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Thread: 11eyes

  1. #61
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    SFW - Episode 09


    Check out those pyro-effects. They sure put in a lot in this episode.

    Yuka is as creepy as ever. Even Shiori was uncomfortable, and that's saying something.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 12-07-2009 at 04:30 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #62
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    11eyes, episode 01
    [18:19] <masamune> well, 11 eyes wastes little time establishing a premise, characters, and some sort of cohesive angle
    [18:20] <masamune> but is it just another shounen with played out archetypes?
    [18:20] <masamune> that's why i have six more episodes to go
    [18:22] <masamune> its got lots of pantsu shots, and lots of forgettable characters, and (and i swear, is it the theme of this season?) a boy with a mysterious eye
    [18:23] <masamune> but it seems to want to be an action shounen romp, with the OP and ED

    11eyes, episode 02
    [18:27] <masamune> oh lol
    [18:27] <masamune> fucking beer all over myself
    [18:27] <masamune> the sinister latin in the episode recap
    [18:27] <masamune> oh my freaking god
    [18:28] <masamune> good thing i had tissues nearby
    [18:29] <masamune> i already feel sorry for "the other male"
    [18:29] <masamune> poor guy is going to die a dog's death...

    as expected, one of the other RedWorld veterans saves them, and of course Kakeru is the one with the super power

    i do like that the one girl has no qualms about being the source of plot revealment, and calmly does so for the viewer's sake... but, still, sloppy story telling is sloppy story telling...

    yuka is annoying as fuck, but she does get points for recognizing, on her own, that because she has also been chosen, that she must have some kind of power too. i am fucking so sick of the "i'll never be useful!" females. she is, however, stupid as fuck for saying to someone "that thing you saw, but i saw too, was just an illusion". jesus, woman...

    11eyes episode 03
    yukiko-chan is, far and away, my front runner for best character. first off, in this day and age of harem galge visual novel bullshit, it takes a rare gal to be interested in anyone but the main male character. second, her breast grab moment was deliciously perverted

    other than that, a fairly lack-luster episode aside from more plot reveals (god, this show has no delivery ability at all...) and some semi-decent action.

    watched episode 04. this show is completely unoriginal, but it isn't awful... have i just lost all sense of good taste?

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  3. #63
    Masa I think your comments are a wonderful alternate perspective and I'm glad you're watching and commenting on the show too. I try to avoid applying much mental effort when watching shows if I can get away with it so I often don't get it when you say the story isn't being 'well delivered'. In particular I don't understand what's wrong with Kusakabe explaining magic and the Red Night and such. If some knowledgeable character didn't exist in universe to explain all this stuff to the noob main character then how would we in the audience know anything? Or are we not supposed to know anything?

    Anyway, as far as I'm concerned this show is filling a niche that needs to be filled. Every season there needs to be at least one show about a random guy born with a magic/demonic/special power he didn't know about until the first episodes. This guy has to fight unambiguously evil creatures while 'romancing' at least one girl and typically more than one. I think this is an anime staple in the same way the medical show or police procedural show are staples in American TV.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 12-09-2009 at 12:51 PM.

  4. #64
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Well now, wasn't that wonderfully entertaining?

    Somewhat realistic how instead of following the usual route of "fighting because we have to" the characters are swiftly breaking down from the pressure, and all for different reasons too.

    I'm skeptical on Takahisa's death not having seen it myself but it would be quite strange to have him alive after seeing all that blood on Yukiko's clothes

    If they manage to get a gray ending out of all of this as a finishing touch i'm rating it a 9 in myanimelist. Who cares about originality when you have quality?

  5. #65
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    F+W forever Episode 10

    HorribleSubs Episode 10

    I really hate to agree with you on this Arch, but this show has gotten really interesting in the past two episodes, especially this one. Episode 10 content comments below.

    Yuka goes all yandere. I have hated her a lot for being the traditional childhood friend, but that blade in the tea cup thing has redeemed her for me. She is an obsessed psycho now, and that is pretty interesting.

    Finally some romance between Misuzu and Kakeru. I have been rooting for this pairing, and I honestly thought that it is impossible, so I have great satisfaction that they are going for such a development. A face off between a traditional tsundere and a yandere is definitely something I am looking forward to.

    The heroes are actually villains twist is not original, but I definitely did not expect it with this show. The black guys just looked evil, and kind of acted that way too (probably from being stuck there so long).

    The fact that people (with names) actually die in this show is a huge, huge plus for me.

    There seems to be a kissing scene between Misuzu and Kakeru from the preview. I wonder how that will turn out.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  6. #66
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Yuka goes all yandere. I have hated her a lot for being the traditional childhood friend, but that blade in the tea cup thing has redeemed her for me. She is an obsessed psycho now, and that is pretty interesting.
    I absolutely hate her, and I'm loving it.

