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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 122

  1. #1

    Naruto Shippuuden Episode 122

    Quote Originally Posted by Marik
    [Taka]​ Naruto​ Shippuuden​ 122​ - HD | SD
    Another nice episode. I've noticed that the last 4 episodes have had pretty much no filler at all! Is the world coming to an end?
    Last edited by arondruiz; Sat, 08-15-2009 at 06:47 PM.

  2. #2
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Think ill wait for a good release ;P

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  3. #3
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Kabuto must really have loved Orochimaru. I can't really see any huge role for him anymore. He just joined Oro's freak gallery.

    More interesting will be to see Tobi's abilities. I doubt Deidara really can offer much resistance to somebody who killed Oro, but I have no idea what Tobi can do other than talk a lot.

  4. #4
    122 is out by gogoanime the files is named 121 when u DL it, but its episode 122

  5. #5
    Yeah, here's a link if you want one. It's a crunchyroll rip.

    I wasn't expecting an episode this week, but I guess that's just the manga. It was good though. It's starting to move along.

  6. #6
    the animation was so bad during the little fight between naruto and kabuto i couldnt help but giggle

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  7. #7
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Hah, yes it was.

    Anyway, I wonder if Kabuto really is just another freak or if he's going to evolve into a major villain in the series now. The series does kind of feel kind of one track now that Akatsuki are the only real villains left.

  8. #8
    still waiting for the good subs. Getting excited that Kabuto shows up!

  9. #9
    Naruto Shippuden 122 Torrent [AVI][H264] from narutoverse.
    Should be better than whats already out not sure tho since im still dl'in it

  10. #10
    Naruto.Shippuden.122 Eng[720p][H.264+AAC].mkv

    Kabuto-sama!!! Looks like Kabuto's way of absorbing Orochimaru is different then Sasuke's.

    Sasuke's method seems to be just counter Orochimaru's soul transfer/illusion technique. While Kabuto is using a graft assimilation/symbiosis of Orochimaru's cells.

    What a subject of experimentation!!!! Kabuto, you really have been a spy since a small kid! Probably more ninja then the likes of Kimmimaro and Zabuza who probably never worked undercover before.

  11. #11
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Taka Version.

    [Taka]​ Naruto​ Shippuuden​ 122​ - HD | SD

  12. #12
    thanks, put it in the OP. I hope they can get 123 out in a timely manner next week, epic episode incoming.

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    ahaha the way the dogs criticized sakura was great xD

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  14. #14
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I recognize that animation style, looks like the guy from the shikamaru arc is back

    I just can't get into naruto anime anymore these days, but i'll be looking forward to the next episode

  15. #15
    Oro died too easily, one episode or maybe a part of a second episode. He deserves a better death. I think Oro will take over Kabuto's body and we'll have a resurrected Oro again

    Hopefully much stronger, one that can compete with the powers of Itachi.
    Too bad Kurenai isn't leading her own team, must be because she's pregnant.
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

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