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Thread: Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee

  1. #101
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I knew that the monster was Niche the first time it spoke. The voice, even if distorted, gave it away.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  2. #102
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Crunchysubs - Episode 05 (aka 30)


    I have no idea who the Inspector is working for. He could genuinely be a government agent spying on Reverse, who seems to be targeting all these would-be Head Bees for whatever reason.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 10-31-2010 at 03:17 AM.

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  3. #103
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I loved the part with Wasiolka attacking and subsequently falling in love with the pro-wrestler dingo, while Zazie watched on in horror.

    I get the feeling that Niche wouldn't be "second-rate" if she didn't get all fired up and attack with all her blades at the same time. She can use them independently, and usually does when dicing clothes, but whenever a serious opponent is in front of her, gaichuu included, she attacks with all at once on a single point.

    That's how the pro-wrestler was able to "blade grasp" against her, and fend her off later in their tussle in the canyon. She could have easily defeated him in Hive by attacking in pairs. He only has two arms, she could stagger her blows a bit and hit him with the other four no problem.

    It might not work against Roda, but it should take care of most of the foes who end up humiliating her.

    It seems that Reverse is gathering those who Akatsuki cast out, people like Niche and the Beast arms guy from last season. Only these are people who are not quick hack jobs like the beast arms guy or whatever Niche is, they're government experiment rejects. Makes me wonder about Lag's mother!
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 10-31-2010 at 07:50 AM. Reason: was missing an important negative in the last paragraph

  4. #104
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    It seems that Reverse is gathering those who Akatsuki cast out, people like Niche and the Beast arms guy from last season. Only these are people who are quick hack jobs like the beast arms guy or whatever Niche is, they're government experiment rejects. Makes me wonder about Lag's mother!
    The beast-arm guy (Hunt?) was modified by his circus boss to protect his girl (Sarah). The government didn't play a part in that one (since they were fakes).

    The way the pro-wrestler teased Niche was pretty hilarious.

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  5. #105
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    The beast-arm guy (Hunt?) was modified by his circus boss to protect his girl (Sarah). The government didn't play a part in that one (since they were fakes).
    That would be why I put an *emphasis* on the word "like," and explicitly stated he was a quick hack job.

    We haven't seen any of these supposed government ones the Reverse leader was ranting about, but from the way he described it, they're similar to Hunt or similar to Niche. That was what Sarah was playing on, even though they both knew they were full of it. Reverse is claiming that the Akatsuki central government is making chimeras to the purpose of making an artificial Spirit. The rejects are "those who are unable to become Spirit."

  6. #106
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    HorribleSubs - Episode 31


    Damn it, all those scenes turned out to be relatively innocent and their relationship made zero advances!!

    The whole thing was pretty comedic at first (like when they used Lag's "throbbing sound" outside its usual application), and I was wondering if I was becoming immune to the "heart-tugging" effect - that is until Lag shot his obligatory Nocturne. Ironically, by making that doll Sylvette's shown Lag her past experiences in a way words would never describe.

    The ease at which Niche will switch between jealousy and dingo-pride (for lack of a better word) is always fun.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 11-06-2010 at 11:24 PM.

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  7. #107
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    The ease at which Niche will switch between jealousy and dingo-pride (for lack of a better word) is always fun.
    Yeah, she's certainly a half-animal.

  8. #108
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    The ease at which Niche will switch between jealousy and dingo-pride (for lack of a better word) is always fun.
    Niche's angry line, "I smell Sylvette!" had me laughing hard. We learned last season that there are few things that make Niche angrier than Lag abandoning her to play with Sylvette.

    The only thing I didn't understand was why Lag didn't think to simply send Niche down to grab the doll. She's stabbed into a cliff to fetch something before on multiple occasions (usually Lag). I guess Lag's desire for emotional eavesdropping is so strong that shooting something with a shindan in order to retrieve it comes to mind before a more simple solution.

    Maybe it is my weakness for silver-haired maidens, but Sylvette looked really pretty with the wind whipping her hair before she set off after the carriage.

    A strong comedic episode. I have no idea what level of sappiness Lag will put into the letter bullet, but I'm certain it will be written right before it is needed.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 11-07-2010 at 05:25 AM. Reason: can't ever get a post just right the first time...

  9. #109
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    HorribleSubs - Episode 32


    This episode revealed less than what I had expected, but there's still some stuff to work off. For one, The-One-Who-Is-Unable-To-Become-Spirit wasn't planning Noir's brainwashing like I previously thought. I'm not too sure what to make of it though. On one hand, having come to his own decisions should mean changing Noir back to Gausche should be a bit harder, but I would expect Lag's magic bullet to do the trick too.

    I'm kind of unsure whether the current Roda has any relationship with the previous canine one now after what's been revealed. That mermaid has shown how crude the government's experimentations are, and it's just out of place that they would be able to produce something as complete as the current Roda.

    Niche really has to think before she acts. She's abandoned Lag way too many times now. Like the big wrestler dingo from last time as shown, she's very simple minded, and too easily distracted.

