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Thread: Toaru Kagaku no Railgun

  1. #341
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Kuroko also says some pretty mature things when she's not going into crazy Onee-sama Luv-Luv mode. There definitely exists the feeling that despite her relatively young age when compared to the rest of the cast, she is one of the most mature. It is a bit strange, but that's another reason she's my favorite character in this show. There is a depth to her, and while on the one side she is very carefree, she also has some really good insights about personal relations. Sometimes she seems like the big sister in her relationship with Misaka.
    It's funny how that works. Misaka's view seemed to be as narrow and straight-forward as her railgun, while Kuroko's maturity belongs to one who is able to look at things from different angels.

    I expected more Konori action than what we got. Since they're both so well endowed, I was really hoping for some Byakugan action.

    Back to Kuroko though, I think I've enjoyed each and every one of her hair-down scenes, whether they were comical or otherwise.

    Quote Originally Posted by Archie
    I think most of us love Misaka mostly for her personality and a big part of that ( maybe the best part too ) is only shown by her going tsun tsun with Touma. Taking him out of the equation killed this show for me.
    I believe for Ryll and myself at least, Railgun's really been about Kuroko and Uiharu. Putting them into the equation makes this show for me.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #342
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    I believe for Ryll and myself at least, Railgun's really been about Kuroko and Uiharu. Putting them into the equation makes this show for me.
    True enough. Kuroko has been a great character since Index, and it is nice to see more of her. Several episodes so far have proven that she's not just a gag character. She has as much depth as Saten or Mikoto (in Index, less so here) does. A serious arc or episode about her aside from the flashback episode would be a very welcome addition.

    ...but what really has me watching now is the hope that they will show what Uiharu's power really is. It's driving me nuts, especially in light of Kiyama and Kuroko's remarks about it.

  3. #343
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I watch this show for Kuroko's antics, and Misaka's cool battle scenes. If I want some Misaka tsundere action, I will go rewatch Index. Railgun is proving to be awesome in its own right, and with a different approach at that.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  4. #344
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 16v2

    [Mazui] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun - 16v2 - HD | SD
    Last edited by Marik; Sat, 01-23-2010 at 06:31 PM.

  5. #345
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Tinyurl? >_>

  6. #346
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Tokyotosho was dead when the episode was released.
    As dead as my interest on this series
    The torrent is real. Tokyotosho is up now, but the torrent ain't there. I got the episode from their irc channel though.

  7. #347
    As much as it pains me to be on the same side as shinta|hikari I am also not missing Touma at all in this series. I watch because I like the universe of Academy City and that appeal is independent of any particular character. The yuri vibes in Railgun don't hurt either considering I'm not much of a Misaka fan when she's talking as opposed to blasting things. I could really do with less Mikoto though as I have gotten pretty tired of her immaturity and nosiness at this point.

    In this particular arc I didn't like how Misaka and co decided to get themselves involved with Konori's personal business and pry into her life though it did turn out for the best in the end. It was interesting to see another example of how the dregs of Academy City live though I wish they'd gone into a bit more detail about Konori and the identity crisis she went through.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Sun, 01-24-2010 at 10:48 PM.

  8. #348
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 17

    [Mazui] To​ Aru​ Kagaku​ no​ Railgun​ -​ 17​ - HD | SD
    Last edited by Marik; Sat, 01-30-2010 at 02:58 AM.

  9. #349
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    What a completely and utterly useless episode. I can't even begin to try to understand what the studio people were thinking when they decided to animate this. I've been under an impression every single anime episode costs a lot of money but episodes like this make me wonder the truthfulness of such an impression.

    I had no recollection whatsoever of the main character of this episode, so she was even worse than Mii, whose existence I at least somewhat remembered although didn't really care much about. But this one... What the hell kind of a story is this series supposed to be telling?

  10. #350
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    What a completely and utterly useless episode. I can't even begin to try to understand what the studio people were thinking when they decided to animate this.
    Probably something like, "We need filler, this will have to do."

    The final arc must be pretty awesome (or at least I am hoping that it is), but there is no way they can drag it out to fill the remaining number of episodes. So they give us this episode. In contrast to the last two episodes, this one was utterly worthless. At least the Konori episodes were about someone that at least two of the main cast have a lot of history with and spend a considerable amount of time with. Even Saten spends a decent amount time with her because she is always visiting Uiharu in their Judgment office. They also presented a side of Academy City we hadn't usually seen, what happens to all those students who feel inferior because they have no power. Ultimately, I liked the two Konori episodes.

