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Thread: Toaru Kagaku no Railgun

  1. #281
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    By the way, the stripper lady never did tell us what the higher ups are planning on using their esper army for
    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    She certainly does not know.
    Would the answer be fairly obvious to us viewers, or anyone within the show who knows about the other side of society? Like the Arthur C. Clarke quote, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

    They finally advanced science to a degree where the can compare abilities created through science with magic. I have no illusions that the higher ups are somehow amazingly unaware of magic. They most likely want to strike at the Church, or at least a faction of it. Quite possibly even one led by this young lady shown at the end of Index 24.

  2. #282
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    She certainly does not know.
    Well she was certainly talking as she did

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    They finally advanced science to a degree where the can compare abilities created through science with magic. I have no illusions that the higher ups are somehow amazingly unaware of magic. They most likely want to strike at the Church, or at least a faction of it. Quite possibly even one led by this young lady shown at the end of Index 24.
    But what would both sides have to gain from such a struggle?

  3. #283
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The Church wouldn't have anything to gain. With them out of the way, whoever is controlling this Esper army might have control of the entire world. We know the Church and magicians are far older than any organized group of Espers. They mentioned in Index that the two factions are at a balance of power, and a certain individual who began to develop a third faction after meeting a certain someone else. This group mixed both magicians and espers. So at the time (a few to several months past this event), both sides believed there was a stable balance.

    Perhaps the faction in control of the espers was secretly building an army to finally tip the balance their way.

  4. #284
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    The Church wouldn't have anything to gain. With them out of the way, whoever is controlling this Esper army might have control of the entire world. We know the Church and magicians are far older than any organized group of Espers. They mentioned in Index that the two factions are at a balance of power, and a certain individual who began to develop a third faction after meeting a certain someone else. This group mixed both magicians and espers. So at the time (a few to several months past this event), both sides believed there was a stable balance.

    Perhaps the faction in control of the espers was secretly building an army to finally tip the balance their way.
    I just assumed that the situation was something much like the power struggle between our World's major powers.

    Obviously no side they will willingly let the other get ahead in terms of military force/technology etc but that doesn't mean it's a cold war in the making

    And for such a well planned and elaborate show wouldn't a mysterious villain organization with plans of world domination be a little farfetched?

  5. #285
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    We don't even know for sure whether or not both sides aren't led by magic users. One may have simply shifted to science and allowed it to advance through the thorough examination of his/her magic. It may boil down to Church versus Heretics. No mysterious villains, just two sides that have been arguing for centuries.

    Like as if aliens or time-travelers dropped a transistor back into the 1860s. Science would have made it there on their own, but getting to study advanced energy manipulations would create a giant boom in numerous scientific fields. Basically exactly what happened at Academy City.

  6. #286
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    There's a flaw in your theory, we've already been told by Index that magic was created by and for people who weren't lucky enough to be born with esper powers. Seeing as this is information coming from the walking library ( or whatever Zell used to call her ) i'd say we can assume it to be true

    Actually you know... if you combine that with the history of our own catholic church maybe magic users became Exorcists of the church to purge the demons ( espers ) from the land. That would fit in well with the story and explain the apparent rivalry that comes from both sides.

    Obviously now that esper abilities have been analyzed and proven to be natural occurrences by science the fighting has subsided but there may still be members of the church who believe in their own ways and espers who believe themselves entitled to revenge

  7. #287
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Well, since I was downloading Ayako's release (even though I broke and watched Mazui first this time), I thought I'd redownload to keep things consistent.

    And boy was I in for a good laugh. Ayako showed no common sense at all when subbing this episode. There were some pretty shocking difference between Mazui and Ayako eg (I didn't get involved, I chose to get involved -vs- That thing won't hit you, but I might).

    For that line, and in general, my limited Japanese pickup tends to agree with Ayako's more. But that song....I can't stop laughing....

    Who plasters an anime with 4 lines of subs? Song romanji, song translation, Japanese lyrics, Misaka's speech. Oh, and these weren't the nicely rendered, semi-transparent, karaoke-styled subs to make things more acceptable both visually and in a sing-along way. This was white, block text.

    So what happens when they start singing in Engrish?
    |The blitz loop this planet to search way|
    |The blitz loop this planet to search way|
    |The blitz loop this planet to search way|
    |The blitz loop this planet to search way|
    |The blitz loop this planet to search way|
    | ..h way(Misaka subs be here) pl.arc...|

    I have no idea if this was their idea of a troll for ruining awesome moments. They've done it in the past ( :3 ).

    Kiyama, really, was just like the Level Zeros. She tried her best over and over again only to be roadblocked by something called "Access Denied", Just as these kids are being met with "No Abilities Detected" on their reports.

    Her powerlessness and desperateness drover her through a fast-track, just as the Saten resorted to the Level-Upper. Kiyama knew she'd lose the trust of the city in her as a "responsible" scientist/teacher, just as Saten knew she'd be betraying her Justice friends' trust in her that she'd avoid (or turn in) any clues on the Level Upper.