    Finally some romance between Misuzu and Kakeru. I have been rooting for this pairing, and I honestly thought that it is impossible, so I have great satisfaction that they are going for such a development. A face off between a traditional tsundere and a yandere is definitely something I am looking forward to.
    My rooting for this relationship is solely because I really like Misuzu as a character. Shiori is almost up there with her but she loses a little because she comparatively lacks development (both character and carnal).

    I don't think Yuka intended to destroy the world with that "save", since she was either absent or asleep during every single information session. Rather, I thought that action was based more on her "innocent" thoughts of saving the girl from the "bad" guys, as well as getting this Red Night business over and done with so Kakeru has nothing to do with Misuzu anymore.

    However, even if she had known, I don't think she would have acted differently. She's just that broken.

    The heroes are actually villains twist is not original, but I definitely did not expect it with this show. The black guys just looked evil, and kind of acted that way too (probably from being stuck there so long).
    On the contrary, I think it was heavily hinted (and hence I expected it) to be that way from the earlier episodes. The sign on the floor saying "You awakened the evil" and all the Black Knights talking about destroying them because they're fragments and all cued me in on that.

    What I thought was really interesting is that the Black Knights (or just Superbia) acted even more evil right after our explanation, rather than the usual we-are-doing-this-for-the-world redemption depiction.

    It's really hard to call someone who has this much fun killing someone and is this pleased about it - good.

    There seems to be a kissing scene between Misuzu and Kakeru from the preview. I wonder how that will turn out.

    I'm hoping this scene indicates that they will go beyond kissing.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #67
    YES!!!! I'm loving yandere Yuka. My ideal ending is now everyone but Kakeru dying after Yuka merges with the demon loli and all the other fragments. Then Kakeru has to banish the demon lolis soul to hell with his magic eye but sacrifices his life in the process (I kind of hate when heroes survive crazy super magic that should involve some sort of heavy penalty with no ill effects). The final scene would be an un-yandered Yuka on the roof of that giant building in the real world cradling Kakeru's lifeless body and screaming bloody murder at the heavens. In this scenario Kakeru can still have sex with Kusakabe after Yuka gets absorbed but before she manages to kill everyone else. I would buy Kakeru being vulnerable and in need of comfort after Yuka's absorption and his and Kusakabe's narrow escape from the Red Night after witnessing Index girl and maybe the knights getting slaughtered by Liselotte.

    But of course that's never going to happen so I'd rather see Kakeru get with the girl I feel like he has stronger romantic feelings for (Yuka) then see him put with the girl I'd prefer to get a happy ending (Kusakabe). I definitely think Kusakabe has earned something good happening to her but I wouldn't like seeing Kakeru turning his back on his relationship and feelings for Yuka to accomplish this as it would feel odd. That said, Yuka could still die as part of Lislotte-Yuka whic would facilitate a Kusakabe x Kakeru ending after an appropriate amount of emotional healing time for Kakeru.

  8. #68
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I told you! I fucking told all of you! When you add 11 eyes to your top 3 in the thread i demand a special thanks directed at me for being the one who recognized this uncut gem before anyone else did!

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Finally some romance between Misuzu and Kakeru. I have been rooting for this pairing, and I honestly thought that it is impossible, so I have great satisfaction that they are going for such a development. A face off between a traditional tsundere and a yandere is definitely something I am looking forward to.
    I really have no idea where you got the tsundere from, traditional or otherwise.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    My rooting for this relationship is solely because I really like Misuzu as a character. Shiori is almost up there with her but she loses a little because she comparatively lacks development (both character and carnal).
    I agree, if a happy ending is strictly necessary then that's the couple i'm backing up

    Only thing i wasn't so crazy about was the censoring when Yukiko was impaled by the swords, but the fact that even so her death still packed that much of an impact is just another added bonus to its quality. The tear in the end as she died... brutal!

  9. #69
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    Only thing i wasn't so crazy about was the censoring when Yukiko was impaled by the swords, but the fact that even so her death still packed that much of an impact is just another added bonus to its quality. The tear in the end as she died... brutal!
    Yep, the tear, pronounced both tea-are and (especially) t-air. That rip + scream was, in your words, brutal indeed.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #70
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    I told you! I fucking told all of you! When you add 11 eyes to your top 3 in the thread i demand a special thanks directed at me for being the one who recognized this uncut gem before anyone else did!

    I really have no idea where you got the tsundere from, traditional or otherwise.
    I said it was interesting. There are better shows for my top 3.

    Misuzu was tsun to Kakeru at first (does not want to teach him etc.). Now she is all dere (all hugs and kisses). How is that not obvious?
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  11. #71
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Meh... I haven't been commenting since Im an episode behind. I just saw episode 9 myself and people here are already commenting on episode 10.

    And I do agree with Arch. Who needs originality when you get quality?

