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Thread: Naruto Chapter 459

  1. #61
    Didn't Sasuke also tell Madara that he wanted to destroy Konoha. Period. Not just Danzou and the elders. The whole village should be destroyed because they were trash that worshipped the Senjuu. Didn't he say that after he originally said he would only go for the leaders. Madara even questioned him about it, and he said he only said he'd target the leaders because Hebi was there in the room.

    Also, Sasuke intended to kill Naruto when they first met after the time-skip. That's what HE said. Are we to believe that he was just randomly lying?

    Sasuke is pretty emo. Not sure if he's like fully evil yet. But he's stupid and emo as hell which causes him to do evil shit. I'm also waiting to see that he's trying to trick Madara somehow.

    In the end though, it's obvious why Sasuke should be hunted down. Arguing that he has done good for Konoha is stupid considering that he wanted to destroy the whole village.

  2. #62
    Genin Pastor Cookies's Avatar
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    I wanna get other peoples opinions on why Madara would send Sasuke on a assination mission and then spoil it for him when he gets as close as hes probably ever gonna get. Here are a couple of reasons why I would think Madara would implement such tactics.

    #1 Madara and Danzo have some type of connection and Madara timed Zetsu's appearance right when the heat was on Danzo. I'm pretty sure manipulating a country leader into putting you into power is a serious crime and Danzo could possibly be put into prison for such actions. With the Akastuki showing up in the middle of their meeting and bringing up Sasuke its possibly the last thing everyone will be thinking about is to check Danzo out for a sharingan eye.

    #2 Madara knows Sasuke is a loose cannon being hard to control so he purposely screwed up Sasukes chances of completing his mission of killing Danzo so Sasuke can yet again owe him another favor staying under Madara's watchful eye and under his wing.
    Being labeled as Public enemy #1 and having all 5 ninja villages know that your right around the corner Madara could be trying to direct Sasuke right back into his lair being that its probably the only place where team Hawk can seek refuge. Ok theres also the place where the cat lady lives but i doubt Sasuke will retreat there.
    Last edited by Pastor Cookies; Sat, 08-08-2009 at 07:31 PM.
    Action and Reaction are always equal and in opposite directions..

  3. #63
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    Come on guys. Lets look at it like this.

    Who else is excited to see the Mizukage fight?

    But seriously, regardless if Danzo has parts of Shisu, then it shouldn't matter if he is currently using the part, there would still be the chakra flowing. However, he could have mastered having control over shutting it off so it does not appear.

    And judging from the flashback to Hanzo, it seems Danzo's been missing his eye for a while. That just gives him more of an alibi for having the Sharingan implanted since years would have passed.

  4. #64
    I will just play nice and not drag everyone thru this again.

    Please read carefully.(may be paraphased)

    I said " When it really mattered, Sasuke did not kill Naruto at the end of the battle"
    Others said so I mean to say "Just because he didnt kill Naruto at the end of the battle that his attempted murder charge should not mattered at all. "(which isnt true)

    Guilty attempted murder charge - involuntary confinement for life with chance of parole.(remorse)
    Guilty attempted murder chage - confinement for life with no chance of parole
    Guilty murder charge - death sentence.

    Big difference. While I did not study or practice law in Konoha village. That much I can tell there is a difference in severity.
    How the village enforces its law is being discussed? Or how the Justice system constitute fairness?

    Criminal - guilty of crime, a person convicted of a crime.

    Suspect - believed to be guilty, false, undesirable, defective, bad, etc with little or no proof.

    As we are at a stage of investigating what Sasuke have done, a discovery stage that would allow information to be submitted in regards to the suspected crime, all the information on Sasuke should be presented, not just partisan.

    Therefore, my intention is to prevent "trolls" from just lynching the suspect.

    A idea presentation of what Sasuke is suspected of being guilty.

    1. Defecting from village while under the influence of a extremely strong mind altering event(traumatic) and drug addiction(curse seal). (could be split into dozens of more charges, while also negligence on the part of the Village ANBU not providing adequate asset insurance.)

