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Thread: Naruto Chapter 458

  1. #41
    Genin Pastor Cookies's Avatar
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    this chapter rocked! Big ups to Sai on this chapter! Now since Sakura knows that she is contributing to some of Naruto's pain, hopefully she will release him from it by telling him not to focus on bringing back Sasuke. The liberation will help Naruto focus on Akatsuki's demise free from the wallows of ohhh....ohhh in the snow.

    Although the decision seemed abit too fast for Danzo to be nominated, I think Mifune made the right choice. Konoha is the only village so far to have successfully defended themselves against Akakstuki's forces. Konoha probably has the strongest military force out of all the major villages...hell so far they've been slowing picking off Akastuki's forces anyway.
    Action and Reaction are always equal and in opposite directions..

  2. #42
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Successfully? The village proper was destroyed, and the Hokage almost died. I wouldn't count that as success (although they did maintain their bijuu). I would say they possibly came out the worst of any of the attacked villages.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by rockmanj
    Successfully? The village proper was destroyed, and the Hokage almost died. I wouldn't count that as success (although they did maintain their bijuu). I would say they possibly came out the worst of any of the attacked villages.

    True but Pein did bring the fucking heat lol. He fucking just nuked Konoha.. If Pein raided any other village he would have owned everyone and take their bijuu.

    The point is... every village would have been raped in the ass and face... Konoha just got raped the least and managed to do a little damage to them.

  4. #44
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I don't think losing the leader of the country and the whole place being razed is a "little" damage. Konoha just kind of got lucky in the fact that their bijuu is Naruto, and he convinced Nagato to resurrect all those dead ninja. Not to mention the interim leader is the very shady Danzou, who seems to be cowardly (by hiding during the attack, and also withholding his forces), and suspiciously aware of everything that is going on. But in terms of not letting the bijuu get captured, yes, they were successful. It was a mighty high cost to pay though.

  5. #45
    I don't think they took too much damage, I mean, it takes a long time to replace a ninja, but a city can be rebuilt in a few months.

  6. #46
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Yeah, as long as the Will of Fire survives, Konoha will survive.
    "After all, I am strangely colored."

  7. #47
    Genin Pastor Cookies's Avatar
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    We all saw character development in Naruto when he lost Jiraiya. The whole you killed my master I will avenge him type deal. Now since that whole thing ended Naruto has put his attention back on Sasuke which is diminishing his focus on the bigger picture...Akastuki! Now that Sakura knows that Naruto is not only carrying the burden of his promise of a lifetime but also his true feelings for her she will relieve him of his suffering by telling him not to worry about their promise anymore. Their promise made was made off of a foundation of pain and only brings on more pain the longer Naruto carries it.

    Once this is done we will see the more focused and determined Naruto who headed into battle against the leader of the most baddass group of ninjas to ever exist in the Naruto universe. I also see Love will begin to blossom between Naruto and Sakura. We all know they both Love each other. Its always the man who has to know within himself how he feels about a woman and the woman will follow suit if they feel similar.Once Naruto confesses his Love to Sakura she will realize that she to indeed feels the same way about him but she will go through a state of withdraws and purification because she will have to purge Sasuke out of her system in order to see Naruto in front of her not only as a childhood friend but a potential lover.

    Earlier Naruto stated that he feels as if he can now fight Sasuke evenly because he understands what pain is...but I think hes still missing something which he will gain when he isn't concerned with his promise to Sakura anymore and thats detachment. Detachment was what Sasuke displayed when he was beating the shit out of Naruto and attachment was what Naruto displayed while he was receiving that ass whooping.
    Action and Reaction are always equal and in opposite directions..

  8. #48
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    wait, are you saying that the only reason Naruto wants to bring Sasuke back is because he promised Sakura that he would? O_o

    user posted image

  9. #49
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pandadice
    wait, are you saying that the only reason Naruto wants to bring Sasuke back is because he promised Sakura that he would? O_o
    50% of the reason, maybe

    Guilt is fucked up to deal with

    It may be also the reason why he refuses to accept that Sasuke isn't worth saving anymore

  10. #50
    I think Naruto is really in Love with Sasuke, and just tells everyone he loves Sakura so they won't know he's gay. Everyone knows being gay hurts your chances of becoming Hokage.

  11. #51
    I think giving Danzou power over this alliance is more about empowering Konoha then its current shady leader. When you think about Konoha not only possesses the last known bijuu. Things may change once it comes out that Killer Bee is alive, but for now Konoha has the best track record against Akatsuki. They also have to most intel between the information given up by Kabuto and the experiance Konoha has had fighting them.

