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Thread: Movie: Avatar

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  1. #11
    Jake's operation was set in stone before we knew they were going to destroy home tree. The promise happened before Jake and the scientists moved to Grace's old camp where they would link to their avatars. It was very early when he got promised it.

    The destruction of Home Tree was due to Jake's betrayal. They were bull dozing the trees down earlier, but it enraged Quatrich that it was Jake's avatar that did damage to the bulldozers. Sure they might've destroyed Home Tree regardless, but that's because of the somethinganium (can't remember the name) deposit under the tree. I'm sure they'd have no reason to destroy the tree of souls of Jake didn't flee there considering it is in the Flux fields. Have you forgotten the point of Jake's entry into Na'vi society? It was to blend in, be trusted, and figure out a bargaining chip. Quatrich's mission on top of that was for him to relay structural data of Home Tree to him, which he did at the beginning at least.

    The movie uses the term race very loosely. This is not betraying your race, this is betraying the entire human species in favor of another species of humanoids. An hour and a half of the movie wasn't dedicated to showing why he would choose ANY decision. It was merely a look into his undertaking in another world, in another body, among non-humans. But then according to your logic, why are we not in Darfur, Myanmar, etc. defending the injusticed? Just because injustice is there does not mean you HAVE to take part in it.

    Jake IS betraying humans. There's no other way to sugar coat it. He killed humans, to protect another group of indigenous humanoids. Let's face it. He is an ex-Marine. He trained, lived, breathed, and believed he would die under the motto to protect his country, his planet, and Humans. Your analogy is ridiculous. The situations are totally different. A more akin analogy would be animal activists that ask for the death penalty for humans that host underground animal fighting rings or companies that do animal testing. Sure those are morally wrong, but to me the life of another animal will NEVER equal the life of a human being.

    He'd have no ramifications when he returned to Earth if he had not interfered with the mining plans to begin with, and he would have had his legs back. Sure he wouldn't have his alien 15 foot blue alien body, alien tail, and he'd live on a barren and desolate homeworld but are those really the price to pay to betray your own kind? Of course you'd think his motives are justified in terms of the plot, they make for a good subtext to a movie, and even more so a reason for a huge ass battlefield action movie scene.

    My argument about him falling in love too easily is not ridiculous at least by my standards. The process in which he fell in love with something not human is akin to you falling in love with your dog, or to an anime character, etc.

    None of your reasons justify betraying humans. If he believes the life of Na'vi are worth more than the price of humans, he was never much of a Marine, much less a human. But I guess that's true considering he gave them up for the well-being of the Na'vi. Lastly, the movie's ending sugar coats it with Jake giving up his Turuk, but his actions possibly caused out the destruction of the Na'vi. The movie has us believe that humans aren't going to come back and wage war, and turn a blind eye because they deported humans off the planet. Sure if the Na'vi decided to not wage war they'd probably be enslaved (which was originally the plan in the original script apparently), but it's arguable I guess if it beats total annihilation or extinction.
    Last edited by animus; Wed, 01-06-2010 at 06:24 PM.

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