That is just terrible casting.
I don't know if I want to watch this now. It might ruin the amazing image I have already built with Jun doing Keima.
That is just terrible casting.
I don't know if I want to watch this now. It might ruin the amazing image I have already built with Jun doing Keima.
Reputation be damned, this needs a rebuttal.
You two are so far up Fukuyama Jun's legs it is amazing he can still walk around.
Fukuyama Jun is a horrible fit for Keima. He just doesn't have the range. His Watanuki (xxxHolic) and Tama (Nyan Koi) voice is too hyper and too young for Keima. His Lelouch (Code Geass) and Shira (DRRR) voice definitely sounds too old. His Souta (Working!!) voice is a perfect example displaying his lack of range in between these two. He goes from serious to hyper and straight back. There's nothing in between. The only one that might work is his Tweedledum (Kiddy Grade) or his Gauche (Letter Bee) voice, but again, he sounds just a few years too old for that.
Keima is a nerd who is unliked by girls until he gets his inner pimp on. He's not suave on his own, he is not an object of desire, he just knows all the right lines to say at all the right times.
On the other hand, you two are sure quick to discount Shimono Hiro. You seem to be focusing on his roles playing hapless dorks. Ken Robbins (Kaleido Star), Jin (Kannagi), Ikuto (Nagasarete Airantou), and Dan JD (Basquash!). But you either haven't seen or conveniently ignore his other roles.
Hirono Hiro (ef): pimp. Seduces plenty of girls with fragile hearts.
Kamina Ayato (RahXephon): pimp. Seduces girls and older women without difficulty.
Masaki Kenshi (Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari): Secretly badass and half-brother to one of the greatest of all pimps (Tenchi).
Keima needs to sound like a loser for the time he gets kicked around by his mother, the girls in his class, and all the other girls at school. Similarly, even his whiny roles have some badass to them. Ikuto (Airantou) and Jin (Kannagi) both get pretty forceful about what they want when the pressure is on. So he can easily switch between the tones that Fukuyama Jun can't even pull off due to the pitches of his two primary voices.
*claps at Ryll*
I definitely never pictured Fukuyama as Keima's voice. And even when I saw people asking for him here, I never even managed to place 'that' voice with Keima.
That's where we disagree, you seem to believe that Keima is a loser with a few moments of glory ( when he gets his pimp on ) as I believe him to be a man full of confidence with a few moments of dorkyness ( mostly when he has to deal with the real world or acts that require physical effort )
Keima has absolute trust in himself and his way of life, be it warranted or not that's how he sees himself and as such a man that can transpire confidence with his voice would be required to play his role
Besides, haven't told me before that you already pictured Fukuyama Jun's voice when reading Kami Sekai? What's with the change of heart?
I don't disagree with your viewpoint on Keima's personality. However, Fukuyama Jun simply cannot handle the combination of Keima's personality type and age. He just can't perform between the two voice types. Keima is as confident as Lelouch, but would sound ridiculous if Fukuyama used that pitch. The space in between Watanuki and Tweedledee are closer the right pitch, but Fukuyama can't pull that off, and moreover he sounds too hyper that way. Keima is much more laid back aside from comedy moments snorting over the newest release.
The difference is that the pitch of Shimono Hiro's voice does not fundamentally change when he goes between the hapless nerds and his badass pimp roles. He can pull off the gap in between the personality types that Fukuyama cannot. He is more adaptively suited to handle the demeanor switches that Keima goes throughout an arc.
If I did at one time, somewhere along the way I realized that Fukuyama Jun would simply sound far too old to play the role. I certainly don't remember saying that. It is generally not something I do when I read manga. Most characters don't sound like anyone in my head. Only in extreme cases, such as with Elsee, but Itou Kanae works just as well as Hanazawa Kana would have.
What?? Hanazawa Kana would have been an horrible Elsee >_>
She sounds sweet and soothing and Elsee is loud and annoying
I beg to differ:
Suou Pavlichenko
and especially, Hanazono Sakura
That aside, anyone who played three roles in Shugo Chara, as Itou Kanae did, can handle Elsee's overwhelming klutzy/cute/stupid demeanor. Take Akai Ringo from the upcoming Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi (trailers available) and add in a bit more Nana Deviluke (To Luv-Ru) and you're there.