    Quote Originally Posted by rockmanj
    Successfully? The village proper was destroyed, and the Hokage almost died. I wouldn't count that as success (although they did maintain their bijuu). I would say they possibly came out the worst of any of the attacked villages.
    Don't forget that the person that defeated the man that the destroyed the village is the very reason that Konoha was chosen to lead the alliance.

    @ Pastor Cookies:
    I dont think that Sakura lifting Naruto from the burden of their promise will be enough to make Naruto shift focus. It will help lift the pain from the quest, and with the combination of the Raikage's harsh words, make him reevlauate his methods of peace. Sasuke is his friend, and he will continue to try to bring him back into the light. That's just what Naruto does. He did it with Neji, Gaara, and Sai. He's gonna do it with Sasuke.

  12. #52
    Genin Pastor Cookies's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Pandadice
    wait, are you saying that the only reason Naruto wants to bring Sasuke back is because he promised Sakura that he would? O_o
    Its just like Rasendori said...its a mixture of his promise to Sakura and of course because its his way of the ninja to follow up on his word. He also did it with the Nice Guy Pose. If you make a promise with the Nice Guy Pose and don't do through with it...your head explodes "Running Man" style jk...

    @ Rasendori:
    Thats a good point you made about the Raikages words helping Naruto reevaluate perception of how he will approach peace. I'm not saying that he will total ditch his goal of bringing Sasuke back to the village once "Sakura's curse" is lifted from him. What I was getting at was that his mentality will shift into a wider perspective of what his role in the ninja world is. When he focuses on Sasuke its all about just Sasuke. Hes about to be center stage in this alliance ark and he needs to focus on bringing down Madara right now...Sasuke can wait til later...

    @ Spaceaprion:
    Everyone knows being gay hurts your chances of becoming Hokage.

    Hilarious! I agree 100% Although I think the Fire Lord was totally flay=flamingly gay!
    Action and Reaction are always equal and in opposite directions..

  13. #53
    I don't have time for all this drama.

    How long does Kishimoto expect to live to tell a story? Life expectancy in Japan is great but not that great.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Stitch
    How long does Kishimoto expect to live to tell a story? Life expectancy in Japan is great but not that great.
    At least throw an lol in there for good measure. He's like 35 dude chill out.

  15. #55
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Chancellor
    At least throw an lol in there for good measure
    Or just work on understanding sarcasm and subtlety without having "LOL J/K J/K" thrown in every other sentence.

    In any case I still disagree with Stitch. I'd rather have a chapter like this every week than more ridiculous plot twists.


    (but all she does is copy other ninjas' tears)

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  16. #56
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    And wailing.

    Oooohhhh... Ooohhhh...

    Probably copied from Naruto last chapter.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  17. #57
    Genin Pastor Cookies's Avatar
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    Having no drama is like eating a bowl of cereal with no crunch...boring as hell and too smooth. I don't like drama but at the same time I love it. Drama is what makes Naruto worth waiting for every day until I get it...fill my bowl up with it...devour it...and wait for some more goodness to arrive...
    Last edited by Pastor Cookies; Wed, 08-05-2009 at 03:49 PM.
    Action and Reaction are always equal and in opposite directions..

  18. #58
    Naruto should have just tricked the Raikage into believing that both Itachi and Sasuke are both Leaf spies. To destroy Orochimaru and Akatsuki.

    Benefit of doubt, since Orochimaru is dead, Sasuke is now in cover to destroy Akatsuki. While this may be a lie, thats how a sly Hokage would push the story rather then just say... he is my childhood friend, please forgive him.

    Also, he should have the same conviction that when he fought Sasuke at the Valley of the Dead or whatever the water Fall is. Just scream into the Raikage that, I will break his arms and legs if that is what it takes to bring him back.

  19. #59
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    And wailing.

    Oooohhhh... Ooohhhh...

    Probably copied from Naruto last chapter.

    I never got that wailing noise. I have never heard anyone wail like that in my life. Maybe Japanese people have different wails than Americans and Korean people. Or mangakas are weird.

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by Pastor Cookies
    Hilarious! I agree 100% Although I think the Fire Lord was totally flay=flamingly gay!
    Dude, that is kind of gay...


    It all makes sense now. She does do that!

    Edit: And I think that Sasuke is going to end up attacking Naruto when he gets there thinking that he is Danzou. This would be a perfect opportunity for them to meet face to face again without a proper fight since Naruto is jacked up.
    Last edited by iMUSTbeTHEdevil; Wed, 08-05-2009 at 03:15 PM.

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

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