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Thread: Toaru Kagaku no Railgun

  1. #461
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    I noticed that Accelerator didn't have his collar on so would this show take place before the previous Index? Because I believe he got shot in the head in that one. It's been a long time since I've seen it so I could be wrong.

  2. #462
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think so. Otherwise, Accelerator would be weakened without a loli, much like myself.
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  3. #463
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin View Post
    I noticed that Accelerator didn't have his collar on so would this show take place before the previous Index? Because I believe he got shot in the head in that one. It's been a long time since I've seen it so I could be wrong.
    Yeah, remember how the first episode of Index actually took place around the mid of the first Railgun season? It's moving at a slower pace than the original.

  4. #464
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    A spike in the brain eh? Makes sense. I was just wondering because if she cannot defend herself against the controller girl, the best defense would be a good offense. Just make the bitch a vegetable and be done with it, instead of allowing herself to be made a hostage to be used against her beloved onee-sama.
    You seem to be considering Misaki very villainous. She did take control of the people in the library, but she didn't make them do anything at all. It was just a demonstration. Mikoto is going biribiri all the time. Misaki's power is controlling people, so that was the only sort of demonstration she could pull off. Controlling people ought to be as much a second nature to her as producing sparks is for Mikoto or blinking here and there is for Kuroko. Misaki would have never gotten level 5 if she didn't do it all the time for practice if for nothing else.

  5. #465
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    She acted like a school queen, and arrogant like crazy, so she is a bitch.

    The fact that she is a villain though, I derived from the OP/ED(?).
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  6. #466
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    she is featured for like 0,5 seconds in the ED and all she did is smirk

  7. #467
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Kuroko could also just teleport a plate between their neck and their shoulders. She's threatened to do the same before with a plate of glass, but only as a form of intimidation. This is why I like Kuroko so much. She could easily be the greatest assassin the world has ever seen, but she's doesn't even like to hurt people, she always goes for immobilizing them first. She has the capacity for truly terrible things, but doesn't use them that way.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    she is featured for like 0,5 seconds in the ED and all she did is smirk
    I'm with shinta on this one.
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    She acted like a school queen, and arrogant like crazy, so she is a bitch.
    Not to mention her words were, "Consider this a warning. You've been making far too many friends lately. If you start to move into my territory, I'll be forced to deal with you."

    If that isn't a blatant threat, I don't know what is. She's basically saying that all the girls at Tokiwadai are hers. She's been merely allowing Mikoto to have a few, namely just the two idiots Kuroko and Kongou Mitsuko. Becoming friends with the swim team girls was probably taken as a threat to Misaki's popularity dominance.

    By simultaneously taking all the girls in the library in an instant, Misaki is also implying that while Mikoto is safe from her powers, her own friends aren't.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 04-14-2013 at 06:59 AM.

  8. #468
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    Kuroko could also just teleport a plate between their neck and their shoulders. She's threatened to do the same before with a plate of glass, but only as a form of intimidation. This is why I like Kuroko so much. She could easily be the greatest assassin the world has ever seen, but she's doesn't even like to hurt people, she always goes for immobilizing them first. She has the capacity for truly terrible things, but doesn't use them that way.
    ^This. There's a doujin where she teleports sheets of glass to slice apart monsters' heads. In one of the previous episodes, she also teleported window glass into the cement support of a building to totally collapse it.

    Even if she didn't have anything to teleport, she could just teleport herself into someone (aka Mr Smith from The Matrix). She replaces matter with her teleported mass - she could probably wipe out Academy city's occupants faster than Misaka could.

    I don't get why she uses the needles at all. It's really not that effective since they're so small. You have to aim for non-vital organs in a law-enforcement setting (which essentially means upper/lower limbs for guarantee - even then you could hit an artery). She should just use her judo moves that she showed off one time and just drop everyone on their backs (or give them a 3m free-fall.. whatever works). The pins are only good for disabling weapons and firearms.

    What I hadn't thought of was sustained flight (she performed leaps and shorter bursts last season, but nothing like chasing a helicopter), so that makes her even more awesome.

