Seitokai no Ichizon
AniDBOriginally Posted by AniDB
Official Page
[SS-Eclipse] Seitokai no Ichizon - 01 (1024x576 h264) [0F1C5BCB].mkv
Seitokai no Ichizon
AniDBOriginally Posted by AniDB
Official Page
[SS-Eclipse] Seitokai no Ichizon - 01 (1024x576 h264) [0F1C5BCB].mkv
Last edited by Pandadice; Fri, 10-09-2009 at 04:18 PM.
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"Everyone will watch if that's our title"
"Light music club castanets"
The main lead is awesome
"It's simple just don't get fat"
Definitely going to be following this.
rofl man this was awesome.
from the reactions i had heard i really wasn't expecting much, and i was expecting really bad parodies and references and stuff, but it was actually really fun to watch.
though i was expecting the guy to go with the harem approach a little more subtly.. but as is, i like it.
"that was so bad, don't even mention it"
"i believe the current fad is Umineko, not Higurashi"
"don't you think i'm better than one of those indecisive male characters? from the very beginning i wanted a harem ending"
user posted image
Loved the first ep, fourth wall shattering anime have long held a place of honor on my watch list. I just hope focus stays more on the comedy and the harem end than on any lovey dovey stuff with just one girl.
hopefully he'll break each of the girls over the course of the series, and he really will get that harem ending xD.
user posted image
Fuck your fourth wall.
There is a definition for this kind of anime: Quality Entertainment
This was bloody fantastic.
The Amazon's review cracked me.
"Then lets get Seven..."
"How do you write Yuutsu?"
"Contact me if you are an alien, esper or time traveler"
"I'm the kind of girl who puts off work to update a wiki strategy guide"
Bloody fantastic.
Kurimu and Minatsu are my favorite.
Was GG's quality any good? I was turned off because the episode was only 90 freaking megs. I downloaded CxCDoremi's version... but the video quality was crap.
This isn't really the kind of a show that would shine with its graphics, which probably explains most of the small file size. Who knows what manner of a source the groups were forced to use. When I saw the file size, I thought this would be an exceptional series running only 15 minutes episodes. But anyway, the gg video quality was quite decent. It's SD in any case. Reminds me of a couple of years ago when CrystalNova's encoder wanted to produce Aria eps no more than 100 MB with no quality loss (according to his multiple tests). He didn't because it would have looked too suspicious to downloaders.
The first episode was quite entertaining. I'll wait to see more, but these jokes tend to get old fairly quickly. Since there doesn't seem to be much of an overall plot holding this together, I'm not too optimistic.
That said, it'd be great if it can break my expectations.
(I felt dumb having to watch "Evolution" twice before I got the reference)
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
the best first episode of a show i've watched for this new season. the humor is dead on. the fact that the whole show is cognizant of anime/manga/otaku culture and the various tropes and cliches that compose it makes this biting humor even stronger.
characters are a bit 'rehashed archetypes', but it is nice to see the only guy being a shameless flirt. i also really like how Aka-chan (nice double gag there, being not only 'Little Red' but the more common word for 'baby') interacts with the Secretary chick.
rare that i say i'm on board for a show like this, but i couldn't get any more in even if i used a crowbar.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Just as good as the first ep. That's naturally good news increasing the chances the show can stay interesting till the end.
Aka-chan really got bullied this time.
Eclipse is better than gg right?
Lol this show earned a special spot in my heart the moment it dissed on DB evolution, i'll definitely be watching this
I haven't watched the latest episode yet. In general, Eclipse had better translators/editors/QCers than gg.Originally Posted by Archangel
However, gg is a lot better attrollingjoking. This is evident in their first episode of Seitokai.
Eclipse translated well, but didn't convey the humour in English as well as gg did.
Not that comparison does much good anymore.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
plus there's the whole fact that gg dropped it because Eclipse picked it up. so even if gg had a better first episode, you gotta go with Eclipse for the rest
user posted image
LOL... Alice, Ryuuk and Edward...
fairly strong second episode, although now that some of the character tics/trademarks are repeating themselves, it is a little less so. it will be interesting to see if this show can keep things fresh enough, without having to revert to craptacular "story arcs" or episodics.
really begs the age old question: how much can you do with 5 characters trapped in a room together?
i enjoyed that they went for a near subversion of "time to learn a lesson at the end of the episode". Chizuru is a freaking awesome character, really shining this episode.
i have to admit, i like this show a lot, even if it is sorta like the Family Guy of moe, high school anime.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
The greatest problem I have with shows like this is whether to pause the video and think/read the subs thoroughly, or just let it flow. The latter seems to be more enjoyable.
But yeah, this episode was fairly hilarious.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~