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Thread: Book: The Dresden Files

  1. #21
    I'm reading Changes at the moment, halfway through and I'm loving it so far. Weird that you think it's not as good as the previous books, since most reactions I've seen around say this is probably the best in the series if not one of the best.

  2. #22
    Just finished Changes, I'm probably hopped on excitement but I thought it was one of if not the best in the series for what I like about the series. The ending was among the theories I had for how things would turn out but it wasn't my front runner. Things most certainly can't go back to the way they were though and I can't wait to see what is in store for the Dresdenverse next.

    According to someone on Amazon there is a short story that should be out sometime this winter set very soon after the end of Changes so the wait won't be a full year to find out more about what the next step is.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 04-14-2010 at 03:01 PM. Reason: New Info

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura View Post
    Just finished Changes, I'm probably hopped on excitement but I thought it was one of if not the best in the series for what I like about the series. The ending was among the theories I had for how things would turn out but it wasn't my front runner. Things most certainly can't go back to the way they were though and I can't wait to see what is in store for the Dresdenverse next.

    According to someone on Amazon there is a short story that should be out sometime this winter set very soon after the end of Changes so the wait won't be a full year to find out more about what the next step is.
    Pretty much my opinion on it. What you're looking for is Side Jobs which will be released this October. It will include most of the short stories, novellas, novelletes that have already been released from the Dresden world and some that will be new.

    The most important part is that it will include a short story from Murphy's POV, which will take place 45 minutes after the end of Changes. That story is called Aftermath I think. That alone makes this a must buy to me.

    But man, I really loved Changes and to me was the best in the series. It's like everything that had been hinted about the Dresden character culminated here. And in no book has his character been more in the grey area, at times even on "The Dark Side", even if well intentioned at times.

    A really good book, and looking forward to Side Jobs, and the next novel which by the looks of it will be released at the same time next year.

    I'm also looking for what he will write next now that Codex Alera is done. I've heard about him toying with the idea of Space Cowboys or maybe something a bit scifi-ish, but we'll see.
    Last edited by Munsu; Wed, 04-14-2010 at 03:48 PM.

  4. #24
    I noticed a lot of anger going on in the Amazon forums about how the Susan situation played out and what it might/should mean about Harry. Do you think he should be thrust into a lake of fire for all eternity for what he did in those last seconds of the final battle or what? Will you lose respect for the character if he's ever even remotely happy again after doing what he's done?

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura View Post
    I noticed a lot of anger going on in the Amazon forums about how the Susan situation played out and what it might/should mean about Harry. Do you think he should be thrust into a lake of fire for all eternity for what he did in those last seconds of the final battle or what? Will you lose respect for the character if he's ever even remotely happy again after doing what he's done?
    I'm spoiling here, you guy's have been warned:

    No. First, even though he manipulated the situation, it was still Susan's choice to do so. It was also her choice to sacrifice herself. And ultimately it was all so they could save their child, so even though Harry screwed her over, he really did the right thing when all was said and done.

  6. #26
    That's pretty much the same way I feel. I think Harry made a tough call but in the end I think it was either that or die along with Susan, the girl, and maybe even all of his pals. If anyone would sacrifice herself for the sake of her daughters survival I think it would be Susan.

  7. #27
    Spoilers again...

    Who do you think shot Dresden? Do you think Kinkaid might have done it? Marcone? I think those two are the two most likely suspects, though I don't know how Ivy would feel about the possibility of Kinkaid shooting him. Do you think he actually dies just to get resurrected as the Winter Knight? Or do you think Mab simply takes him and heals him... not actually dying...?