  12. #72
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rep
    Told you so
    @repper: "Told you so" would be correctly used if one said that the show will be good. Rather, from memory, you enjoyed the show right then and there, saying that the show was good an interesting to begin with.

    To me, "is" good, and "became" good are two things. Sometimes the latter makes up for the former, and at other times, it doesn't. My feelings of excitement currently does not change my feelings during those earlier episodes. Nevertheless, I will withhold judgment till things wrap up.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #73
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I should have negged you >_>

  14. #74
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    I'm skeptical on Takahisa's death not having seen it myself but it would be quite strange to have him alive after seeing all that blood on Yukiko's clothes

    If they manage to get a gray ending out of all of this as a finishing touch i'm rating it a 9 in myanimelist. Who cares about originality when you have quality?
    Skeptical indeed. No body, no death. That's my rule. But, hell, you would think, if anybody knew what a dead person looked like, it would be Yukiko.

    Episode 09 rocked. There was plenty of action (even if we had a bit of Megaman boss doll marathon), and I love that the bad guys are actually sticking it to the characters. After I came to accept that this series has to cover a lot of ground in little time (prior to that, I had issues with the expositional dialogue, as Yuki pointed out) I really started to appreciate this show. It's not original, but, yeah, it is well done.

    One thing that is killing me is the vagueties. I know they can't come out and tell us who exactly is good, who is evil, because that would ruin a lot of the suspense. But, man, even Nagato Shiori isn't shedding real light on stuff!

    Yuka is the best crazy anime female I've seen since Escaflowne. And that is saying something.

    i need to find an avi for episode 10...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  15. #75
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    You really do... episode 10 is bloody fantastic

    Best i could find for you so far is a stream here

  16. #76
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Fubuki is the only group I see releasing in avi.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #77
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Fubuki Episode 10 MKV 720p
    Fubuki Episode 10 Avi 400p

    Wow... just... wow.

    I do wonder... if we are on Yuka's world... how did the real Kukuri died? And how did all the other got their powers? Alternate worlds running in parallel? I got confused there.

  18. #78
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Well we didn't really get a detailed explanation on it, i'm sure we'll get more information on the next episode

  19. #79
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    EDIT - watched episode 10

    11eyes episode 10

    ah, well, ask and ye shall... and fubuki's episode 10 answered about all the questions and subdued all the doubts i had about this show. not only is Lisette not knowingly evil, but Shiori is a fragment too. none of this strikes me as incredibly surprising, but it is good to have clarity

    i like that Kusakabe got back on track early in this episode. it didn't fit her to continually wallow in her despair after losing to Superbia. her moment of weakness with kakeru was quite understandable, particularly forgiveably because she looks to be trying to still keep fighting

    and poor yukiko...

    what i like about the whole "seven worlds in one" setup (aside from the twist about Kukuri being a dead person, which surprised the fuck out of me) is that now everything depends upon the most unstable of the seven, Yuka, who controls the world where the Fragments can interact, aside from the Red Night. because she does not want them to all interact together, it's going to be tough sledding for those that cross her to ever make it...

    looks like they only get one chance anyhow. with three dead, and Yuka more than a question mark, it looks like this could head for a Bad End

    edit after reading posts

    and, yeah, i really am hoping for the same kind of thing, a Bad End, like Yukimura is hoping for. I would like it to be a bit different, as I don't think Yuka deserves to live, no matter what happens. I do think she is going to kill Kusakabe, sooner rather than later... and that sucks, because I have turned into a Kakeru x Kusakabe fan...

    (offtopic)also, i wanted to neg rep both buffalo and ark for off-topic posts (there is a thread in the Flame Pit for commenting on reputation comments), but i believe i accidentally gave one of you a positive rep hit instead.
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Mon, 12-14-2009 at 06:54 AM.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  20. #80
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    (offtopic)also, i wanted to neg rep both buffalo and ark for off-topic posts (there is a thread in the Flame Pit for commenting on reputation comments), but i believe i accidentally gave one of you a positive rep hit instead.
    Indeed you have, and i had a nice laugh over it

    Don't be so stiff, not so long ago only me and Bill were posting on this thread and a little off topicness never hurt anyone

    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    edit after reading posts

    and, yeah, i really am hoping for the same kind of thing, a Bad End, like Yukimura is hoping for. I would like it to be a bit different, as I don't think Yuka deserves to live, no matter what happens. I do think she is going to kill Kusakabe, sooner rather than later... and that sucks, because I have turned into a Kakeru x Kusakabe fan...
    That's a bit harsh, it's not like the girl is chopping off heads in maniacal glee. She was already a sensitive girl and then she was subjected to monsters, death and love competition in the short span of less than a week

    Should your theory be correct and she does kill... then i'll agree with you, but i'll still pity her a little seeing as she had no control over the circumstances that made her like this in the first place.

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