    Welcome Back, Kuroko. :3

    I'm expecting (and looking forward) to seeing Kuroko being mind-controlled. We'd hopefully get to see some brutal applications of her power, and nothing would piss Misaka off more (except maybe hurting Touma, but he's invulnerable).. so we'd see some spectacular sparks from that.

    Misaki's power is 100% EM-related. There's no doubt about that since she:

    a) needs a remote to control EM
    b) can't hurt Misaki's electro-shield

    It'll be an ability where she can control brainwaves and/or neural impulses. I reckon finer control would involve grouping people into channels.

    We never got to see Uihara's power last season, did we? All I remember was that she can use it after satisfying certain conditions (which were never elaborated on).

    I'm also eager to see lvl5 #2. It'd better not be laser-lady from the OP/ED, because that would be boring.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    By simultaneously taking all the girls in the library in an instant, Misaki is also implying that while Mikoto is safe from her powers, her own friends aren't.
    Misaki's threat also worked because Misaka cares about reducing casualties. 1000 students might as well be 1 in the face of a railgun.

    PS: looked up the progress of real-world railguns a few days ago. Projectile reaches horizon in 6 seconds.. pretty scary stuff.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 04-15-2013 at 05:55 AM.

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  9. #469
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I don't get why she uses the needles at all. It's really not that effective since they're so small. You have to aim for non-vital organs in a law-enforcement setting (which essentially means upper/lower limbs for guarantee - even then you could hit an artery). She should just use her judo moves that she showed off one time and just drop everyone on their backs (or give them a 3m free-fall.. whatever works). The pins are only good for disabling weapons and firearms.reckon finer control would involve grouping people into channels.


    We never got to see Uihara's power last season, did we? All I remember was that she can use it after satisfying certain conditions (which were never elaborated on).
    That's exactly why she uses the needles. They're light, she can carry a ton of them, and because they are both small and light, she can move them with pinpoint accuracy. The heavier an object, the more variance with her aim at distance (ref: the first episode of s1 when she and Kongou are bickering during the ability examinations, before Kongou sees a real Level 5's power moments later).

    Kuroko teleports the needles all over a person's clothes, pinning them to the ground so she can work on the next threat. If your clothing is attached to the ground in eight places (and also very close to your body, gathering the loose fabric), you're not moving easily. Also as you mentioned, it renders guns and other weapons useless with immediate effects.

    Uiharu's powers were brought up in the latter half of the first season, when she was holding a bag of taiyaki. I don't remember the episode. Uiharu can keep things at a constant temperature, though she can risk burning herself with something too hot. She probably controls the vibration rate of molecules. The obvious implications is that if she wasn't a Level 1, she would probably be both a pyrokinetic and a cryokinetic at the same time. Mikoto's Level 2 Sisters are a good indication, since they can barely even generate sparks without direct contact, and even then mostly only sense fields, so Uiharu can probably advance past having to touch things.
    edit: Index Wiki tells me it was Railgun eps 22.

    I assume Kuroko needs to touch things because she needs to use it as a frame of reference before she sends it across 11 dimensions. That way she only has to think/calculate where she wants it, not where it is.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 04-15-2013 at 05:38 PM.

  10. #470
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    UTW-Mazui - S Episode 02


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    That's exactly why she uses the needles. They're light, she can carry a ton of them, and because they are both small and light, she can move them with pinpoint accuracy. The heavier an object, the more variance with her aim at distance (ref: the first episode of s1 when she and Kongou are bickering during the ability examinations, before Kongou sees a real Level 5's power moments later).

    Kuroko teleports the needles all over a person's clothes, pinning them to the ground so she can work on the next threat. If your clothing is attached to the ground in eight places (and also very close to your body, gathering the loose fabric), you're not moving easily. Also as you mentioned, it renders guns and other weapons useless with immediate effects.
    The inconsistence with this is that the pins could actually be heavy. Recall that episode where she flipped someone onto their back, teleported the pin above him before letting them drop. The pins penetrated the concrete below.