  8. #28

    99.9% sure Dresden is not dead since there will be 24 books, and at least 50% of why everybody reads Dresden reads if because of him... as for who shot him i honestly have no working theory, he has so many enemies that it could be any one of them or just some random hired thug finally got to him

    as to what i didn't like about the book ... the battle with the red's ... i mean there were thousands of them there, not to mention the king and his 13, and they were at their seat of power, and MURPHY went through them like they were ants (sure she had a holy sword and all, but still) and no one got hurt but Moly and that was from a freaking gun shot wound.. makes me wonder what's next... sure there have been some impossible battles before against some powerful people but never on a scale with this low odds, i mean reds where pretty hyped, whey have been at war with the whole of the white council and even grapes of wizards vs reds and the wizards suffers heavy loses, here they seamsd less then cannon fodder

    i know these were some o the main characters, but if he didn't what them to die, he should have had the white council step in (the Merlin did say he wanted to strike at them and this was the perfect chance), the battle would have been way more epic and "realistic" then

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Belial View Post

    99.9% sure Dresden is not dead since there will be 24 books, and at least 50% of why everybody reads Dresden reads if because of him... as for who shot him i honestly have no working theory, he has so many enemies that it could be any one of them or just some random hired thug finally got to him

    as to what i didn't like about the book ... the battle with the red's ... i mean there were thousands of them there, not to mention the king and his 13, and they were at their seat of power, and MURPHY went through them like they were ants (sure she had a holy sword and all, but still) and no one got hurt but Moly and that was from a freaking gun shot wound.. makes me wonder what's next... sure there have been some impossible battles before against some powerful people but never on a scale with this low odds, i mean reds where pretty hyped, whey have been at war with the whole of the white council and even grapes of wizards vs reds and the wizards suffers heavy loses, here they seamsd less then cannon fodder

    i know these were some o the main characters, but if he didn't what them to die, he should have had the white council step in (the Merlin did say he wanted to strike at them and this was the perfect chance), the battle would have been way more epic and "realistic" then
    Well of course he isn't dead dead, but that doesn't mean that he can't die and somehow get resurrected because of Mab or some crap.

    Secondly, you're underestimating the holy swords and more importantly under estimating the Godmother. If it weren't for her, they would've lost. In fact, Dresden himself had seen the futility during the fight and pretty much gave up at one point, only the Godmother got involved and disrupted the nasty spell that the Red King was going to throw at them.

    Also, you're forgetting that the way the Red's have been killing Wizards is through ambushes, rarely if ever have they come on top in a straight fight. Dresden has been saying it through the whole series, give a wizard time to breathe and prepare for what it's to come, and you'll be sorry.

    And you're forgetting that the Grey Council, or at least a portion of it came... forgot the details and can't corraborate, but at the very least the Black Staff was there, who is probably the most powerful offensive practitioner of the White Council... and as alluded, he has clearly done some sort of bargain that makes him kill with a lot of ease.

    And last but not least, it's Dresden himself armed with Soulfire, an armor provided by the Godmother (again you're underestimating that), and whatever powers he was given during the fight for being the Winter Knight.

    So in all, as much as the odds were stacked against them, this small group was a complete powerhouse that shouldn't be underestimated. And don't forget Mouse.
    Last edited by Munsu; Thu, 04-15-2010 at 09:12 AM.

  10. #30
    Muse alone is pretty epic, I'm hoping Butcher will build more on the revelations about Mouse's nature and true abilities in the next book or two. It was awesome hearing him talking trash to Lea like a stone cold badass after all the times he's been portrayed as a lovable dog that just happened to be death on wheels to any bad guys.

    I could buy the Knight and pseudo-Knight holding their own though, Michael killed a freaking Dragon by himself and in my mind one on one Dragons should be at the top of pretty much any supernatural food chain. The explanation that the Grey Council was drawing the bulk of the vampires attention seemed a bit of a stretch but it seemed sane enough that I could buy it especially given that I didn't think that much time passed between the end of the duel and the climax of the battle.

    Anyway as for who shot Dresden my first thought was also Kincaid possibly on Ivy's orders but I felt like he would have hit him in the head not the heart. My money would probably be on some agent of Summer trying to make a play on him before he could really settle in to his role as Winter Knight. Titania is probably still sore about what he did to Aurora plus how he got away from her hit squad and did what Mab wanted done in Small Favor. I don't recall us finding out why Summer wanted to interfere with the retrieval of the Archive so badly beyond that Mab wanted it done. Also there hasn't been a Winter Knight for at least 8 years or so and maybe Summer has grown comfortable with that arrangement and isn't too keen on the status quo changing up.

