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Thread: Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee

  1. #81
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I'm still guessing Sarah made up the whole government thing with Hunt's arm just to sell her story. They lived in a place where people tried making money in any way possible, so that's not too farfetched. I don't think there's a reason to believe the government had anything to do with it. If anything, she would have blamed the master of that freakshow caravan.

    In the last episode, Horriblesubs had Sarah describing Hunt's arms as paralyzed. They seem far from that, even if he usually has them hanging.

    Connor really was helpless. I still wonder at how he even defeats Gaichuu in the first place.

    I too have my doubts on whether Ann will be alright. Zazie's word suggest that the hollow Gaichuu are attracted to heart in an attempt to gain one themselves. If it's to be taken that they are unable to gain one because it all disappears like a black hole, then any heart gradually leeched from Ann should be gone for good.

    Defeated Gaichuu always explode with a large number of "snowflakes" though - much more than you'd expect from a single Shindan shot, so one could still doubt whether they are somehow accumulated in the beast without becoming a heart.

    The end of this episode was particularly vague on this point, since it's hard to say whether the glimpes of Gausche that Lag saw were from the heart released by the beast (possibly absorbed from Gausche during a fight when he last visited), or whether it resonated with (and was occluded by) Hunt right before he fell, making those images the memories of Hunt/his clothing instead.

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  2. #82
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Tears of redemption, horrible cliffhangers!

    [HorribleSubs] Tegami Bachi - Letter Bee - 25 [Season 1 END] [720p]


    What a cliffhanger! Fall will be a long wait.

    Gauche finally reappearing as Noir (what an emo name). It seems that Reverse got ahold of him after he exhausted his heart. They probably took him in and nursed him back to health, brainwashing him in the process. The gunsmith/baker said many episodes ago that the revolver (that Gauche obviously has now) was much stronger than the Nocturne that Lag now uses, so he may have done it right after he got the new weapon. Gauche didn't seem too convinced by the Reverse guy in the Sarah/Hunt flashback, even if it had something to do with Sylvette that clearly unsettled him. That's why I'm going to go with brainwashing rather than joining them and forsaking his name willingly.

    More surprising was that Roda somehow became a girl, and a kunoichi at that! The color scheme still matched, so I can't see how it would be anyone but Roda (former dog). I wonder if the public shaming of Niche not once, but twice in a single fight will push Niche to become far stronger than she is now. Maybe Niche will put in some effort to think about her opponents and protecting Lag rather than reacting to his peril, typically falling off a cliff. Roda the Kunoichi is undoubtedly Niche's new rival. I don't really know who Niche will train with though...

    As for Hunt and Sarah, it was a bittersweet ending for the pair. They were driven out of the town, who will continue with their angry protest causing the rest of the town to suffer. But Sarah knew all along that Hunt did everything for her. She wanted to keep him save as well. I'm curious to see whether Thunderland can fix Hunt's arms. If he can, I wonder what kind of life the two of them will lead. I don't think it is going to go as far as them becoming a Bee and Dingo, but I hope this isn't the last we see of the two.

    Heh, Ann likes Zazie, mostly because he is 14 and is a brooding male tsundere.

    Hunt's hands and wrists are paralyzed, but his arms themselves are not. The monster arms are grafted at about the elbow. He can move the whole arm, but not the hands themselves. Hopefully Thunderland can change that. It is probably because they just attached them and then stopped the bleeding. Maybe Thunderland will cut him open again and attach the nerves properly or something.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 03-28-2010 at 08:52 AM.

  3. #83
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Tears of redemption, horrible cliffhangers!

    [HorribleSubs] Tegami Bachi - Letter Bee - 25 [Season 1 END] [720p]


    What a cliffhanger! Fall will be a long wait.

    Gauche finally reappearing as Noir (what an emo name). It seems that Reverse got ahold of him after he exhausted his heart. They probably took him in and nursed him back to health, brainwashing him in the process. The gunsmith/baker said many episodes ago that the revolver (that Gauche obviously has now) was much stronger than the Nocturne that Lag now uses, so he may have done it right after he got the new weapon. Gauche didn't seem too convinced by the Reverse guy in the Sarah/Hunt flashback, even if it had something to do with Sylvette that clearly unsettled him. That's why I'm going to go with brainwashing rather than joining them and forsaking his name willingly.
    Yeah, I'm thinking that too. I'm more or less certain he's following orders from the One who's Unable to become Spirit, but I wonder what expectations or plans he has for Lag himself. Roda's words all but declare they've been watching Lag just as that dude's been watching Gausche.

