Tears of redemption, horrible cliffhangers!
[HorribleSubs] Tegami Bachi - Letter Bee - 25 [Season 1 END] [720p]
What a cliffhanger! Fall will be a long wait.
Gauche finally reappearing as Noir (what an emo name). It seems that Reverse got ahold of him after he exhausted his heart. They probably took him in and nursed him back to health, brainwashing him in the process. The gunsmith/baker said many episodes ago that the revolver (that Gauche obviously has now) was much stronger than the Nocturne that Lag now uses, so he may have done it right after he got the new weapon. Gauche didn't seem too convinced by the Reverse guy in the Sarah/Hunt flashback, even if it had something to do with Sylvette that clearly unsettled him. That's why I'm going to go with brainwashing rather than joining them and forsaking his name willingly.