    But... Niche's mum??.... hot damn!!
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 11-14-2010 at 12:45 AM.

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  10. #110
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    But... Niche's mum??.... hot damn!!
    Yeah, I'm really looking forward to that. She should be a genuine legendary monster, right?

  11. #111
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Yeah, I'm really looking forward to that. She should be a genuine legendary monster, right?
    The lady was shown standing with the bird-like Maka, so I believe they're separate beings.

    But yes, legendary is the right description. :3

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  12. #112
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I think we'd be pretty safe to say that the current Roda is not the dog Roda. However, I'm not going to discount something really weird happening, because plenty of things have been happening already. It's interesting that Gauche's only remaining memory is of his dingo, but it makes sense in the way that Roda was the closest one to him when he lost his heart, and the girl was the closest one to him afterward.

    I was surprised at how long it had been since he lost his heart, and reborn as "Noir." Aria was still in her lowly position, Sylvette was still happy carrying on without her brother, and the new Roda was very young herself. It seems like Gauche lost his heart immediately. I wouldn't discount Reverse's involvement just yet. They had been interested in him for a while (from last season when he was still Gauche). But I don't think it makes much of a difference that Lawrence didn't brainwash him. He had no memories of his old life, and the first things he's told is that the world is unfair. Who wouldn't want to go out and fix that if they knew nothing else?

    I think the most ominous thing from this episode was the flash Zazie saw. If we put the last few episodes together, Reverse seems to want to steal letters in order to summon Gaichu on command. Then they can do whatever Noir was doing to the one on the ice moosehead and cause them to molt. That's seriously messed up. I'm getting immediate flashbacks from Chrome Shelled Regios.

    Equally messed up is the mermaid woman that Roda and Noir came across. If they're doing that, then there really aren't any good people to this world besides perhaps the ones at Lloyd's Beehive. He doesn't seem too comfortable with government folks either, but he does seem to be trying to achieve genuine good. Akatsuki certainly is evil, and Reverse is assuredly no better. Once again, my Worried-for-Lag's-Mother Meter goes off the chart again!

    Niche remembering she was born there and is over 200 years old came out of nowhere, heh. Maka-like lady is indeed hot. Hopefully Niche will at least learn some advanced hair techniques to defeat Roda.

  13. #113
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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  14. #114
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Heh, not Niche's mother at all...Niche's twin sister! Niche's real mom wasn't too bad looking herself though.

    This episode was huge.

    This is a pretty interesting arc, similar to the Honey Waters arc, showing what lengths people will resort to when they are afraid and desperate. Of course it was their own faults again. Strange that Spirit Amber can radiate heat like that, and the ground went cold as they dug it out. Then again, Spirit Amber does a lot of strange things.

    So what happened to Niche? Her sister obviously has not forgotten anything, but Niche appears to not only have "forgotten how to grow," but also why she left the cave in the first place. From the sound of things, the two of them lived there for some time before they got separated, and it wasn't the fall from the cliff that parted the pair. It almost sounded like Niche left willingly for some reason, but never came back. After that, she lost all of her memories.

    Her sister also uses her swords in considerably more complex patterns. I got a good chuckle out of Lag insisting she put on underwear, and requesting that she also cover her breasts because Niche was getting all "fixated" as usual. At least she knows that when she does get around to remembering how to age, she'll be just as hot as she always dreamed!

    It was a small thing, but perhaps the craziest part of this episode was Niche's sister stating that there were no humans in the chamber. Niche and Steak are obvious, but what does that make Lag? Is his Spirit Amber overriding his human scent, or is Lag not even an Albasian as he appears?

    I bet those special kind of gaichuu were sealed in ice for a reason. Maybe they were even sealed by the Maka.

  15. #115
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    This is a pretty interesting arc, similar to the Honey Waters arc, showing what lengths people will resort to when they are afraid and desperate. Of course it was their own faults again.
    I had great enjoyment as they revealed that drinking from that lake will in fact grant them nothing except maybe Maka pee.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post

    So what happened to Niche? Her sister obviously has not forgotten anything, but Niche appears to not only have "forgotten how to grow," but also why she left the cave in the first place. From the sound of things, the two of them lived there for some time before they got separated, and it wasn't the fall from the cliff that parted the pair. It almost sounded like Niche left willingly for some reason, but never came back. After that, she lost all of her memories.
    That has be guessing too. Interestingly, all those shots of the two when they were little had one of them with their eyes (scarily) open, and the other one always seemed asleep. My first impression was that Niche was the one who was always in a hibernating state and hence doesn't remember much of what went on around her.

    Her sister also uses her swords in considerably more complex patterns. I got a good chuckle out of Lag insisting she put on underwear, and requesting that she also cover her breasts because Niche was getting all "fixated" as usual. At least she knows that when she does get around to remembering how to age, she'll be just as hot as she always dreamed!
    Damn that Lag. I didn't even get a proper look.

