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Thread: Daa Daa Daa Remaining episodes

  1. #1

    Daa Daa Daa Remaining episodes

    Hi guys. I think this is the right thread for this so here goes
    At first I thought AnimeOne dropped episodes 64-78 of Daa Daa Daa so I requested this to a project request thread in another forum. Then they told me that you guys are still doing it but you're having trouble getting the DVD raws. Is that correct?

    I do know a good source for the raw files and I can volunteer for QC, if its ok with you guys. You see I really love this series and I already watched all the episodes consecutively last month but I coudn't finish yet. Please answer back guys. Thanks

  2. #2
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Short version: No one comes here. You should talk to AonE directly on IRC


    The only Aone member I've seen drop by the forums every few months is Bread-sama.

    In fact, Gotwoot isn't even the announcement site for AonE releases anymore neither. The official unofficial site is here:

    Since you've brought resources and want to volunteer for the project, I expect you'll have the best chance talking to them on IRC


    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Short version: No one comes here. You should talk to AonE directly on IRC


    The only Aone member I've seen drop by the forums every few months is Bread-sama.

    In fact, Gotwoot isn't even the announcement site for AonE releases anymore neither. The official unofficial site is here:

    Since you've brought resources and want to volunteer for the project, I expect you'll have the best chance talking to them on IRC

    Thanks for the help. I thought this was the place since I was referred here. Sorry for the trouble.

  4. #4
    Student saiyame's Avatar
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    i would like to request if you are interested in continuing Daa Daa Daa
    there are a couple of episodes which aren't subbed yet.
    i know to start of, the series is kind of outdated already and you may find it boring but could you make some considerations?
    i've watched it 4 times in a row already and yeah, i've put all my patience, knowledge and all sorts of stuff when watching the raws to make it work a little.

    i'm begging you guys, for some reason, i know how difficult this job(subbing) is, and my request isn't something worthwhile of your precious time and energy(maybe ) but still, i am begging for reconsideration.

    i am satisfied for now. hehehe. maybe later you would again bump into my name and reading a sort of pathetic request like this. hehehe

    (i am a silent fan though.)
    Last edited by saiyame; Tue, 03-01-2011 at 09:46 AM.

  5. #5
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saiyame View Post
    i would like to request if you are interested in continuing Daa Daa Daa
    there are a couple of episodes which aren't subbed yet.
    Check for new releases here:
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 03-01-2011 at 07:17 PM. Reason: Added Baka link

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  6. #6
    Student saiyame's Avatar
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    thanks for the links, i've been rooting to find these updates for weeks.

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