    We're not entirely sure of how her power works though besides that mass is proportional to difficulty. What about the number of things she has to teleport? She not only has to teleport each individual pin she touches, but they also have to be orientated and organised around a person's body shape/clothing. It's arguable whether or not simply relocating someone 4m higher than their original position and letting them fall is actually easier.

    Don't forget that teleporting distance is also a factor. Whether or not it's simply a power/amplitutde limitation, or whether it's only reduced by Kuroko's knowledge/familiarity with the surroundings isn't clear cut. You'll be teleporting the culprit on contact, while the pins will have to be used from a distance. On the other hand, pins mean you can use them outside punching range.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    I assume Kuroko needs to touch things because she needs to use it as a frame of reference before she sends it across 11 dimensions. That way she only has to think/calculate where she wants it, not where it is.
    True, and I believe that to be in line with what we've established in the Index threads too. It explains why Kuroko found teleporting herself more difficult than teleporting Uiharu(?) out of the bank robbery.


    I'm starting to think that Kuroko's best parts aren't actually her Onee-sama lusting noises, but simply her grunts and other sudden moments of emotions. She had no rebuttal for being amused of a pervert at all.

    Like usual I'll take a wait-and-see approach to this show (like most other anime), but I'm not so positive that I can be excited about Railgun S. We already know the conclusion of the Sisters arc. It's not like they're weaving a new story into a parallel story - this is a prequel to the Accelerator arc in Index and a direct prequel to Railgun.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 04-19-2013 at 09:36 PM.

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  11. #471
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Not too much to discuss about the actual episode given that this is the beginning of her perspective of the Sister's arc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    The inconsistence with this is that the pins could actually be heavy. Recall that episode where she flipped someone onto their back, teleported the pin above him before letting them drop. The pins penetrated the concrete below.

    We're not entirely sure of how her power works though besides that mass is proportional to difficulty. What about the number of things she has to teleport? She not only has to teleport each individual pin she touches, but they also have to be orientated and organised around a person's body shape/clothing. It's arguable whether or not simply relocating someone 4m higher than their original position and letting them fall is actually easier.

    Don't forget that teleporting distance is also a factor. Whether or not it's simply a power/amplitutde limitation, or whether it's only reduced by Kuroko's knowledge/familiarity with the surroundings isn't clear cut. You'll be teleporting the culprit on contact, while the pins will have to be used from a distance. On the other hand, pins mean you can use them outside punching range.

    True, and I believe that to be in line with what we've established in the Index threads too. It explains why Kuroko found teleporting herself more difficult than teleporting Uiharu(?) out of the bank robbery.
    I thought that we had established in the Index threads that Kuroko, because she teleports through 11 dimensions, can have the pins come out any way she pleases. Their speed, the slight delay in their reappearance (since they often appear simultaneously, like in a gun, as often as they appear sequentially), their orientation, etc. If she was a Level 5, I imagine she could teleport through time as well, and probably transmute them as well (warping their properties through each of the higher dimensions). She can teleport them off her legs in a stationary position, but they can reappear with a vector.

    She changes her own orientation and vector all the time.

  12. #472
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    I thought that we had established in the Index threads that Kuroko, because she teleports through 11 dimensions, can have the pins come out any way she pleases. Their speed, the slight delay in their reappearance (since they often appear simultaneously, like in a gun, as often as they appear sequentially), their orientation, etc.
    I did think that at one point, but it didn't really make sense. There's also no direct evidence to support it.

    I can only remember one occasion where we saw the pins drop down on a suspect, and the pins emerged in a stationary position. Since Kuroko has shown no signs that she can teleport objects without touching them thus far, I reason that she can have no influence of an object after it emerges from her translocation.

    Just from memory, everything she teleports has never emerged significantly fast. It either comes out either completely stationary, or appears to have a very slight (<0.5s of gravity, as a conservative observation) acceleration. Whether that's just for effect, I'm not sure.

    As for Kuroko jamming the guns, I don't actually recall if we saw both her hands and their guns simultaneously. For all we know, Kuroko could be simply teleporting them sequentially.