    2. Attempted murder of companion with a self conviction to repent.

    3. Assisting criminal, with a personal agenda to prevent unnecessary death.

    4. Case regarding Itachi is the most complicated and a dilemma of all.

    5. Kidnapping of individual - must be captured alive or intact to voluntarily or involuntarily assist in investigation.


    X.*decided that this would not be considered yet by the 5kage unless Zetsu do some shit. Suspect of plot to assassinate leaders of villages - an assistant not a master mind.
    Which then really tells you who the master mind is.

    Want to know why ANBU enforcement is the supposedly not as powerful as you may want it to be. IT is hard to fight to kill, harder to fight to not kill.

    Someone once said " What it means to be family? It means you can say I want to kill you without really intending to do it." And the declaration to kill Naruto or otherwise, does have a connotation of such a relationship. The forgiveness is between the family members themselves though. Unless, Naruto lodge a complaint nothing will stick as Naruto will deny it.
    Last edited by depthcharge; Sun, 08-09-2009 at 12:19 AM.

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell

    Now let the troll end.

    I can agree with all that you said about Sasuke, but dont ignore other things about him too. That is all.

    If everyone can agree, he is a member of great interest and not just a hardcore convicted
    criminal that is being portrayed I would rest my case.

    Sasuke = Unorthodox.

    (btw - if we keep thinking of killing each other, it really wouldnt end. It started as far back as Uchiha clan thinking they will be eliminated as a clan, then plans an uprising, ends up really killed off. Sasuke thinking he wants vengence, then do it, now yet another mistake,
    then decides to kill the people who decided to end the uprising... the cycle goes on and on really just like what they depicted as per Shikamaru.)

    Trollery leads to Trollery... but I am for a well balanced presentation of constitution.

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by Pastor Cookies
    I wanna get other peoples opinions on why Madara would send Sasuke on a assination mission and then spoil it for him when he gets as close as hes probably ever gonna get. Here are a couple of reasons why I would think Madara would implement such tactics.

    This is good thinking. Despite so much being revealed, I still cant really tell what the next fight is going to be.

    Killabee Vs Kisame?
    Hebi Vs 5 Kage or guards?
    Zetsu being potentially sealed away by the combo 5 kage?
    Danzou cover blown? Vs 4 Kage

    4th Great Ninja war - FFA

    The focus just seems to be away from Madara. I think that alone is what he seeks the most. Which would give him time to find and get Naruto!

  7. #67
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Why are you people still on that fruitless debate? The 3 points I described are pretty much all that matter against Sasuke in the ninja world. The Sasuke fanclub's (sakura & co.) opinion on the matter is completely irrelevant politically.

  8. #68
    Hey hey, notice that I am not partisan. I agrees with everything everyone said.

    enough said.

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by FireEmblem

    Quote Originally Posted by Pandadice

  10. #70
    Genin Pastor Cookies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by depthcharge
    This is good thinking. Despite so much being revealed, I still cant really tell what the next fight is going to be.

    Killabee Vs Kisame?
    Hebi Vs 5 Kage or guards?
    Zetsu being potentially sealed away by the combo 5 kage?
    Danzou cover blown? Vs 4 Kage

    4th Great Ninja war - FFA

    The focus just seems to be away from Madara. I think that alone is what he seeks the most. Which would give him time to find and get Naruto!
    The Killabee Vs Kisame fight is coming up but not right. I think Kishis gonna focus on Team Hawk getting the hell outta dodge right now. Danzo cover blown Vs 4 Kage isn't the main issue anymore and I doubt they form an allience now that hidden Mist found out that Danzo is up to no good. It look like Sasuke was possibly listening to Madara and Zetsu talking so he may already know what they are up to with Zetsus sudden dissappearance.
    Action and Reaction are always equal and in opposite directions..

  11. #71
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Sorry to go a little O-T here, but am I the only one who's a little annoyed that we haven't seen Kisame since the Itachi vs Sasuke fight?

  12. #72
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Kisame is hunting Killerbee.

  13. #73
    you know, its been a long time since Kiba Shino and Hinata have been on a mission.
    And whats with Shikamaru making his own mission to go take out Sasuke. With the Hokage gone shouldn't the Advisors be giving orders or something?

