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Thread: Toaru Kagaku no Railgun

  1. #621
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    So she was thinking of getting herself killed in order to save a bunch of Sisters?

  2. #622
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin View Post
    So she was thinking of getting herself killed in order to save a bunch of Sisters?
    Sounded like it. And it would have only saved 156 of them.

    Accel got some redeeming qualities in my eyes. He didn't start off being crazy, and one can only remain so sane after killing 10'000.

    As for the next arc.. well, let's just say I don't mind fluffy. I do mind shitty, but fluffy's okay.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 07-06-2013 at 11:06 AM.

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  3. #623
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin View Post
    So she was thinking of getting herself killed in order to save a bunch of Sisters?
    thats not "new" is it?

    I believe she said so in Index too

  4. #624
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    thats not "new" is it?

    I believe she said so in Index too
    Gotwoot has the memory span of a potato.

  5. #625
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Gotwoot has the memory span of a potato.
    I didn't remember it either (nor did I remember pretty much anything from Index2 until I rewatched some segments)

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  6. #626
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Potato spotted.


    Why would it save only 156 of them? I believe Mikoto's plan was to get herself beaten in the very first move, showing that the fundamental assumption used as a base for the experiment is wrong. If she is much weaker than predicted, 20,000 clones would not be enough to level Accelerator up, and she hopes that this will stop the experiments from continuing.

    Yeah, she is still kinda stupid.
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  7. #627
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Potato spotted.


    Why would it save only 156 of them? I believe Mikoto's plan was to get herself beaten in the very first move, showing that the fundamental assumption used as a base for the experiment is wrong. If she is much weaker than predicted, 20,000 clones would not be enough to level Accelerator up, and she hopes that this will stop the experiments from continuing.

    Yeah, she is still kinda stupid.
    I don't know whether she was going to get beaten in the first move or not. We also had no information from the Tree Diagram about how difficult it would have been for Accelerator to beat Railgun (but from what we've seen.. not hard). Killing Railgun 128 times gives the same xp as killing a Sister 20K times, so I just worked the maths from there.

    Glad to be a potato.

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  8. #628
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I didn't remember it either (nor did I remember pretty much anything from Index2 until I rewatched some segments)
    I'm shocked, surprised and bewildered.

    Sounded like it. And it would have only saved 156 of them.
    Wat? Mikoto's point was to lose far too easily to accelerator so as to fuck the computer's calculations. By math alone she's worth 156 lvl 3 electromasters like you said and that's the x value, if she's made to look weaker than she actually is the scientist will have no choice but to assume x is quite lower than they assumed meaning Y, the numbers of sisters equivalent, must be proportionally much higher. Seeing as they're not producing more sisters and Three Diagram is destroyed they would drop the project entirely, as not to waste any more resources.

  9. #629
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I think it's a stupid plan. I don't know what kind of fight Tree Diagram simulated for Railgun vs Accelerator, but if the computer has equal ore more knowledge than the audience, then it knows all Accel has to do is try and anything would get wasted.

    Misaka's railgun might as well be the Sister's bullet. Anything requiring contact would be completely useless. Any fight against Accel (aside from Touma's) has been a case of Accel giving the opponent a few minutes of free time before crushing them. Power means nothing against Accel, so I'm not even sure why Railgun is worth more than those Sisters. Is it based on the Sisters having only 1/128th the power of Mikoto?

    But... if that's her plan, then so be it.

    edit: oh, right, so she was going to lose to Accel, and hack the Tree Diagram to give a bogus result based on that fight, right? The latter part makes sense if she could fuck up the interpretation of the results like that.

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  10. #630
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    It's not if they can beat him, it's how much he has to sweat to beat them. Mikoto would be swirling around the place, probably dropping shit on top of him and then bailing with guerrilla tactics. That accel is stronger than her isn't the point, it's how much stronger he is that enabled those sort of calculations in the first place.

  11. #631
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Considering how weak the sisters are, especially against Accelerator, I very much doubt their levels of power have anything at all to do with the plan. Esper powers are all about the personal reality. That is, what is inside their heads. The real plan must be to make Accelerator crazier than ever by having him slaughter 20000 girls one by one. There's no way that wouldn't affect a person's psyche. Considering how ruthless and insane bastards the scientists planning this operation are, they must think that it specifically makes Accelerator's personal reality stronger. Well, the one scientist we saw in this episode looked like a nazi doctor, so it makes sense he would think like that.

    Thus, the real Misaka being beaten easily would throw the plan off because it would, theoretically, adversely affect the development of Accelerator's personal reality, as opposed to the plan. I don't really see why, but whatever. Regardless, getting beaten by Touma certainly made the scientists think so, and they were probably right.

  12. #632
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ark
    It's not if they can beat him, it's how much he has to sweat to beat them. Mikoto would be swirling around the place, probably dropping shit on top of him and then bailing with guerrilla tactics. That accel is stronger than her isn't the point, it's how much stronger he is that enabled those sort of calculations in the first place.
    I agree with your argument that Accel being stronger than Mikoto isn't the point, and rather it's how hard he has to try to get there.

