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Thread: Bleach 233

  1. #21
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Ichigo, Hichigo and Zangetsu... Too many souls in that body.

    Hichigo using Getsuga Tenshou is no surprise. I guess you all noticed that Zangestu's GT was blue, very different from the very dark purple one Ichigo uses in Bankai form.
    So my guess is that Hichigo has always been a part of the GT attack, probably even stronger that Zangestu.

    Regarding Hichigo's evolution, I guess that Espada would be the ultimate, a top rank one of course, if not top rank. But honestly, having 3 entities to deal with is a lot story wise, at least it's my opinion.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  2. #22
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UChessmaster
    I beleive Hichigo appeared as a playable character in a ps2 fighting bleach game and his name appeared there...
    That proves nothing

    The game has also given powers to the captains that don't really have in the canon material

  3. #23
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Besides, I don't think we have ever seen Ichigo playing PS2, so he can't cheat by getting the game and learning the name that way.

  4. #24
    Genin 12345p's Avatar
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    I miss the conversations Hichigo & Ichigo had. I wish they did something similar again - playing up the drama. Having Ichigo re-win control with Hichigo getting the last few words in before he disappears again "Know what, Ichigo?! You really do suck.." that would have been the pinnicle of that fight.

    Overall, I have a love-hate relationship with this filler arc. I'd have to re-watch from the start, but my initial understanding of Shinigami's relationship with thier Zanpakutō wasn't in the form of seperate souls. I've more preferred the wikipedia's definition:a weapon which reflects aspects of their soul and personality. As such, to me, this arc just feels wrong.

    I mean, depending on when you place this arc (which has to be after the 11 second hollow level Ichigo), shouldn't Muramasa pulled out Hichigo instead of Zangetsu? - - Because at that point, at least to me, the hollow part of his spirit completely consumed Zangetsu. Unless the old guy was hiding off somewhere in Ichigo's internal world of his..

    That said, aspects of how this will play out intrigue me. I'm definately happy to see Zangetsu again. And I want to see how the the materialized Zanpakutō return to "owners/partners/pals/etc".

    Oh yeah, that surprised look on Muramasa's face was classic. I wonder if he's going for another extraction?
    "Fighting to protect someone .. kukukukukukukukukukuk .. I guess you read too much stereotypical manga..." Gangryong vs. Guhoo, Shinra . Manga: VERITAS

  5. #25
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    That proves nothing

    The game has also given powers to the captains that don't really have in the canon material
    I beleive some bleach game showed a shikai or two BEFORE the manga did.

    EDIT: i looked and no hollow ichigo name so nvm
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