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Thread: Bleach Chapter 366

  1. #1
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Bleach Chapter 366

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  2. #2
    aizen is gonna be harder to beat than that

  3. #3
    Is it just me or is it not that impressive that they're ripping apart mere gilligans that Ichigo could defeat around episode 12?

  4. #4
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage
    Is it just me or is it not that impressive that they're ripping apart mere gilligans that Ichigo could defeat around episode 12?
    Because Ichigo had to unleash so much power that Ishida had to drain him because he was going to burst? (... that didn't read well...)

    Against ripping their guts with minimum effort?

  5. #5
    I was a little unimpressed as well. Although it was cool to see their different fighting style. Seeing a meno's get their face ripped in half was pretty sweet. I see Shinji going down here real quick, if that is even Aizen.

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  6. #6
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Because Ichigo had to unleash so much power that Ishida had to drain him because he was going to burst? (... that didn't read well...)

    Against ripping their guts with minimum effort?
    Still dude... episode 12

    I didn't see what the big deal was either

  7. #7
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Shinji defeating Grimjow back then was a far more impressive achievement since he was... you know... an Espada...
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  8. #8
    Meh, a chapter spent on destroying Gillians. I await the next chapter.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  9. #9
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    Still dude... episode 12

    I didn't see what the big deal was either

    Blame Kubo for this pacing.

    But I still think that, while umimpressive, how can we compare Ichigo taking a lot of time, and potentially killing himself, to defeat a Menos Grande / Gillian versus the Vizard killing them off like mosquitoes?

  10. #10
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    He hadn't even released his sword yet! He was below the level of Byakuia / 5

    These guys are former captains who have released their hollow powers...

  11. #11
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    You know, i can't help but feel that this would be far more interesting if Aizen did something like reveal that he had a back-up set of Espadas and that they are far stronger than all of the current ones, but then all of the Vaizards suddenly appear and wipe them out. Sure it wouldn't be very original since other manga has done just that, but i think it would be far more fun to watch than them killing a bunch of gillians.

    This isn't at the disappointing level yet, just rather underwhelming so far. I really hope Kubo doesn't screw this up, but i won't hold my breath.

  12. #12
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    He hadn't even released his sword yet! He was below the level of Byakuia / 5

    These guys are former captains who have released their hollow powers...
    Ichigo's sword is permantly in Shikai.

    And the point here is... you say Gillians are nothing because Ichigo killed one at the beginning of the series. He almost got killed as well.

    The Vaizards are killing them as if they were ants. Why can't you see the difference?

    Remember this is the mere 2nd time Gillians have been fought in the manga. Forget all the weak filler Gillians of the anime.

    Heck... the current captains ARE scared of Gillians and can't understand how Ichigo beated before the Rukia Rescue arc.

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Ichigo's sword is permantly in Shikai.

    And the point here is... you say Gillians are nothing because Ichigo killed one at the beginning of the series. He almost got killed as well.

    The Vaizards are killing them as if they were ants. Why can't you see the difference?

    Remember this is the mere 2nd time Gillians have been fought in the manga. Forget all the weak filler Gillians of the anime.

    Heck... the current captains ARE scared of Gillians and can't understand how Ichigo beated before the Rukia Rescue arc.
    When he defeated the gillian he was in normal state, it was long before getting shikai.

    Gillians ARE nothing at this point let`s review the hollow strength tree again shall we?

    Hollow > Gillian > Adjuchas > Vasto Lorde

    The last 2 or 3 can become arrancar by the hogyowhatever and increase strenght, Ichigo with a mask faced Dordoni (SP?) who is probably an Adjuchas and guess what happened?

    Now the Vaizard who have FAR more control over their mask are fighting the LOWEST level Menos and i`m suposed to be surprised? let`s face it, this episode was filler.

    As for the captains being surprised this show that they are idiots or futher proves my "filler" theory further, ice kid alone defeated several enemies that are higher rating than a mere Gillian.
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  14. #14
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    No, Ichigo's sword is indeed always in Shikai. That's why its so big.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleach Wiki
    In rare cases, a zanpakutō, once released, will remain in that state indefinitely. This is due to the vast amount of spiritual energy the possessor has that cannot be finely controlled upon generation of their zanpakutō, as such the zanpakutō is described as a constant released form. The only known Shinigami with constant release zanpakutō is Ichigo Kurosaki and Kenpachi Zaraki. Shinigami with a constant Shikai form also don't seem to need a release command or even know their zanpaktou's name.

