #1

    What happens to Fox Demon if Naruto dies?

    1) Demon dies permanently (probably not)
    2) Demon escapes and starts trashing the place.
    3) Demon is incapacitated for set period of time, and reappears like 10 years down the road.

    Outside of #1, why would the Fox Demon help naruto out? Wouldn't he rather Naruto die so he can escape?

  2. #2
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    If Naruto dies the fox will die. Permanent. When he fought Sasuke his neck was broken and he should have died but the fox regenerated Naruto's neck and took over.

    That aside, when Naruto was clearly dying after they found Tsunade, you could see that everything around the fox went dark and he did not know what it was. So that makes me think that if Naruto dies so does the fox.

  3. #3
    This is a stupid thread and should be locked. The fox already said himself that he dies if Naruto dies.

  4. #4
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    It's been said clearly that if Naruto dies, the kyuubi dies with him. There's really nothing to debate.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  5. #5
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    good, another thread to get flamed at because I hold a different opinion, these are my favorites.

    first of all: my opinion. number 3, if not 2. I also think that Naruto is forming a sort of friendship with Naruto, and I read that famous line from the jiraya training with a different tone of voice. where other people hear kyuubi saying that he'll help because he's being threatened, I hear him saying he'll help because he appreciates Naruto's courage.

    now, something with more meat.

    it seems very unlikely that the demon dies with the host. if so, Jinchuriki would have been assassinated at a much higher rate (or at least aimed at), a country might not want to kill their own host-dude. but I doubt that they would mind killing the opposition, and tipping the balance of power in their favor.

    at the very least, the village (leaf) didn't know what would happen if they killed Naruto, the sealing process was one-of-a-kind. and has never been tried before (as far as we know), only the 4th (and 3rd) knew the details about it, and with them dead, there's no one left who knows for sure. killing Naruto might kill the Kyuubi, or give him freedom again. it's unclear. but as long as it's within Naruto, it doesn't go out.

    onwards. the other jinchurikis, they are all fighters, with tons of battles behind them, they are around for around a 100 years (since the 1st hokage?) or more (since the Payne ninja of six paths?), it means that either no Jinchuriki has been killed in battle, or that killing them doesn't kill the demon.

    (fun note: every JInchuriki we've seen so far has been defeated, meaning that an akatsuki level ninja, in previous generations, could have beaten a jinchuriki, remember Kazuko the immortal?)

    now: a question that can be asked is "If Kyuubi knows he won't die if Naruto dies, why does he help him?"
    there are several answers, ranging from Shonen heart explanations, to just sharingan stupid.
    one answer is that the Kyuubi has taken a liking to Naruto, and is giving him power because of respect, or boredom and wanting to see others make havoc around.
    another answer is that the Kyuubi is taking shelter in Naruto. he's been beaten by Senjou, and then been dominated by Madare. so the kyuubi is afraid to go out, and prefers using his powers indirectly (via Naruto) and hope that together they can kill Madare (and all the mother-fucking-sharingan-cheaters).

    and that's how it should end, Naruto killing Sasuke, and releasing the world from the terror that the Uchiha clan have put it in. even unnatural demons like the kyuubi have fallen under the iron boots of the uchiha clan, the hero must set us free from their oppression.

    note: I choose to ignore the Juubi thing for now, maybe if we keep silent about it, Kishimonto would forget he ever wrote that.

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  6. #6
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Meh, the Kyuubi was approving of Naruto with impressed laughter when he "admitted" that he would die. Moreover, he ended that sentence with "Eh?". He liked the extortion more than he was afraid of the threat.

    Also, Naruto's seal has become weaker. So even if the Kyuubi was stuck in Naruto if Naruto died before, it might not be anymore. After all, the Mega-Bijuu would have escaped from the Sage of the Six Paths if he hadn't split it up.
    "After all, I am strangely colored."

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    good, another thread to get flamed at because I hold a different opinion, these are my favorites.

    Your opinion is irrelevant given that it has already been stated IN THE MANGA that the
    Kyuubi dies when Naruto dies.

    Why is this thread still active?

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    Man, it's funny how just a little bit of thought seems to bring to shame Naruto's storyline. I wouldn't be surprised AT ALL if a jinchuruki dying doesn't necessarily kill the demon, with the rate at which supposed truths of the Narutoverse have been going to shitter, The only problem is that there are 2 Jinchuruki left. One of them is Naruto. We'll likely never get to see a Jinchuruki defeated in traditional battle. By that I mean, if you lose, you die. None of that getting captured and having the demon being extrated. That means the 8 tails won't answer the question for us. I certainly hope no one is expecting Naruto to 1) die, and 2) die while still being the demon's host. I suppose 1) could happen though, but that doesn't settle the matter either.