    Arguably Kiyama actually "sacrificed" people for her cause while Level Zeros only broke a code-of-conduct or moral at best. Considering the state of the children who were in Kiyama's care though, and the fact that the coma is apparently completely reversible, from Kiyama's perspective, the magnitude of a few days' consciousness lost is hardly a "sacrifice".

    "I'll keep doing this" is probably the most non-villainous version of "I'll be back!" I've ever heard .
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 12-21-2009 at 07:18 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #288
    I do wonder how often Misaka flips a coin considering she did it pretty well with lots of spin and height even though the coin was practically vertical in her hand when she flipped it, not to mention her aim with the flip.

    Wondering were the anime will take it from here, we haven't really seen much of anything that have to do with her problems in Index yet after all.
    You are here alone again
    In your sweet insanity
    All too calm, you hide yourself from reality
    Do you call it solitude? Do you call it liberty?
    When all the world turns away to leave you lonely

  9. #289
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Her nickname is railgun, i'm sure she has that move practiced to perfection

  10. #290
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Well, since I was downloading Ayako's release (even though I broke and watched Mazui first this time), I thought I'd redownload to keep things consistent.

    And boy was I in for a good laugh. Ayako showed no common sense at all when subbing this episode. There were some pretty shocking difference between Mazui and Ayako eg (I didn't get involved, I chose to get involved -vs- That thing won't hit you, but I might).

    For that line, and in general, my limited Japanese pickup tends to agree with Ayako's more. But that song....I can't stop laughing....

    Who plasters an anime with 4 lines of subs? Song romanji, song translation, Japanese lyrics, Misaka's speech. Oh, and these weren't the nicely rendered, semi-transparent, karaoke-styled subs to make things more acceptable both visually and in a sing-along way. This was white, block text.

    So what happens when they start singing in Engrish?
    |The blitz loop this planet to search way|
    |The blitz loop this planet to search way|
    |The blitz loop this planet to search way|
    |The blitz loop this planet to search way|
    |The blitz loop this planet to search way|
    | ..h way(Misaka subs be here) pl.arc...|

    I have no idea if this was their idea of a troll for ruining awesome moments. They've done it in the past ( :3 ).

    And you guys asked me why I hated Ayako...

  11. #291
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    To this day i don't understand why no better group ever picked up Railgun

  12. #292
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    To this day i don't understand why no better group ever picked up Railgun
    At the beginning of the season GG said that they and another 4 groups made an agreement to not touch each other series. Eclipse, Ayako, GG and I don't know the other two. I do not know how they separated the series, but Eclipse ended with Seitokai (which I love) whereas Railgun ended with crappy Ayako (which I hate).

    Mazui isn't that great, but at least its better than Ayako.

  13. #293
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Fuck! Why didn't ayako keep their shitty student council and let the big boys take care of this one??!

  14. #294
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Seitokai is great. Period.

    But yes... I do think this group agreement was lame. I hope they trash it soon. Specially with GG dropping series and Ayako screwing them.

  15. #295
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    And you guys asked me why I hated Ayako...
    Horrible karaoke aside, Ayako's translation seems much better than Mazui's. There is a huge disparity in how they translated the lines this episode.

    Railgun (and Index) are pretty technical shows, often not too far below the likes of Ghost in the Shell or Real Drive, and Mazui's was largely...lacking in that department.

    Mazui: Don't give up so easily. Also...I didn't get dragged into this. I decided to get involved myself.
    Ayako: So, don't give up so quickly. And's not going to hit you...What I'm saying is that I might hit you.

    Mazui: That's the same insulating forcefield I used before...
    Ayako: It's using the same type of dielectric polarization field I used.

    Mazui: The electricity isn't directly hitting, but the head from the sheer force of electricity she's throwing at it is melting away the surface of its body...
    Ayako: The electric shock isn't hitting directly? However, the surface of the body is being destroyed by the heat of the electrical conduction resistance.

    Now, I won't say that I know enough Japanese to actually know which one of these is accurate. However, at least for 2) and 3), I think Ayako has the edge. Kiyama is an accomplished scientist, and she speaks in a rather technical manner. Ayako's translation seems far more appropriate.

    The bigger problem is 1). There is a vastly different meaning to these two sentences. Unlike the latter two, it isn't a matter of editing and translational wiggle room that allows for a different delivery of the lines. The two mean completely different things. Again, I can't say which is correct, but I would like to know.

    Still, that doesn't excuse the ridiculous karaoke Ayako did, and worse, tying it directly to the subtitle track and not offering a separate karaoke-free track like gg did for the song-laden Macross Finale.

  16. #296
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Well for whatever reason, here's Ayakao's Ep 11v2.

    Perhaps hope exists for a 12v2.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #297
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Ryll - Mazui is correct for number 1. Ayako is more accurate for 2 and 3.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Thu, 12-24-2009 at 04:01 AM.
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  18. #298

  19. #299
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    hahaha the ending was great.

  20. #300
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    hahaha the ending was great.
    It was, and yet another priceless memory loss for Touma.

    Kuroko had the wrong taste for swimwear, but she's got the right attitude.

    Nothing much to comment on, other than the fact I found Uiharu's lack of fear towards snakes kind of cute.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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