  15. #15
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockmanj
    No, Ichigo's sword is indeed always in Shikai. That's why its so big.
    It is but that`s not the point.

    Unless i`m confused, we`re talking about ichigo`s sword when he fought the gillian that is NOT his shikai, the reason it is so big is because he has a huge reiatsu, the relation between a sword`s size and it`s owner reiatsu was pointed twice in the manga at least.
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  16. #16
    Yes, we all know that Ichigo's word is always in Shikai. This was after the training with Urahara after he learned his Zanpakuto's name. What we are talking about was the somewhat dormant spiritual power that was stimulated with Rukia's own powers that allowed him to become a Shinigami in the first place. The only reason why his unreleased Zanpakuto was so big in the first place was because Ichigo is unable, even to this point in the story, to control the radiation of his immense spiritual powers.

  17. #17
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UChessmaster
    When he defeated the gillian he was in normal state, it was long before getting shikai.

    Gillians ARE nothing at this point let`s review the hollow strength tree again shall we?

    Hollow > Gillian > Adjuchas > Vasto Lorde

    The last 2 or 3 can become arrancar by the hogyowhatever and increase strenght, Ichigo with a mask faced Dordoni (SP?) who is probably an Adjuchas and guess what happened?

    Now the Vaizard who have FAR more control over their mask are fighting the LOWEST level Menos and i`m suposed to be surprised? let`s face it, this episode was filler.

    As for the captains being surprised this show that they are idiots or futher proves my "filler" theory further, ice kid alone defeated several enemies that are higher rating than a mere Gillian.
    Ichigo's sword WAS already in Shikai. He just didn't know its name.

    And my points isn't to be surprised that the Vaizards can kill them. When the hell did I say that?

    My point was that everybody is saying: "So? Ichigo can kill a Gillian too"

    Yes. Ichigo killed one. He almot got killed too.

    The Vaizards kill them as if they are ants.

    There is NO way to be surprised at this. But don't say its nothing because Ichigo could do so too. He almost GOT KILLED. There is no comparasion.

  18. #18
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Ichigo's sword WAS already in Shikai. He just didn't know its name.
    Ichigo`s sword was not in shikai already >>. Where are you getting that? it`s permanentelly Shikai AFTER he adquired said transformation.

    Unreleased sword :


    When he fought the gillian he did NOT had Shikai. As for the Ichigo got almost killed... so? Ichigo was lightyears weaker than what he is now. You didn`t said we should be surprised but you`re saying Vaizard can kill Gillian like ants as if it`s some sort of achievement at this point. I`m sure "recently adquired Shikai" Ichigo can beat Gillians as if they were ants.

    Here`s an analogy for you of what i`m seeing right now: Imagine that at the end of DBZ general tao appears and fights Trunks, Trunks defeated him easily and that is suposed to be a proof of how amazingly strong Trunks has become. The readers inmediatelly thinks "uhmmmmmm that`s not that big of a deal" and you answer "But General Tao was a threat to goku back in Dragon Ball! and Trunks defeated him like an Ant!"

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    There is NO way to be surprised at this. But don't say its nothing because Ichigo could do so too. He almost GOT KILLED. There is no comparasion.
    But Ryouga that is exactly what they are at this point of the story, NOTHING. Ice kid defeated Luppi who is undeniably stronger than any Gillian JUST like an ant ages ago.
    Last edited by UChessmaster; Thu, 07-16-2009 at 02:14 PM.
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  19. #19
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Like the bleach wiki post said, some shinigami don't need to release their shikai because of their superior spiritual power, such as Ichigo and Zaraki. I don' have time to check the manga, but I'm pretty sure someone explained that to him. It is basically a matter or poor control on his part, like his father said: (Bleach manga; Chapter 187, page 17 - Isshin comments on how captain-level Shinigami must control the size of their zanpakutō.) Its also been said that knowing the name of your sword can increase its power. What you showed was that knowing increased the power of Ichigo's shikai, but didn't turn his shikai on (as its always released).

  20. #20
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    This is all an illusion, designed by Aizen to test the current battle state of his Espada. Come on people, isn't it obvious?


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