  9. #9
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    Why is this thread still active?
    Because it's a discussion thread on a forum that is dedicated to uh... discussions.

    Regardless of what you'd like to believe, there's no solid "fact" in the Narutoverse. It's a world made up by Kishimoto and therefore it changes to whatever he wants it to be. He already ignores established "facts" several times in the series, and the story itself contain an abundance amount of contradiction and plot holes. Kishi certainly don't give a ratass about continuity or any sort of sense making so neither should you.

    So you can either contribute to the thread in a less annoying way or just ignore it, no one is forcing you to read and post.
    Last edited by Dark Dragon; Wed, 11-11-2009 at 04:07 AM.

  10. #10
    how do they know that then? All the Bijuu are still there no host has died with one so it cna be confirmed that the bijuu also dies :S

    Maybe it remains sealed in the dead body until resealed?
    Someone mentioned them getting assassinated GL.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragon
    Because it's a discussion thread on a forum that is dedicated to uh... discussions.

    Regardless of what you'd like to believe, there's no solid "fact" in the Narutoverse. It's a world made up by Kishimoto and therefore it changes to whatever he wants it to be. He already ignores established "facts" several times in the series, and the story itself contain an abundance amount of contradiction and plot holes. Kishi certainly don't give a ratass about continuity or any sort of sense making so neither should you.

    So you can either contribute to the thread in a less annoying way or just ignore it, no one is forcing you to read and post.
    I guess we should start more "Who is Naruto's Father?" threads then. Or more "Does Team 7 Mirror the Sannin?" threads? Or maybe some "What color is Naruto's hair?" threads. Or "Who Will Be the 5th Hokage?"

    Lets just disregard everything that has ever happened or been stated in the manga, by the author and have idiotic and pointless "discussions" about our own, personal, irrelevant opinions about it in spite of what we already know.

    And tough shit for you if you think I'm being annoying, because I have contributed to the discussion more efficiently than anyone else has. I actually answered the proposed question based on actual information given to us by the author, rather than spewing useless opinion about what would please me more.
    What exactly was it that you contributed to this thread again? Oh, thats right... nothing but a blatant flame.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    I guess we should start more "Who is Naruto's Father?" threads then. Or more "Does Team 7 Mirror the Sannin?" threads? Or maybe some "What color is Naruto's hair?" threads. Or "Who Will Be the 5th Hokage?"

    Lets just disregard everything that has ever happened or been stated in the manga, by the author and have idiotic and pointless "discussions" about our own, personal, irrelevant opinions about it in spite of what we already know.

    And tough shit for you if you think I'm being annoying, because I have contributed to the discussion more efficiently than anyone else has. I actually answered the proposed question based on actual information given to us by the author, rather than spewing useless opinion about what would please me more.
    What exactly was it that you contributed to this thread again? Oh, thats right... nothing but a blatant flame.
    What page of the manga are you getting the idea that the Demon Fox will die if Naruto dies?

    I thought it was never settled, I never read anything concrete.

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    And tough shit for you if you think I'm being annoying, because I have contributed to the discussion more efficiently than anyone else has. I actually answered the proposed question based on actual information given to us by the author, rather than spewing useless opinion about what would please me more.
    Name the page that's on, because as it stands, you haven't contributed anything but saying that "The manga says so" and been annoying. If you mean the time the Kyuubi and Naruto are talking while Naruto is learning to Summon, the Kyuubi wasn't exactly scared of Naruto, but impressed.

    And we also know that Naruto's seal is weaker than it was three years ago. Even if the Kyuubi might have been stuck in Naruto's dead body then, it might be able to escape now.

    In fact, if we're strict about the canon regarding seals, the Kyuubi is already dead. The Shinigami sealed up the Kyuubi and the Fourth Hokage inside Naruto, to fight for eternity. On the other hand, that seems to contradict what we have learned and seen about the seal otherwise (the cage, the seal tattoo on Naruto's bellybutton that turned into a Sharingan, the fact that the Kyuubi is evidently not dead)
    Last edited by poopdeville; Wed, 11-11-2009 at 03:12 PM.
    "After all, I am strangely colored."

  14. #14
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    I'm sorry for posting off topic, but I feel I have to do this. Here's why the thread is still open: there has not been a mod who has seen the thread, that deemed it deserving of being locked. It's that simple.

    Here's how you lower the chance of threads being closed: If you're posting in a thread that you enjoy and someone comes along and essentially says "this discussion is not worthwhile, this thread should be closed.", do 2 things:

    1) Ignore said user. The same way you can advice him to stop reading the thread if he doesn't like it, you can stop reading and responding to his posts if you don't like them. Do not partake in derailing the thread with him. Give the mods no reason to close the thread

    2) Post constructively and on topic. The only reason a mod will shut a thread like this down, is if they see that no decent conversation is occurring. As counter intuitive as this may seem, the best way to prevent that is to actually discuss the topic constructively. Give the mods a reason to keep the thread open.