    Hell, Konoha's biggest guns, Naruto, Kakashi and Yamato are out and about in the Iron country, if Shikamaru takes a team out, no one will be left in the village.

  14. #74
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spaceaprion
    And whats with Shikamaru making his own mission to go take out Sasuke. With the Hokage gone shouldn't the Advisors be giving orders or something?
    Good point. If Shikamaru runs off on a mission without approval, he's going AWOL. In Naruto terms, that practically makes him a missing nin. I wonder if he'll seek approval first (from someone other than Sakura) or if he assumes he won't be punished because he's going after Sasuke.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  15. #75
    Its retarded that in such an important meeting 5 ppl got in a place where they could clearly c everything without being noticed, when all the top ninja's from different villages are present there. Then zetsu just pop out of the ground and greets everyone. wtf come on are the 5 kages really that stupid.

    If sasuke wants to kill danzou he just missed a perfect opportunity. Cause as far as I remember amatrasu(spelling) burns everything in the sight of the user. Add to the fact that the meeting is taking place in a cave like structure, what better place to use that technique when literally the enemy has no place to run to and has their back to the wall?

    It just doesn't make any sense.

  16. #76
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spaceaprion
    you know, its been a long time since Kiba Shino and Hinata have been on a mission.
    And whats with Shikamaru making his own mission to go take out Sasuke. With the Hokage gone shouldn't the Advisors be giving orders or something?

    Hell, Konoha's biggest guns, Naruto, Kakashi and Yamato are out and about in the Iron country, if Shikamaru takes a team out, no one will be left in the village.
    Team Neji is still in the village, same with ino/dad, chouji/dad, kiba's/shino's and shika's family and the hyuuga's (hiashi and hanabi were somewere else during pein's attack). Also those random strong jounin that always popup, like the one with the shades/katon attacks, and the white anbu's. Anko and shizune as well.
    Plenty of people if you ask me.

  17. #77
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    Also those random strong jounin that always popup, like the one with the shades/katon attacks, and the white anbu's. Anko and shizune as well.
    His name is Aoba, and he just might be Danzou in disguise. or Madare.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  18. #78
    Genin Pastor Cookies's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Naruto_RNG]Its retarded that in such an important meeting 5 ppl got in a place where they could clearly c everything without being noticed, when all the top ninja's from different villages are present there. Then zetsu just pop out of the ground and greets everyone. wtf come on are the 5 kages really that stupid.

    Yeah when they first showed how easy it was for Team Hawk to infiltrate the iron country I was like come on kishimoto...For a place called the Iron Country you would think it would be impenetrable.

    If sasuke wants to kill danzou he just missed a perfect opportunity. Cause as far as I remember amatrasu(spelling) burns everything in the sight of the user. Add to the fact that the meeting is taking place in a cave like structure, what better place to use that technique when literally the enemy has no place to run to and has their back to the wall?

    Its not Sasuke's style to just burn a room full of people...and besides thats not exciting at all! He may be blinded by hate but his not stupid.
    Action and Reaction are always equal and in opposite directions..

  19. #79
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pastor Cookies
    Its not Sasuke's style to just burn a room full of people...and besides thats not exciting at all! He may be blinded by hate but his not stupid.
    Remind me why using your technique that one shots thing againts the guy you want to one shot a bad idea.
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  20. #80
    Considering collateral damage? (I guess I am not allowed to fan the flames of Sasuke being

    Sasuke is a couple of level from Pain and his mass destruction.

    Besides that, I would not be surprise that the Kage present does have super fast sealing technique for aramatetsu, or a lightning fast summoning technique out of a dangerous situation.

    The single most glaring mistake on the meeting is, I dont think the security is really as strong as they claim to be... they dont have "spells" ninjutsu detection sensors? (watch Harry Potter much?)

    BTW All those guards jumping in front of their Kage is plain stupid. Instead they should be neutralizing Zetsu, bind him or something.
    Last edited by depthcharge; Mon, 08-10-2009 at 09:00 AM.

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