    My point however, is that the whole "difficulty" thing in practice isn't based on how strong Mikoto's strength is - it's based on how many shits Accel gives during that particular experiment. If he feels bored, he'll stand there till you're tired. If he feels like playing with you, he'll make things interesting on purpose. If he's hungry he'll just walk over you in an instant, then head for fast food.

    Accelerator doesn't care for Mikoto raining shit on him. (Reflect trumps anything she's got). Accel doesn't care for guerilla tactics (he's faster and can just demolish buildings). The only reason guerrilla tactics get employed for as long as they do is because Accel allows them to. As soon as he's had enough, he goes "fuck this" and kills whoever.

    It doesn't matter if it's a Sister running around with guns and grenades.
    It doesn't matter if it's Mikoto running around with railguns and magnetised whatever.

    The all do the same thing as far as Accel's concerned. Mikoto really doesn't make Accel sweat like you suggested.

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  13. #633
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I agree with your argument that Accel being stronger than Mikoto isn't the point, and rather it's how hard he has to try to get there.

    My point however, is that the whole "difficulty" thing in practice isn't based on how strong Mikoto's strength is - it's based on how many shits Accel gives during that particular experiment. If he feels bored, he'll stand there till you're tired. If he feels like playing with you, he'll make things interesting on purpose. If he's hungry he'll just walk over you in an instant, then head for fast food.

    Accelerator doesn't care for Mikoto raining shit on him. (Reflect trumps anything she's got). Accel doesn't care for guerilla tactics (he's faster and can just demolish buildings). The only reason guerrilla tactics get employed for as long as they do is because Accel allows them to. As soon as he's had enough, he goes "fuck this" and kills whoever.

    It doesn't matter if it's a Sister running around with guns and grenades.
    It doesn't matter if it's Mikoto running around with railguns and magnetised whatever.

    The all do the same thing as far as Accel's concerned. Mikoto really doesn't make Accel sweat like you suggested.
    You know it's not like Accel is some sort of omnipresent God, as powerful as he is he's within limits of his own reflexes for example and as we've seen Mikoto can be very nimble.

    I'm not going to go further here though because there would be too much speculation involved and i hate that shit, i'll just say i believe you're grossly overestimating Accel and underestimating Misaka and leave it at that.

  14. #634
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Considering we have already seen Accelerator completely crush Mikoto's pride without even doing anything just a few episodes ago, I would say that Buff is not far off the mark.
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  15. #635
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The only thing about this whole affair making Accelerator sweat is the fact everything suggests this has become a huge chore for him. You can see he's really looking forward to the day when there won't be anymore another clone waiting to get killed.

  16. #636
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    the whole experiment is stupid, you don't get stronger by defeating weaker opponents, especially not if its always the same one... and even with the help of Last Order and after ~10000 clones they still go for him with weapons and machine guns. (learning? my ass...)

    its more the other way around, HE is helping the other clones to "level up"

  17. #637
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The way Accelerator looked when the first clone died was a bit strange. It seems like he did not actually want to kill Misaka, and even found it strange when the scientist suggested it. Maybe after he accidentally "killed" the first one, he decided to believe the scientists that the clones were just protein to avoid any feelings of guilt. His extreme cruelty and predatory blood lust when slaughtering the clones may stem from the fact that he is intentionally trying to see and treat them as inhuman to prevent his actions from taking an emotional/mental toll on himself.
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  18. #638
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    the whole experiment is stupid, you don't get stronger by defeating weaker opponents, especially not if its always the same one... and even with the help of Last Order and after ~10000 clones they still go for him with weapons and machine guns. (learning? my ass...)

    its more the other way around, HE is helping the other clones to "level up"
    Weapons and machine-guns themselves can't why the sisters are losing - it's more about figuring out how Reflect works. We saw that the Sisters hypothesised about Reflect not working from below because Accel could walk normally. I'm not sure how far they'd get (especially now that 10K have been killed with little difficulty), but once they do find a weakness, Accel might have to actually work.

    The dude from Index-2 managed to thump Accel pretty hard since he knew how Reflect and vector calcs worked. In the end though, Accel's safe as long as he stays at a distance, turns on Reflect for protection and just throws shit at the opponent.

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  19. #639
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    The way Accelerator looked when the first clone died was a bit strange. It seems like he did not actually want to kill Misaka, and even found it strange when the scientist suggested it. Maybe after he accidentally "killed" the first one, he decided to believe the scientists that the clones were just protein to avoid any feelings of guilt. His extreme cruelty and predatory blood lust when slaughtering the clones may stem from the fact that he is intentionally trying to see and treat them as inhuman to prevent his actions from taking an emotional/mental toll on himself.
    It makes perfect sense. We already know Accelerator isn't inhuman since he decided to save Last Order, sacrificing his own health to boot, and even took the onerous job of looking after her. In light of that it's more than obvious he made a firm mental decision not to view the clones as humans during the experiment. He wouldn't otherwise have been able to either keep going through the experiment or remain sane (or as sane as he is, which is a little less than any average joe). Keeping this in mind, even blowing up a clone like he did in this episode is only logical: He can't afford any mercy or sympathy, lest he accidentally lapses into considering them human, which would have marked the end of the experiment for him.

  20. #640

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