    More surprising was that Roda somehow became a girl, and a kunoichi at that! The color scheme still matched, so I can't see how it would be anyone but Roda (former dog). I wonder if the public shaming of Niche not once, but twice in a single fight will push Niche to become far stronger than she is now. Maybe Niche will put in some effort to think about her opponents and protecting Lag rather than reacting to his peril, typically falling off a cliff. Roda the Kunoichi is undoubtedly Niche's new rival. I don't really know who Niche will train with though...
    Biggest headscratcher ever, but I was rather delighted. Who can turn their head at another appealing female dingo? Besides the colour scheme, I also liked how they kept the sleek coolness that Roda had.
    It's time they introduced something Niche has to strive to do. Gaichuu have posed no threat whatsoever (almost)

    As for Hunt and Sarah, it was a bittersweet ending for the pair. They were driven out of the town, who will continue with their angry protest causing the rest of the town to suffer. But Sarah knew all along that Hunt did everything for her. She wanted to keep him save as well. I'm curious to see whether Thunderland can fix Hunt's arms. If he can, I wonder what kind of life the two of them will lead. I don't think it is going to go as far as them becoming a Bee and Dingo, but I hope this isn't the last we see of the two.

    Heh, Ann likes Zazie, mostly because he is 14 and is a brooding male tsundere.
    As they say, first impressions count, and what can be a better first impression than being the hero who arrives in the nick of time to save the distressing damsel?

    I was greatly amused at that.

    Sarah and Hunt's relationship didn't send me to tears, but I liked how Sarah was conflicted with having Hunt sacrifice his arms so they can be with each other.

    We can't blame Sarah at all after this. If she had said anything different the townsmen would have just killed them anyway. This wasn't even a case of providing a sympathetic perspective or reason. She was forced to lie.

    Thanks for explaining Hunt's hand situation.

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  4. #84
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A major cliffhanger indeed. A succesful ending for a season all in all. It would be better if Gauche wasn't all against his will in Reverse. It would make a better story than Lag at some point managing to restore his memories (though that's what Lag excels at, of course), and everything being magically okay once again.

    I hope we will learn how dogs are turned into humanoids... Maybe that's one of Akatsuki's secrets that we know nothing of.

  5. #85
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  6. #86
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #87
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Something is definitely broken now. I can't stop smiling when Lag cries.

    It was a pretty nice episode to start with. Mostly a lot of the fallout of finding out Gauche is now Noir. I really liked Aria's blowup at the chief. Since it involves Gauche, and was something this big, there was no way she could let something like this go with her usual professionalism.

    I still want to know how Roda became a kunoichi, but it is something to look forward to. Whenever it happened, Gauche had just lost his heart and memories. Maybe Lawrence did it, or Roda evolved on her own. This is all assuming the dog Roda is now the human Roda, and not some powerful young girl using Roda's name. Everyone seems to believe it though, so there's a good chance.

    The rivalry with Niche should be good. I wonder how Niche is going to train. Niche is already one of the strongest dingos in their branch, and Roda is now a couple of levels above her.

  8. #88
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    Something is definitely broken now. I can't stop smiling when Lag cries.
    Oh, you too?

    I was pretty alright with it until Sylvette joined in the crying contest. After that, my grin just won't go away.

    It's good to know I haven't lost my "Letter Bee" touch.

    As for Roda, I hadn't thought of the possibility that she really isn't the original Roda. Judging from her dingo pride and all, it seems likely to be the case though, just as you said. The ED has a good shot of her too (complete with sexy ass).

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #89
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    The ED has a good shot of her too (complete with sexy ass).

    Another thought occurred to me. Roda could also be producing a Wolf's Rain effect. She could still be a dog, but appears to others as a human girl. Her blade being her teeth, hands being her mouth (but not biting down hard), etc.

  10. #90
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It would be even nicer if Gache's loss of memories (and heart?) was connected to Roda turning from a dog into a human. Like that was the price to pay for transforming her. Although I don't know why he would have done it willingly so it would be better if somebody else did. But I expect it to rather be connected to something he found - and was consequently taken care of by the guardians of that whatever, like the shady Reverse fellow, Lawrence.

  11. #91
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    It would be even nicer if Gache's loss of memories (and heart?) was connected to Roda turning from a dog into a human. Like that was the price to pay for transforming her.
    I was thinking about that too. It'd help the "everything turns back to normal" type of ending, should there be one. At the very least, they won't have to find a way to "force" Roda back to a dog just so we can have a reset ending.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    Another thought occurred to me. Roda could also be producing a Wolf's Rain effect. She could still be a dog, but appears to others as a human girl. Her blade being her teeth, hands being her mouth (but not biting down hard), etc
    Interesting. I havent' seen Wolf's Rain, but an illusion would put a spin on things. I'm not investing in it just yet though, as we've seen nothing of the sorts in this "surreal", but still rather practical world.

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  12. #92
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    [HorribleSubs] Letter Bee REVERSE eps 27 [720]


    A cute episode. When Niche shoved Steak into the fire, I thought he was really going to get hurt for a second there, far more than when she was frying him on the pan in the first season. I guess Steak really does need to be thoroughly cooked.

    This episode surprisingly added the most character development for the couple who run Sinners. It seems that Jacob and Sandra actually had a child, but at some point they must have lost it. So it was cute seeing her dote on Niche. I got confused early on wondering why they never connected Lag, but then I remembered that it was Sylvette who gave him the Nocture, and he's never had to take it in for maintenance so far. Sandra was definitely leery throughout the episode until Niche told her that the bread made her happier, so I can't entirely say that she doesn't suspect something...whatever that may be. It was more than just Niche being a dingo. I can't help but feel it is connected to their child.

