i thought the preview trailer made one thing clear to me: i do NOT like the voice acting in most JRPG video games. in fact, i don't think i can remember a recent RPG with voice acting that I really did like.
the characters are pigeon-holed by the writers, but back in the old days, you could imagine to yourself how they might deliver the lines. there's something about the pathetic, angst-soaked words and the 'woe-is-me' voices that combines to be simply almost unbearable for me.
i might not get this game for a considerable while (i don't have a PS3, and this sure isn't going to be the reason i finally spring for one). the action looks cool, but the story and characters just don't raise my interest. in fact, they make me wary of the whole thing. i dunno. just seems wrong that the characters and story are what turn me off from a freaking RPG... I used to gruelingly play through samey-as-fuck RPGs for precisely those two elements...