    If those two things done by most people in the thread, repeat party poopers will be the ones to suffer via warnings and maybe bans. The only reason I'm posting this is because I forsee this thread being shut down on account of it being derailed, and that would be a shame. I don't like being told what I should or shouldn't be discussing anymore than anyone else. But there's a way to deal with that that doesn't result in threads being closed. Going back and forth with people who want to see the thread closed isn't it.

  15. #15
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    I actually answered the proposed question based on actual information given to us by the author, rather than spewing useless opinion about what would please me more.
    What exactly was it that you contributed to this thread again? Oh, thats right... nothing but a blatant flame.
    This is a stupid thread and should be locked. The fox already said himself that he dies if Naruto dies.
    Why is this thread still active?
    Before my post, the only thing you did was bitch about why this thread still exist. how is that contributing?

    I wasn't really trying to flame you, merely stating that if it this thread really bothers you so much that you feel the need to ask the mod twice to lock it, then isn't it better if you just ignore it instead of trying to force other people to not discuss the topic?

    As far the Kyubi dying things, unlike your other examples this one isn't blatantly obvious. The only thing you got so far is a vague statement from Kyubi said they will die. There was no explanation to why it had to be that way, it was just stated to be so. It was never mentioned how he knew, can Kyubi magically sense his own death? Did the 4th told him that it was going to be so? how? Since the condition was never set, it can easily be change by the author.

  16. #16
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uchiha Barles
    I'm sorry for posting off topic, but I feel I have to do this. Here's why the thread is still open: there has not been a mod who has seen the thread, that deemed it deserving of being locked. It's that simple.

    Here's how you lower the chance of threads being closed: If you're posting in a thread that you enjoy and someone comes along and essentially says "this discussion is not worthwhile, this thread should be closed.", do 2 things:

    1) Ignore said user. The same way you can advice him to stop reading the thread if he doesn't like it, you can stop reading and responding to his posts if you don't like them. Do not partake in derailing the thread with him. Give the mods no reason to close the thread

    2) Post constructively and on topic. The only reason a mod will shut a thread like this down, is if they see that no decent conversation is occurring. As counter intuitive as this may seem, the best way to prevent that is to actually discuss the topic constructively. Give the mods a reason to keep the thread open.

    If those two things done by most people in the thread, repeat party poopers will be the ones to suffer via warnings and maybe bans. The only reason I'm posting this is because I forsee this thread being shut down on account of it being derailed, and that would be a shame. I don't like being told what I should or shouldn't be discussing anymore than anyone else. But there's a way to deal with that that doesn't result in threads being closed. Going back and forth with people who want to see the thread closed isn't it.
    Thank you.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragon
    Before my post, the only thing you did was bitch about why this thread still exist. how is that contributing?
    Really? Is that all I did? I'm pretty sure I said "The fox dies when Naruto dies." twice, in response to the question "What happens to the fox when Naruto dies?"

    How is that NOT contributing?

    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville
    Name the page that's on, because as it stands, you haven't contributed anything but saying that "The manga says so" and been annoying. If you mean the time the Kyuubi and Naruto are talking while Naruto is learning to Summon, the Kyuubi wasn't exactly scared of Naruto, but impressed.
    Look it up yourself. I'm not searching through 470 chapters just because you happened to miss it when it took place. Others in this thread have stated the same thing I did, so that should tell you right there that I'm not bullshitting. I'm talking about the time Naruto is talking to the Kyuubi and demanding his help and the Kyuubi responds with something along the lines of "If you die, then I die, so I will lend you my chakra." Not an exact quote, obviously, but you get the idea. Have fun in your search.

  18. #18
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Yeah, personally I think it's pretty obvious that the Kyuubi will die if Naruto dies. It's been stated quite clearly, and that seems to be the assumption on which the Kyuubi's actions have thus far been based.

    That said, if people want to split hairs and speculate an ask the "what if" questions, go ahead. That's why the forums exist...

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  19. #19
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Chapter 95, page 16 was the earliest mention I could find: If Naruto dies, the Kyuubi dies

  20. #20
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Yeah, except that doesn't say anything like that... Naruto says, "You live in my body, so pay me rent". And the Kyuubi says, "GWAHAHA, so if you die I die, eh? You've got guts for threatening me like this. Alright, here's a gift for coming this far"

    The Kyuubi did not say that he would die. He said that Naruto was threatening him.
    "After all, I am strangely colored."

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