I wonder what all you Gotwooters think about the state of your health care. Some of us live in the us, where there is only private care (unless you are really poor, or really old). Some of us live in countries with a national system. Heck, I live in Korea, which has very cheap and effective health care under a nationalised system. Does anyone here have any expreiences, good, bad, or otherwise with either the private system, or public system (RZ, I'm talking to you)?
I for one am deathly afraid to go to the hospital in the US even if i have full coverage. The last time I went to a hospital in the US, it cost me about 1000$ for a few tests and the doctor to tell me that he could find nothing wrong. Another time I had cut my thumb, and it was about 850$ to get it stitched up. a similar thumb accident occurred to me in Korea, and the total cost of treatment was like 60$ co-pay at a private clinic.