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Thread: Toaru Kagaku no Railgun

  1. #381
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 24 - The End

    Last edited by Marik; Fri, 03-19-2010 at 09:07 PM.

  2. #382
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Let's see if I can keep track of all the terrible clichés this episode. These are things that are so incredibly overused and retarded that I can't help but groan every time one of them came up. It isn't unusual to see a few of these at a time, but all of them crammed into a single episode?

    • Konori is riding a motorcycle that she never used before now.
    • Giant robot destroys part of a freeway showing itself, no law enforcement cares.
    • Giant robot was somehow built to withstand all of the hero(ine)'s powers.
    • Villain(ess) has "studied" the hero(ine)'s powers extensively to develop this mech.
    • Organized militant force (Anti-Skill) is defying the higher-ups to "do the right thing."
    • Villain(ess) literally says, "I know all your attacks!"
    • Immediately before proving her wrong, Hero(ine) says the line, "This is my full power/strength/resolve!" line.
    • Villain(ess) emits a "WHAT!" exclamation while appearing to be destroyed.
    • Villain(ess) reappears when the heroes are about to achieve victory.
    • Villain(ess), renders heroes helpless, then proceeds to enter tirade about how predecessor didn't go far enough, and will finish their research.
    • Set pieces glow in a manner that is not readily apparent what purpose such luminescence serves.
    • "Powerless" side character saves the heroes.
    • Villain(ess) reveals another device, that was "developed based on [heroine's] powers," but is "definitely stronger."
    • Hero(ine) and Villain(ess) enter into a beam power contest, or other arm wrestling analogue [insert...insert song].
    • Heroine easily wins, despite having been at some manner of "disadvantage."
    • Set pieces perform opposite function by glowing in an opposite color (or cool versus warm colors).
    • Character who didn't do all that much brags about doing it all in the epilogue sequence.

    This whole episode was pretty much shonen clichés chained together to form storyboards and a plot for the episode. While it was pretty to look at, I couldn't take it seriously at all. I thought the last episode was bad with Telestina firing grenades in the middle of the city right next door to a hospital. No one cared then, but when the highways are destroyed by a giant freaking robot, still no one cares? We should have at least seen more emergency personnel, even if MAR has enough authority to mysteriously make them have to withdraw. The media should have picked it up. Nothing there either. The episode ends with all of this somehow happening secretly. Multiple explosions, railguns going off, giant robots, vans flying through the air, and no one bats an

    But it wasn't all bad. On the positive side of the this episode:

    - Mikoto actually called the robot "ridiculous," which was exactly the same thing I thought the moment she said it.
    - Kongo's air rocket power was actually really cool. Kuroko was right in the first episode, it certainly isn't very elegant for a "teleport" power, but Kongo knows how to use it and it has a few unique applications that Kuroko's power doesn't. Kongo could probably create traps with it, since there is a short time delay before they go off.
    - Kuroko was badass fighting the grenade launcher guys.

  3. #383
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    While I certainly welcomed the expansion of Kiyama Harumi's story and the awakening of the kids I could have lived without Telestina and all the crap they pulled. I pretty much agree with Ryll's rant above.

    Anyway. Since the series ended I can speak it freely now. Every damn episode after episode 13 is filler. All of them. Everything was pulled out of their asses because the real 2nd Arc hasn't finished in the manga. Which is god damn shame since its awesome.

    I, even with my Mikoto-tardness, hate what they did to this show. Episodes 1 to 13 where good. Fourteen onwards where mostly a pain to watch. Specially those centered on the lesser characters. Though I did like Harue and Banri.

    Glads its over though. Oh...and I was dissapointed they didn't announce a Season 2 of Index after the episode ended. We definitely need that. We still have 16 un-animated Index novels. And Im quite looking forward for some of them.

    And my last rant, that in no way can be described as a spoiler since you guys have already seen Index, I was completely dissapointed Misaka 10032 (or any other serial) didn't make it into the ending scene as a cliffhanger.

