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Thread: Challange for those willing.

  1. #1
    Student Black_wulf's Avatar
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    Question Challange for those willing.

    I am Black wolf, 23 and there is an anime series I watched when I was about 9. Only ever saw one episode. But I will write the details of the episode I watched on here. If you can tell me the anime series it went to I'd love you forever. I don't know much about the Series as a whole but I'll do the best I can with the memories I have had since I was 9. I only remember about 15 minutes or less of the anime as it is. sorry if it seems impossible to tell what anime it is from my bad memory.

    four maybe five people riding in a open topped car. two women and a few men, well not really men, they appeared to be kids in a way. young. a woman i believe was driving the car. another holding one of the young men in her arms as he was bleeding. he had been shot. he coughed every now and then. the car bounced up and down. they spoke in english but its been to long since i saw the episode to remember exatally what he said. so it was dubbed. the woman holding him teared up. if i remember correctly he had been stabbed or shot. the world in this anime seemed alot like ours. they were traveling though what seemed to be a desert, they were racing back to town, or maybe it was just thier hide out. well the boy dies. and thats the last thing i remember of that anime.

    i know its not much to go on. if i were better with words i could probably discribe it better. i'm sorry if no one is willing to help me figure out what anime this was. i've been trying to for the past 3-4 years. i have watched over 160 diffrent series to find it, but have had no luck.

    Thank you for reading this post. I do not expect a reply. Again Thank you.

  2. #2
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    are you sure it was a series and not a movie?

    where did you watch it? on TV or was it like a VHS?

    sorry, your description doesn't ring a bell off the top of my head.

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  3. #3
    Student Black_wulf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pandadice
    are you sure it was a series and not a movie?

    where did you watch it? on TV or was it like a VHS?

    sorry, your description doesn't ring a bell off the top of my head.
    It was on tv in english, back when I watched ShadowSkill. It was one of the first two anime's i ever watched. ShadowSkill was also in english. i didn't have a hard time finding Shadow Skill.

    Maybe a bit more Info is needed, and i'm pretty sure it was a series due it rolled credits.

    Ok lets see if i can Clear up any of the memories really fast.
    Now lets try again with this better worded memory.

    Through the desert a jeep with no top, drives. a woman driving in what should have been the passanger seat here in america. in the back a female child sits her eyes filled with tears. she was watching a young man possibly a teen. the young teen's head was in the lap of a woman, probably about 20 or so. the 20 year old woman wore pale blue pants or a pale blue skirt. the young male teen held his wound. covered in blood his white shirt was no longer white. and his hand was engulfed. he coughs and if i remember correctly a flash back hits him. he had jumped in the way of something for the girl who he now layed his head on. he slowly speaks to everyone in the car. and tears fill all of the eyes. he ends up giving a final smile before he either pass's out or dies.

    i guess it could be a movie too but i do not know as i said, this was on in english around the same time as Shadow Skill. Shadow Skill had done a movie and then what seemed to be a series. so it is possible.
    Last edited by Kraco; Wed, 08-12-2009 at 05:55 AM. Reason: Double posting

  4. #4
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    alright, so we're looking at a 1994-1998 time frame here, right? (you said "about 9", so i'm giving a few years for good measure).

    the info about Shadow Skill is very helpful. because the Shadow Skill TV series wasn't licensed by ADV until 2005, so that's gotta be out of the question.. but the OVA was licensed by Manga Entertainment sometime in the late 90's. and it aired on the Encore Action channel fall of 2000.

    there's this news article on ANN ( about the Encore Action channel, and it's broadcasting anime in 2000, but there are some parts of the article i don't fully understand.

    it says "RETURNING TITLES:" at one part, which makes me wonder if the anime listed below that were all already broadcasted at an earlier time. if that's the case.. then the Shadow Skill OVA could've been broadcasted on that channel back in 1996-1998 or whatever time frame we're looking at here.

    and here's is a list ( of all the anime (according to ANN, 55 titles) that Encore Action broadcasted.

    now, considering the amount of time, and the anime you've watched to figure out the series.. you could probably knock a few of those titles off. but hopefully the series is on that list.

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  5. #5
    Student Black_wulf's Avatar
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    out of the 55 titles you found i've seen 43 of them. the others i glanced at just a while ago and none seem correct. not the age's of the characters to the location in which it is in. I'm sorry for bother you with my determinded one track mind. Thank you for all of your help. if i should find it i'll come back and let you all know what it is. Again thank you for all of your help. I will just go back to watching every anime made since 1980's until now..

  6. #6
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    dang it, i was so sure it'd be on that list... >.<.

    since it did air dubbed in America, on TV, then if you can figure out the TV channel it was on then you could just look for a list like that of everything the channel has broadcasted :\.

    but dang.. there's gotta be an easier way than just watching every series since the 80s <.<

    maybe we can still go off the Shadow Skill OVA, and look at their licensee, Manga Entertainment (lol, these guys did like everything on animonday xD). maybe since they're the ones who licensed shadow skill OVA, and then if it aired with the mystery series, it could mean they licensed both. does that make any sense?

    i'd say it's at least worth looking over their licensed titles list :\

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  7. #7
    Student Black_wulf's Avatar
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    My brother did make a good point a few moments ago, When i was younger i knew alot of Japanese i knew Japanese better than english. it could be possible it didn't air in English. but i was sure it did. >.< i'm sorry i just have a horrible memory. i know this show or movie is real my brother only remembers the blood from the teen that was dieing. lol. i just wish i could remember more of it. i remember that it aired before Shadow skill. maybe a week possibly a month before. and shadow skill may have been the movie. now that i think about it. so its possible that it was a movie. but it doesn't make sence. why would it cut to credits after that part. it didn't seem like they were out of danger. unless it was a two part movie.
    I think i maybe thinking to deeply into this. i know if i saw a picture of the characters i'd know alot more. but finding the picture to a mystery anime is a pain in the rear. lol

  8. #8
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The Sci-Fi Channel split OVAs into movies to air on their Saturday Anime block back in the '90s.

    A 6 episode OVA (such as Iria) would be end up being two, two hour movies with commercials. They played the second "film" the following the week. So it is possible that they would show credits right after a dramatic moment.

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