    Try as Niche might though, it seems a shiny forehead runs in the family. :P

    It was a small thing, but perhaps the craziest part of this episode was Niche's sister stating that there were no humans in the chamber. Niche and Steak are obvious, but what does that make Lag? Is his Spirit Amber overriding his human scent, or is Lag not even an Albasian as he appears?
    I'm going with the latter, and that it once again has something to do with him being born on the Day of Flickering. Perhaps Sylvette too is not human.

    Talking about being human, one thing that just occurred to me is that neither Sylvette nor Lag are physically "complete". Since birth, Sylvette's never been able to move her legs, and I can't imagine a mother replacing a son's eye with Spirit Amber unless it was a less-than-functional one in the first place.

    I must have missed it since neither are hindered much by their apparent disability. Lag's aim is still true enough, while Sylvette's long since conquered stairs and off-road driving.

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  16. #116
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    That has be guessing too. Interestingly, all those shots of the two when they were little had one of them with their eyes (scarily) open, and the other one always seemed asleep. My first impression was that Niche was the one who was always in a hibernating state and hence doesn't remember much of what went on around her.
    Except for that one shot at 18:28 where they are looking at each other, and the preview for next week showing the same. I don't think one was hibernating, they were babies, they tend to sleep a lot (except when they're crying, which notably the two sisters did not).

    Of course I'm speculating. Niche's sister doesn't know what happened (or hasn't yet had time to explain their own story before they were interrupted), and Niche doesn't seem to remember things all that well. She remembered the 200 years figure, and then got confused and said 20 and then 2 (the last one clearly being false). Her sister confirmed 200.

  17. #117
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Except for that one shot at 18:28 where they are looking at each other, and the preview for next week showing the same. I don't think one was hibernating, they were babies, they tend to sleep a lot (except when they're crying, which notably the two sisters did not).
    Hmm. True enough. I do wonder at why Niche's memory is so bad compared to her sister's.

    Of course I'm speculating. Niche's sister doesn't know what happened (or hasn't yet had time to explain their own story before they were interrupted), and Niche doesn't seem to remember things all that well. She remembered the 200 years figure, and then got confused and said 20 and then 2 (the last one clearly being false). Her sister confirmed 200.

    So that town mayor is 200+ years old??

    edit: never mind. Both old, but different enough.

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  18. #118
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Horrible Subs - Letter Bee 34

    Niche's sister is flat-out amazing.


    Lag tears return! Even with the tears, this was probably one of the more badass showings of Lag's skill. His Red Needles tore their way into Niche's sister, explaining in ways his words never could, so her sister could see why Niche stood by him. Lag's eye flaring was just so cool, I don't know why he envies Jiggy Pepper when he's got that thing.

    I doubt it at this point, but we can only hope that during her healing period, Niche learns some of her sister's techniques, even on an elementary level. Separating sections of her hair to use as projectiles was something the Maka itself did with it's feathers/needles. There was some excellent Millia-Rage action in that sequence.

    Perhaps the most interesting bit of information was that Niche's sister matured in a matter of moments (or not, that wasn't all that clear) due entirely to an outburst of emotion. So, somewhere far down the line, maybe not even covered by the anime, Niche will follow. I suspect something along the lines of Lag nearly dying, or maybe someone else close to Niche getting terribly hurt. In that future time of severe stress, Niche will mature as well, likely becoming on par with her sister.

  19. #119
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Horrible Subs - Letter Bee 34

    Niche's sister is flat-out amazing.


    Lag tears return! Even with the tears, this was probably one of the more badass showings of Lag's skill. His Red Needles tore their way into Niche's sister, explaining in ways his words never could, so her sister could see why Niche stood by him. Lag's eye flaring was just so cool, I don't know why he envies Jiggy Pepper when he's got that thing.
    Haha, yeah. But then his crying face was so ridiculous this time it simply balances it out.

    I doubt it at this point, but we can only hope that during her healing period, Niche learns some of her sister's techniques, even on an elementary level. Separating sections of her hair to use as projectiles was something the Maka itself did with it's feathers/needles. There was some excellent Millia-Rage action in that sequence.
    I doubt it too. Niche just doesn't have enough hair to go around, even if her sister's was used out of proportion.
    Perhaps the most interesting bit of information was that Niche's sister matured in a matter of moments (or not, that wasn't all that clear) due entirely to an outburst of emotion. So, somewhere far down the line, maybe not even covered by the anime, Niche will follow. I suspect something along the lines of Lag nearly dying, or maybe someone else close to Niche getting terribly hurt. In that future time of severe stress, Niche will mature as well, likely becoming on par with her sister.
    I'm picking the first option, though I'd still think she'd remain much the same way she is at the moment. I can't see her surpassing Sylvette any time soon. I'm also inclined to think that Niche's sister grew up slowly rather than near-immediately. It would seem to me that she was crying for ages (months?) rather than moments.

    For me, the most interesting bit of information was Maka's comment about Lag being the Light. On the Day of Flickering, the artificial sun at Akatsuki went out briefly. Whatever light was meant to shine at that time was absorbed into (or became) Lag Seeing.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 12-04-2010 at 07:03 AM.

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  20. #120
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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