  4. #384
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Anyway. Since the series ended I can speak it freely now. Every damn episode after episode 13 is filler. All of them. Everything was pulled out of their asses because the real 2nd Arc hasn't finished in the manga. Which is god damn shame since its awesome.

    I assume that this is referring to this last arc

    Lol and you call yourself a Mikototard? GTFO!

  5. #385
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel

    I assume that this is referring to this last arc

    Lol and you call yourself a Mikototard? GTFO!
    So? I already knew that. Even before you read the manga.

    Even if they said the author himself made this, it didn't turn so well. Or did you enjoy this bad arcs? Telestina can't compete with... you know who.

  6. #386
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I have to agree on this episode being largely worthless. It didn't give me a grand final battle vibes for a second, nor was it exciting for a moment. The giant robot appearing out of nowhere was the stupidest part of it by far. The earlier exoskeletons they sported in disaster relief were somewhat plausible since even in RL they would surely be used. But this huge thing that still moved as fast as Kiyama's bloody Italian sports car..?

    They should have made this a 13 episodes series instead of this shitty latter portion. I certainly won't be missing this.

  7. #387
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    So? I already knew that. Even before you read the manga.

    Even if they said the author himself made this, it didn't turn so well. Or did you enjoy this bad arcs? Telestina can't compete with... you know who.
    Well then i don't know why you're claiming they pulled it out of their asses

    Personally i didn't find this last arc all that bad, it's just that most of us we're already fed up with railgun at that point for all the ridiculous naruto-like fillers we'd been getting as of late and the ones like yourself that had already read the manga were disappointed so much content didn't make it to the anime

    To finalize, it's no Toaru Majutsu no Index but still an overall enjoyable series 7/10

  8. #388
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    Well then i don't know why you're claiming they pulled it out of their asses

    Personally i didn't find this last arc all that bad, it's just that most of us we're already fed up with railgun at that point for all the ridiculous naruto-like fillers we'd been getting as of late and the ones like yourself that had already read the manga were disappointed so much content didn't make it to the anime

    To finalize, it's no Toaru Majutsu no Index but still an overall enjoyable series 7/10
    Look at it like this. They said this episodes had the input of Kamachi to be done? Right? They said the same thing about the Six-tails arc of Naruto and the Humanized-Zanpaktou of Bleach.

    I find hard to believe Kamachi did episodes like the ones of the Antiskill girl or the Dorm manager. Kamachi probably only said: "you can expand on Kiyama's story and bring back the children" and the studio filled the gaps.

    Kamachi's plot on Index and the Railgun manga have never been so messy like this Telestina arc was. It just seemed to borrow ideas from here and there to create it. They made Mikoto preachy like Touma and then they created another Level-6 experiment.

    If Kamachi had indeed wrote all of this, First Sample would have been Mikoto. Im almost sure the guy on Mikoto's flashback, during Index, was Kihara himself.

    And do remember they messed up the timeline. We never got to see Mikoto chasing Touma to the bridge, for the start of Index, like we saw on the Railgun manga.

    The ending shows both Index and Aisa already on Academy City. Heck, Aisa is already with Konoe-sensei. They left very little time for Mikoto to fall into despair in preparation for the Index Arc.

    The studio messed it up. Not only the Railgun manga, but also the Index Timeline.

  9. #389
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    last ep was awesome... well, haters gonna hate

    must be a manga-reader thing, I m a bit disappointed because I expected to see a lot more Touma+Misaka stuff but thats all.

    I don't know why ryou says they messed up the timeline though, not showing the bridge scene doesn't mean it didn't happen.
    and after all... why do you care? They didn't give away dates and to be honest, its weird that Touma doesn't know about such events in the first place..
    srsly... he's the same type as Shirou from FSN... whenever something is wrong, he is around to help
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sat, 03-20-2010 at 07:32 PM.