Last edited by Ryllharu; Thu, 06-24-2010 at 05:18 PM. Reason: formatting and links
I agree that Elsee's part is one pretty simple to portray but that doesn't mean Hanazawa Kana was made for the role
Of those examples i only recognize Suou and i don't agree she's loud and annoying at all
For me, it is all about the image of the character. From the cover of the manga alone, I already thought of Jun as Keima's voice. As Arch said, Keima oozes out confidence.
Keima doesn't have to go all high pitched or even vary extremely. Why does he sound too old? There are many 17 year olds who have deep voices, and that is a quality I always associate with Keima (and Lelouch). They both seem to believe they are smarter than everyone else, and are basically wiser than their age, and this is emphasized by a deep voice. Keima and Lelouch are both 17 years old anyway. As for the variation, Jun can do wacky roles quite well, like he did in Sora wo kakeru shoujo as Leopard. In fact, he can do the Leopard voice and variations (especially between arrogant bragging and comedic panic) for Keima and it would work.
I think the main difference is how we see Keima as having a lower pitched voice, while you see him with a higher pitched voice, which is basically a thing that cannot be argued about (mainly because it is a personal imagination), so we will have to agree to disagree.
About Elsee's voice, I used to think she was always loud and annoying as well, but it seems that might just be because I didn't like her character design at first. Now that the manga has progressed to this point, she seems to be annoying (in terms of personality) but does not seem as loud as I thought. She seems to be softer, sweeter and more shy, so maybe they were going for that with such a casting.
Last edited by shinta|hikari; Thu, 06-24-2010 at 07:09 PM.
The Leopard voice is Lelouch (and I'm quite certain it was intended to be). The only difference is the idiotic dialogue and the faint echo, not the pitch and the tone.
"Doing comedic roles," and "being able to sound like something between Lelouch and Watanuki," are two different things. He's already done plenty of comedies. He would never fit well in this one, the character simply isn't written for either kind of voice that he is capable of doing.
Really? I think Jun would fit him well. Everything from Keima's looks to his hand gestures are really the same with Lelouch. And when Keima complains about Elsee and his situation, I imagine his voice would work really well with Keima's character. Heck even when I'm reading the manga I hear Jun's voice in my head.
Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.
Chapter 105 - Read online
Chapter 107 - Read Online
Chapter 111 - Read Online
Chapter 114
Unexpected is right, after all that suspense the author just pulls a goddess out of his ass?
I wonder if it's a tactic to improve popularity now that the anime is close at hand
While I do like the fact we get to see more of Kanon... I too thought it was too sudden. Since page 1 when she mentioned a secret you knew it was about a goddess.
Probably, yeah... tactic for the anime. I doubt the anime will reach this far though.
It won't
We have 4 confirmed heroines in the characters page so i'm thinking 2-3 episodes for each one, plus the occasional "kami-sama teaches you" filler
We'll probably also get a special OVA with the BDs/DVDs, and though i'm hopeful i'm also realistic so a second season might not happen
I really wonder if it is only a tactic for the anime. It could also be that for dragging its feet for so long it started to slip in popularity unrelated to the anime.
You forget that we haven't really seen Kanon but in a few panels since her arc. At least most of the others still have cameos in the school, became major characters (Tenri/Diana), or have already been revisited and eliminated from the search.
I think that despite Kanon/Apollo just outright admitting it, Ayumi likely has another goddess in her, they've been hinting at it for months, and the Sport Festival showed she is still interested. I would honestly be very surprised if she just randomly came to like Keima without any influence from the memories, only the faint feeling that the other non-Goddess girls have.
The series is just moving faster because it is about damn time they moved past the episodic formatting. The major cast has been assembled for quite some time now. So it is time they started moving in elements of a major conflict.
I agree completely. The last arc, as interesting its ending was, really dragged for a moment. Specially with all the previous goddess talk suddenly jumping into a normal catch didn't look interesting. The ending saved it, but 4~5 chapters thinking it was a normal catch killed it.
I also agree that Ayumi must have a goddess. With all the hints they been throwing around... and I think, from reading around forums at least, she is one of the most popular 'catch' girls. Kanon came out of nowhere in reality.