  11. #31
    Cover and title for the next Dresden:

    Ghost Story

    Side Jobs will be released in October 26 and it'll contain:

    "Restoration of Faith"
    "Something Borrowed" -- from My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding
    "It's My Birthday Too" -- from Many Bloody Returns
    "Heorot" -- from My Big Fat Supernatural Honeymoon
    "Day Off" -- from Blood Lite
    Backup -- novelette from Thomas' POV, originally published by Subterranean Press
    The Warrior -- novelette from Mean Streets
    "Last Call" -- from Strange Brew
    "Love Hurts" -- from Songs of Love and Death
    Aftermath -- post-Changes novelette from Murphy's POV, EXCLUSIVE to this anthology!

    There's also Dark and Stormy Knights which will be released this month and it'll contain a short story called "Even Hand" which will be a John Marcone POV.

  12. #32
    Any of you guys planning on getting Side Jobs?

    It's supposed to come out in the 26th, but it seems to be already shipping. My book is on its way.

  13. #33
    I was planning on grabbing a copy just for "Aftermath". Looks like I can't download it for the Kindle until the 26th.

  14. #34
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    Damn, I just started reading them a few weeks ago. I've already blown through the first 5 around 3 weeks and already 3/4 though the 6th book. Stupid library is slowing me down with all the reserves placed on them.

  15. #35
    Just finished reading aftermath, it's the only one i haven't read before, and i must say i like it very much although not what i expected

    spoilers down don't read if you haven't read aftermath:

    Loved Murphy's POV and seeing how she sees Dresden and "martian grunting", looks like the Felorians are going to become a major player in future books... this description of the shot makes me lean toward Kinkaid as the killer, tho i have no idea why

  16. #36
    Forgot to mention that I read Side Jobs a while back and although I enjoyed it, I'm not really a short story kind of guy. As for Aftermath it was fun, certainly not what I was expecting from it, more of an adventure type. I found Murphy's reaction a bit odd, but I'll leave it at that.

    Anyways, Ghost Story is about a month away, and here are 3 sample chapters for those interested:

    They plan on posting 2 more chapters before the book comes out.

  17. #37
    Just finished reading Ghost Story and it was a great book, i couldn't stop reading... especially at the end of the chapter, it's the worst place to stop... almost always ends with a cliffhanger

    Won't comment about details because this forum has no spoiler button, but there is only 1 thing i didn't like in the book witch speaks for itself

    Welcome back good old Dresden, wiser then before and i hope it only gets better and better

    and yeah it sux big time that James Masters couldn't read the audiobook

  18. #38
    I just finished as well. I liked it, while though I did feel it was a lot of 'recap' and soul examination with the actual conflict sort of tacked on. But I am still firmly supportive of Butcher and am willing to write this off as a sort of interlude chapter after the clusterfuck of activity that occured in Changes. It felt like he was having Harry level up his Wisdom modifier so that he could better handle whatever he plans to throw at him in the second half of the series. I look anxiously forward to the next book as it only took me about 4 days to burn through this one .

  19. #39
    Ah, you jackasses beat me to it. I'm about 100 pages from finishing it. Will read your posts after I'm done.

  20. #40
    Had to finish up Martin's Dance with Dragons first before tackling this guy. The book was... okay. I guess up until now every new book has had Harry gaining power and blowing crap up. Instead of adding a little bit of wisdom at a time Butcher decides to focus almost solely on that for an entire book. Classic descriptive Butcher for the beach storming but all in all kinda sleepy otherwise. I guess when you are used to him blowing things to hell and back you kinda look forward to it and when it doesn't happen it's a bit of a let down.

    Speculative question with a spoiler:

    It will be interesting to see how long Butcher has Harry away from Chicago and his friends still thinking that he's dead in the next book.

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