    I think Kuroko would be Level 5 if she could increase her quantitative limitations dramatically, or being able to overcome one or both her two weaknesses:

    1) Kuroko needs to touch things to get an accurate bearing on what she wants to teleport. If she could teleport without touching, she'd be godly

    2) Kuroko needs massive concentration to execute her powers. Punching her in the gun (or other forms of pain / medication) would render her powerless. If she could be more resilient in this regard it could make her more combat-able. Her current role is mainly supportive both because her power ideal, but also because she can't take a hit.

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  13. #473
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I did think that at one point, but it didn't really make sense. There's also no direct evidence to support it.

    I can only remember one occasion where we saw the pins drop down on a suspect, and the pins emerged in a stationary position. Since Kuroko has shown no signs that she can teleport objects without touching them thus far, I reason that she can have no influence of an object after it emerges from her translocation.

    Just from memory, everything she teleports has never emerged significantly fast. It either comes out either completely stationary, or appears to have a very slight (<0.5s of gravity, as a conservative observation) acceleration. Whether that's just for effect, I'm not sure.
    I don't want to keep having this conversation if you are going to keep being so recalcitrant to facts. You are only ever looking at incidents in Index, where Kuroko is a minor player. Look at Railgun.

    Just watch the first half of episode 24 from season one.

    Before this retort even comes up, people like to say that arc isn't even canon, but that's no longer true. Characters from it were woven into the Index novels, so yes, now it is canon.

    - Kuroko brushes across an entire belt of needles, but they reappear (and there are sound effects) in only five batches as they are stuck into the enemies' grenade launchers. She can delay the reappearance of a teleported object.

    - The blown off robot arm of Telestina's mech is flying through the air, propelled by gravity and Mikoto's power. Kuroko matches its vector, and teleports it to a stationary position pointed the other way, for Mikoto to fire it.

    I honestly cannot see how you are pretending she can't change the vector of things. She does it with herself or people she rescues ALL the time. Otherwise she or her friends would be smears on pavement each time she moves them to ground level and they skid at 40 mph along the pavement. When she teleports herself she usually gives herself forward momentum too, otherwise she's just fall straight down.

  14. #474
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    Kuroko brushes across an entire belt of needles, but they reappear (and there are sound effects) in only five batches as they are stuck into the enemies' grenade launchers. She can delay the reappearance of a teleported object.

    - I don't expect the studio to count the number of needles she teleported (if they even knew), then to reproduce exactly the same number of strikes on the guns. While from the video, technically needles aren't being teleported at the same time I find it hard to think that that's really the case. On the other hand, why did she delay them into batches of 5 when there are only 3 guns to skewer? (The guy on the far right has his arm impaled, though one could argue that the target was actually the gun's stock).

    At 3:22 (Ayako's release), Kuroko teleports 4 needles individually. Each of those have an individual teleportation sound as well as an impact sound. Note that the teleportation sound of the needles sound sonically different to Kuroko teleporting away.

    During the belt scene at 3:32, the "mass needed teleportation" sounded exactly like Kuroko's self-teleportation. I have no idea what 10+ sounds at 3:22 being strung together would sound like.. I'm guessing not that.

    From the above observation, I actually think it's the studio cutting more so than anything else. They pay attention when they can...

    ^ That's what I was originally writing.. but then I decided to flick through eps 1-09 for some other scenes.

    Episode 1, 18:31 shows delayed teleportation if a very clear fashion. I'll agree with you that Kuroko can delay her objects.

    Given that, I wonder how long she can delay the teleportation, and if she has to be actively thinking about them during her move (such that it can never be used as an 11th dimension storage move). If she stops thinking about it, does the matter disappear into the 11th dimension, or will it simply appear where ever she happened to lose concentration?

    Delay doesn't make much sense though, when you think about it. If Kuroko couldn't teleport herself (which I believe is due to a change in the whole self-bearing idea of calculating teleport-exit points), then the cancel must have happened because the calculation as a whole failed.