    As for this episode, I don't even remember what Aya Endo's character's name is, and the whole episode was about her. At least we saw Index again, and Komoe mentioned her roof had been blown off, so this occurred after the incident where Touma completely lost his memory. It should be interesting to see what happens if Touma and Mikoto meet in these remaining episodes.

    ...oh wait, it looks like the next episode is some light hearted filler too!

  11. #351
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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  12. #352
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 18

    [Mazui] ​To​ Aru​ Kagaku​ no​ Railgun​ -​ 18​ - HD | SD

  13. #353
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This time it was the sadistic dorm mistress. This wasn't as utterly useless an episode as the previous one considering the entertainment value but in fact I believe characters like the dorm master should be left with relatively little screen time to maintain their specific and quite one-sided personalities. If they are given much development, they will lose something else where it really matters. And this particular character was only essential as a part of the nazi regime dorm where Mikoto and Kuroko live. She should have staid an threatening part of the dorm, not a person only working there and having a different life elsewhere.

    Besides, it was clear from the beginning no couple would be born. It's not like Kuroko's plans ever worked. The whole affair was doomed from the moment it gained her interest.

  14. #354
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Special 1 - SubSmith

    - - - - - - - -

    Whoever wrote the script for this special was dead drunk. At least the voice actors must have had fun recording the lines. I was, however, fully sober and thus half incapable of really following it.

    SubSmith could have done a little bit better job subbing it but it was understandable (as much as it could be in the first place).

  15. #355
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Special 1 - SubSmith

    - - - - - - - -

    Whoever wrote the script for this special was dead drunk. At least the voice actors must have had fun recording the lines. I was, however, fully sober and thus half incapable of really following it.

    SubSmith could have done a little bit better job subbing it but it was understandable (as much as it could be in the first place).
    At least is way better than the last 4 episodes.

  16. #356
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marik
    [Mazui] ​To​ Aru​ Kagaku​ no​ Railgun​ -​ 18​ - HD | SD
    Well that was... painful to watch

  17. #357
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 19 HQ - Mazui

    There's only a HQ raw currently available, the HD coming later, so this is like that.

    - - - - - - - - -

    Actually finally seeing Touma again surprised me as I already believed they had forsaken him for good and even in this episode he came quite late and only briefly. But nevertheless even that brief visit managed to completely save Mikoto's day, so he's quite a dude. It was actually a likely event, considering how seeing him practically switched Mikoto from the nervous middle-schooler mode to the (natural to her) railgun mode and thus removed all her hesitation in a second.

    Nonetheless, it was a more or less sucky episode but that's what Railgun has seemingly become so it can't be helped.

  18. #358
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I thought this was the best of the Railgun side-story episodes. It mostly featured characters from the main cast we actually care about, and the pointless side characters were relegated to an individual gag or two.

    It was notable that Touma had no idea who she was.

    Still, I thought it was a bit out of place that he was asking some random (to him) person standing behind a stage obviously about to perform where his nun friend eating all the food at the festival was and not one of the 80-odd girls in the rest of the dorm hallways. That almost ruined the whole moment for me. If he had caught her in the hallway or behind a door rather than right behind the curtain it would have made a lot more sense. Touma isn't as stupid as this made him look.

    Plus Mikoto played off the neck of the violin. Aside from that, I enjoyed the scene and that Kuroko was so blown away by it that she couldn't even take pictures/video of it.

    Saten and especially Uiharu really stole the episode. Saten being good at embroidery while eating the sugar flowers and admiring the cake too much to cut it, Uiharu ruthlessly cutting that cake and failing to acknowledge that she has flowers on her head. Uiharu's burning mode, as well as her MariMite mode staring out the window, that only Saten could break her from so dramatically.

  19. #359
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    For another filler episode we got quite a bit of information out of it:

    Not sure if it's a mistranslation or misinterpretation on my part but the way Uiharu acted when they mentioned her hairpin makes it sound like the flowers are a byproduct of her esper abilities other than an accessory

    The fact that Touma has already lost his memory place this before the sister's incident and after his encounter with Index, meaning that they did indeed decide to not animate the bridge scene. With that in mind, you can read about it here

    More than being an awesome tsun tsun dere dere scene it makes an interesting point by showing Touma stopping a moving railgun with his right hand, making a fact that he can also stop esper induced projectile attacks

  20. #360
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 19 HD Version

    [Mazui] ​To​ Aru​ Kagaku​ no​ Railgun​ -​ 19​ - HD | SD

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