  10. #390
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I just had a slight concern about a massive and huge mech outrunning a lamborghini gallardo and Misaka using electromagnetism as an attractive force towards that same car that is mainly made of aluminium (though you'd probably wouldn't need that much iron to attract such a light body)

    Other than that, it was more of a shounen end, wasn't it? Not that bad with some great deal of power and "I shout so I'm getting stronger" final shot.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  11. #391
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    I just had a slight concern about a massive and huge mech outrunning a lamborghini gallardo and Misaka using electromagnetism as an attractive force towards that same car that is mainly made of aluminium (though you'd probably wouldn't need that much iron to attract such a light body)
    If you're gonna be anal about it that first railgun was pretty wacky too with the coin ignoring any air resistance at all and gently falling in front of Misaka

  12. #392
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    If you're gonna be anal about it that first railgun was pretty wacky too with the coin ignoring any air resistance at all and gently falling in front of Misaka
    I think that we can agree that the attention to detail and foundations in science and metaphysics that Index and Railgun are usually very well grounded in were not present at all in this episode.

  13. #393
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I think that we can agree that the attention to detail and foundations in science and metaphysics that Index and Railgun are usually very well grounded in were not present at all in this episode.
    It was still cool though

  14. #394
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I liked how she called Kuroko for the tandem super railgun. Other than that, I think I only liked the scene when the children woke up.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  15. #395
    *insert random bashing here*

    Other than that, it was an ok series. Exactly what I thought it would be. Filler with fanservice. Kuroko entering the bathroom while spouting crap was hilarious. Funniest part of the whole series IMO. Love her character, even though she's the less cute one. The powerless girl (forgot her name, too lazy to look it up) was the cutest IMO.

  16. #396
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    I don't know why ryou says they messed up the timeline though, not showing the bridge scene doesn't mean it didn't happen.
    and after all... why do you care? They didn't give away dates and to be honest, its weird that Touma doesn't know about such events in the first place..
    srsly... he's the same type as Shirou from FSN... whenever something is wrong, he is around to help
    Dates were ignored in the anime version. The novel and mangas are full of dates.

    The manga chapter where Mikoto Railgun's the bank robber is titled July 16th

    The chapter where Mikoto is confused as a Judgement member and seeks a 'bomb' was titled July 17th. This same day she chases Touma all night and uses the iron-sand sword.

    Bomb guy appears on the chapters titled July 18th

    Then Mikoto investigates with Kuroko the Level upper and acts as a cute girl. Touma interferes here (but wasn't shown in the anime) and its titled July 19th. This is the same day Index starts.

    Kiyama´s story comes to pass through chapters titled July 20th onwards until July 24th

    Then we see several flashbacks, including how Kuroko and Uiharu meet, to resume the plot on August 10th.

    How are this dates important?

    July 20th is the day Touma meets Index
    I don't remember the exact date... but Touma meets Aisa around the 1st of August
    And then Touma meets the SISTERS on August 20th

    Touma lost his memories around July 25th, so he forgets all he did with Mikoto prior to this. So I don't understand why you mention its weird Touma doesn't know any of this. Its obvious he didn't know. He lost his memories.

    Looking at the gap between dates... they could really easily fit all this anime-only railgun eps after all. Still... they changed how key events took place. We never saw the bridge scene which had importance to both Railgun and Index.

    I'll stop ranting there. Kamachi probably knew the gap existed and allowed the story to be developed there. But I still dislike how they explored this side of things. I still don't believe Kamachi wrote it. Kamachi probably only gave the ideas.
    Last edited by RyougaZell; Sat, 03-20-2010 at 08:36 PM.

  17. #397
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Touma lost his memories around July 25th, so he forgets all he did with Mikoto prior to this. So I don't understand why you mention its weird Touma doesn't know any of this. Its obvious he didn't know. He lost his memories.
    his memory loss has nothing to do with it... he's the guy whos always around whenever something weird/strange/big happens in the City.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 03-21-2010 at 09:25 AM.

  18. #398
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Which one is the hottest Misaka? Start your voting, now!

  19. #399
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #400
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I like the 4th, the 6th and Last one

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