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Thread: Nyan Koi!

  1. #121
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Was Kanako so angry that she didn't realize that she was wrestling with a completely naked Junpei?

    I'm not a Mizuno fan (I don't hate her, I just don't prefer her over Kanako), so this episode didn't make me particularly happy. It's hit the point where you know that it is inevitable and that gets depressing. I'm tired of seeing tomgirl types like Kanako always lose to characters like Mizuno. Her archetype never seems to catch a break anymore, even in manga. That's not to say that Kaede wasn't ultra OMEGA cute this episode. She's is certainly one of the more deserving victors in the usual match up. There's plenty of justification for her to win here. I'm just getting weary of the equally deserving girl never having a chance in hell.

    Aside from that, the episode was good. Plenty of Akari and Kotone. Akari sighing/smelling/snuggling into Junpei's clothes before getting embarrassed about it once she realized what she was doing was probably my favorite part. Kotone's boot heel Junpei Radar immediately after was good too, although her denpa performance in the post office was better.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 12-19-2009 at 08:04 AM.

  2. #122
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Was Kanako so angry that she didn't realize that she was wrestling with a completely naked Junpei?
    That could be true, but I had a different initial interpretation in that Kanako really isn't as embarrassed about seeing Junpei as Mizuno is.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #123
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    victory, thriller! bad english for the win! what i really liked is that, after episodes of being fanservicy, the twintails finally stepped into the limelight and were essential to 7 parts out of 10 in this episode. i particularly liked how they and the cats cooperated together.

    the ending. well, hell, in the end, i STILL can't decide if I want Mizuno or Sumiyoshi to win. Honestly, when I saw Sumiyoshi walking by and wishing to find a new love interest, and she saw Junpei buck naked, I thought for sure that she was going to dump him right then and there, and we ALL could have a happy ending...

    instead, well, We (the viewers) get a happy ending, if there is a season 2, that is. (is there? where the fucking official news at?). I wasn't dissatisfied with the open ending. In fact, I think it's particularly fitting that nobody relented, particularly on Sumiyoshi's part (and Mizuno's, "I hope everyone is happy this New Year" moment was especially endearing). I just hope like hell that they keep Sumiyoshi in the running. Nobody likes a one horse race...

    the dog speaker moment was weird. didnt get that reference at all. it also made my day to see the one dude from Those Two Guys dressed in drag, because it just confirmed the suspicion that i'd had that those two were also The Ambiguouly Gay Duo of this series.

    this was, without a doubt, the biggest positive surprise of this season. i absolutely loved this show for the comedy, and got drawn in to the romance. and, really, that says a lot, because i usually despise high school romances.

    [23:42] <masamune> where are people getting this news from?
    [23:42] <+Buffalobiian> did you watch the ep?
    [23:42] <+Buffalobiian> 12?
    [23:44] <masamune> jesus
    [23:44] <masamune> the japanese here is pretty vague but
    [23:44] <masamune> in the letter
    [23:44] <masamune> the father says
    [23:44] <+Buffalobiian> all at the end
    [23:44] <masamune> congratulations on "what seems like/sounds like/ i've heard" season 2
    [23:44] <+Buffalobiian> they all but said "there's a season 2"
    [23:45] <masamune> BUT WHEReS THE OFFICiAL ENDORSEMENT
    [23:45] <+Buffalobiian> there is none
    [23:45] <+Buffalobiian> but the VA says
    [23:45] <+Buffalobiian> ah, screw it
    [23:45] <+Buffalobiian> believe what you will
    [23:45] <masamune> which VA?
    [23:45] <+Buffalobiian> sumiyoshi
    [23:45] <masamune> she does say second season
    [23:45] <+Buffalobiian> yes
    [23:45] <+Buffalobiian> instead of second semester
    [23:46] <+Buffalobiian> post ED
    [23:46] <masamune> i saw it
    [23:46] <masamune> but i cant find any official news on it
    [23:46] <+Buffalobiian> >.>
    [23:46] <+Buffalobiian> there IS none
    [23:46] <masamune> it's almost like they're just begging people to beg for it
    [23:46] <+Buffalobiian> meh
    [23:46] <+Buffalobiian> well, in that case,
    [23:46] <+Buffalobiian> you can think that
    [23:46] <+Buffalobiian> I think it's just unofficial
    [23:47] <+Buffalobiian> but there will be a S2
    [23:47] <+Buffalobiian> and I'll keep believing that
    [23:47] <+Buffalobiian> until I fail to see one several years down the track
    [23:47] <+Buffalobiian> at which time I'd kill myself in protest
    [23:47] <+Buffalobiian> now if you'd excuse me
    [23:47] <+Buffalobiian> I'm resuming Railgun :P
    [23:51] <masamune> gah
    [23:51] <masamune> i just finished running through this japanese blog about the show
    [23:51] <masamune> and it tells me NOTHING
    [23:53] <masamune> all i see are cast/staff blogs thanking people for watching
    [23:54] <masamune> encouraging people to buy the dvds when they come out january 20th
    [23:54] <masamune> and that's it.
    [23:55] <masamune> but, gah. there is, of course a perfect possibility that it's an unofficial agreement to air season 2, and we just are being teased to keep interest
    [23:55] <masamune> and railgun totally sucks
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Sat, 12-19-2009 at 09:56 AM.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  4. #124
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    So... no season 2? ;_;

  5. #125
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Who cares? Generic shows like this don't deserve it. There are many more better titles that have yet to be animated.
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  6. #126
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Shush, Nyan Koi was awesome.

  7. #127
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    If Utsuro no Hako, Zero no Maria was ever animated (successfully), you'd retract that immediately.
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