......Space.......the final frontier!!
......Space.......the final frontier!!
Moon Madara is watching you masterbate...
So is it just a coincidence that the Juubi's body is the moon, and now he wants to use the moon to project this permanent jutsu? I'm thinking a coincidence.
What will happen next, will it be Madara vs 5 kages, or will he escape like he always does after a long speech? I'm thinking the latter.
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
bahahahaha.... wow shit just being thrown everywhere in this chapter. I laughed through out this chapter as i was reading it and at the end, i was like... WTF?
It would appear Madara isn't really capable of doing much other than dodge attacks for some reason. That would at least explain why he would just finish a conversation with Naruto and then demand to the kages miles away to hand him Naruto.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
The dude is older than dirt, it's got to be expected.
I liked this chapter. I'm excited about this war.
But I swear to god there better not be another dues ex machina.
When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in theHills
Originally Posted by Assertn
Didn't Madara/Tobi one-hit KO the loose 3-tails and was bragging about it to Deidera?
That was filler. Therefore any actions made have no continuityOriginally Posted by Rikudo
Why is it that practically every single villain of recent wants peace/happiness for the world using some sort of unification method (that always infringes on the will of those involved just to make it "evil")? Can't there be villains without strange "good" motives and just be greedy? Greed for power is perfectly human, so it also counts as humanization just as much as revenge or love in terms of motivation.
whoa, that was a straight diabolical evil genius plan right there. lol, this chapter was crazy. i loved the raikages reaction to his brother not actually being captured.. that was good
wait, the dude threw the jubi into space and it's the moon? a human ninja created the moon? the moon is the corpse of some giant monster? O_O <.<
user posted image
It's kind of ridiculous for a guy to fight a war by himself, so maybe madara is planning to manipulate the kages to fight each other. He has 7 of the 9 beasts, so I'm thinking he'll cast a weaker 'hypno' jutsu on the kages to control them, probably why he wanted to hear their answer first. but I can't believe this is madara's real plan lol it just sounds so far fetched
As much as the bad guy with mildly good intentions has been played out lately... the crazy/evil/greedy head honcho villain is wayyyyyyyyyy cliche and Im glad Madara actually has a legitimate reason behind all this. You really cant have a series this long and let the main antagonist be just another token bad guy like most of his crew.Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
That is the point. With a series this long, one would think that the main antagonist will be all deep and nice. It would actually be a nice change to have someone with a very simple but grand goal. It doesn't take really complex characters to endear viewers. Being really bad ass is often more than enough (ie. Raikage).
what would actually be grand and simple enough to match the hype of the end to this series? all I can think of is...
A. take over the world
B. blow up the world
His goal is still door number A. But he actually has sensible reasoning for it. I like the idea, combining the two. Good agenda mixed with evil ideals. Better than Pain's retarded ass plan, door number B to get to peace.
Madara is already doing A, only he is being all hypocritical about it. I don't really mind door A, but saying it is for peace is just stupidly cliche (especially because of recent similar stories).
I actually liked Paine's idea more. While it was nuts, it was a tad more original than mind control (unless you include the fact that he will reflect his eye on the moon to hypnotize people, wait, wut?)
Pein and Madara were working together, toward a common goal. Madara needed Pein in order to read the secret Uchiha text. The weapon that Pein was talking about was the Jyuubi.Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
There's hardly anything new in this chapter, except that Madara wants to use his eyes as projectors and the moon as a mirror.
"After all, I am strangely colored."
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
That's why we loved these guys, remember?
Well yeah he said so himself.Originally Posted by Assertn
Sorry, but I don't really get it. Who are the guys in the pic?
This was already suggested when Pain was fighting Naruto. Remember the giant ball of earth he created to seal Kyubi Naruto inside?Originally Posted by Pandadice
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Not as much suggested as stated it out loudOriginally Posted by Assertn