    I guess the other question is who is going to write on the letter bullet. Will it be Aria (unlikely), Lag, or Sylvette?

    Last but not least, Aria washing dishes fanservice!

  13. #93
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    A cute episode. When Niche shoved Steak into the fire, I thought he was really going to get hurt for a second there, far more than when she was frying him on the pan in the first season. I guess Steak really does need to be thoroughly cooked.
    I started wondering at the beginning of the episode whether Steak is actually crying from sadness or happiness whenever he's about to be cooked (since he is ever so willing to do it, despite his facial expressions). I've come to the conclusion that he's sad that he can no longer serve the great Maka, yet dutifully goes to fulfil his last mission.

    Regarding Sinners' child, I wonder if that's someone who also lost their heart. It wasn't alluded to at all (besides Jacob's commening on Gauche being "young"), so maybe there isn't any further a story to it.

    This episode surprisingly added the most character development for the couple who run Sinners. It seems that Jacob and Sandra actually had a child, but at some point they must have lost it. So it was cute seeing her dote on Niche. I got confused early on wondering why they never connected Lag, but then I remembered that it was Sylvette who gave him the Nocture, and he's never had to take it in for maintenance so far. Sandra was definitely leery throughout the episode until Niche told her that the bread made her happier, so I can't entirely say that she doesn't suspect something...whatever that may be. It was more than just Niche being a dingo. I can't help but feel it is connected to their child.
    How so? I thought she was distrustful only to the point where Niche liked her soup, and she wanted her to become their daughter. I had a bit of a laugh at her pansu checking, along with Jacob's subsequent reaction.

    I guess the other question is who is going to write on the letter bullet. Will it be Aria (unlikely), Lag, or Sylvette?
    I admit I had only thought of Lag when they mentioned that bullet (shame on me for forgetting Sylvette). I wouldn't really know, neither. They've pretty much been developing both sides of that story. I would guess that it's written by Lag, but mentions Sylvette.

    Last but not least, Aria washing dishes fanservice!
    I'm surprised the sink wasn't any lower. You'd think the house would be more wheelchair friendly. You can't do much about the stairs, and it's a wonder how she ever gets up it.

    edit: never mind, just remembered the chair's turbocharged.

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  14. #94
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    How so? I thought she was distrustful only to the point where Niche liked her soup, and she wanted her to become their daughter. I had a bit of a laugh at her pansu checking, along with Jacob's subsequent reaction.
    She had a strange blank expression when Niche was doing the rescuing and displaying her abilities. She reacted to something her husband said by snapping out of it visibly.

    There's some connection I think, it just wasn't clear to me what it is.

  15. #95
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    She had a strange blank expression when Niche was doing the rescuing and displaying her abilities. She reacted to something her husband said by snapping out of it visibly.

    There's some connection I think, it just wasn't clear to me what it is.
    Hmm, I initially thought that reaction was to the fact that she now can't have a daughter anymore..

    .. or did she abandon a child after she was violated by a full-blooded Maka???
    Lag looking cool for once was pretty well done. He didn't cry out of joy like I thought he would. This is one of those rare no-crying weeks!
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 10-10-2010 at 07:52 AM.

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  16. #96
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    [HorribleSubs] Letter Bee REVERSE - 28 [720p]

    Sadly, no blubbery tears for quench our thirst on again, but there were heartwarming childhood friend tears. Lag must be growing up a little. While it is a nice change, it's still a bit sad that I've come to expect him to cry every week, only to come away disappointed.

    It was a heartwarming episode. Kimidori's story was nice, and her reactions were funny, as was Lag's seeing her the first time. Colbasso also served as an surprisingly shallow and cliché villain who was just after money. Lag's shock at how shamelessly greedy she was, and getting angry enough to shoot a shindan after he said he couldn't to Niche was funny as well.

    It was a simple episode, but it was a nice one.

  17. #97
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    Lag's sense of justice really came through with that one. I'm sure there's been examples in the earlier series, but it's so long ago that I can't remember.

    Kinda strange how the Mistress completely forgot Kimidori. She had to sell her hair clip, but that can't be all there is to remember her by right?

    Colbasso's request was as funny as it was shameless and thoughtless. Does she really expect to receive any of that? Normally these requests would be via blackmail.

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  18. #98
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  19. #99
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Alright! After the last few abnormal episodes this one finally found Lag crying in the good old fashion. Jiggy Pepper with Zoro's VA was also a nice character. Foolish Sylvette couldn't understand at all how awesome the bike was, haha.

  20. #100
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I thought the "twinkle" sound effect from Jiggy's bike after his "cool pose" was funny.

    Then Lag pulled his own version of it and I totally cracked.

    This Bee Idol episode was really well done. Niche turning out to be that monster in particular was a nice touch. A non-linear episode every now and again keeps things refreshing.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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