    Teleportation need not necessarily be instantaneous since there could be travel time, but I think it should be a process that only happens after you've successfully established an exit point. Travel time may exist, but should not be modifiable. If the guarantee-to-exit isn't established before teleportation is initiated, what's stopping someone from being lost in the process and never making it back to our dimension (3rd, I'll call it)?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    - The blown off robot arm of Telestina's mech is flying through the air, propelled by gravity and Mikoto's power. Kuroko matches its vector, and teleports it to a stationary position pointed the other way, for Mikoto to fire it.

    I honestly cannot see how you are pretending she can't change the vector of things. She does it with herself or people she rescues ALL the time. Otherwise she or her friends would be smears on pavement each time she moves them to ground level and they skid at 40 mph along the pavement. When she teleports herself she usually gives herself forward momentum too, otherwise she's just fall straight down.
    Firstly, I must clarify that I used words wrongly in my exposition previously. What I meant was that Kuroko could only teleport things into a stationary position, regardless of their pre-teleport speed - not that she can't change their vectors. I had no issues with her re-orientating her objects.

    That's clearly not the case now since at Ep09 14:42 Kuroko throws a needle which she teleports to reduce the distance/time of travel. There would be no point to that unless the needle travelled fast post-teleport. The previous paragraph's conclusion was incorrect, and Kuroko's objects can carry speed.

    On that point though, why throw the pin at all if you can speed it up (as per the "Kuroko can speed things up" theory)? Two ideas come to mind:

    -Because she can't. She can let an object carry its pre-teleport velocity, or reduce it to zero. She can't modify it outside of those parameters.

    -For ease of calculation. Instead of calculating the vector, perhaps she substitutes with "Vector as previous". I don't ever recall Kuroko ever throwing an object at one way (North, let's say), but have the item post-teleport and flying in another direction (North-East). Maybe she's never bothered, she can't, or it's too much trouble.

    Established so far in this post regarding vector: Kuroko can reorientate an object (but not necessarily its vector). She can reduce the vector to zero. She can let it keep its vector.

    We've never seen her accelerate anything yet. I'll accept "Matching the speed of the arm" as evidence, but I eye it suspiciously. "Landing with forward motion instead of dropping straight" will be something I'll look out for, since that makes some sense. (scenes from past episodes are hard to locate by skimming) I can't tell from memory whether they were truly forward vectors, or whether they were simply teleported with a forward tilt.

    I had previously thought Kuroko jumps a little before teleporting, but that would have been the "teleport blur" instead.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 04-20-2013 at 11:33 AM. Reason: added more thoughts to the "first" half of the post

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  15. #475
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Railgun is so slowly paced, basically nothing of importance (other than foreshadowing) happened in ep2

  16. #476
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #477
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Mikoto is so gullible. The beginning of the document reveals to her she was lied to and fooled years ago, yet she immediately believes it when the end of the same document tells the project was terminated, despite the fact she now admits there at least existed clones.

    But I guess being so honest and straightforward (in things other than her own tsundere feelings) is a part of what makes her so cute.

  18. #478
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    This is pretty boring so far. Mikoto's character per se never really appealed to me (in contrast to her design and ability), so seeing her doing some detective work (while new - especially the change of clothes) didn't really click. She's a front-liner. She needs characters to get angry at (I'm talking about you Kuroko/Touma), and bitches/robots to shoot railguns through.

    Control Freak in episode one was promising, but she's yet to make another appearance. On that note, I wonder if the lvl2 sisters have the same immunity as Mikoto to that remote control.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #479
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    If it's boring is because they're setting up an arc to which we already know the outcome. It's just a matter of waiting either for some backstory or actions scenes, but until we get there the snoozefest will be long.

    Oh and by the way, what sort of rich bitch purchases a whole hotel room just to change?
    Last edited by Archangel; Sat, 04-27-2013 at 09:36 AM.

  20. #480
    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Oh and by the way, what sort of rich bitch purchases a whole hotel room just to change?
    My exact though. You cant change in toilets in Academy City because some robot might shoot you for it ?

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