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Thread: Madara Danzou Debate

  1. #61
    Genin Pastor Cookies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin
    Perhaps Danzou is just Danzou and plucked a eye out of a dead Uchiha?
    I agree with NeoCybercoin on this one. If Kakashi can get it done than so can Danzo.
    Action and Reaction are always equal and in opposite directions..

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin
    Perhaps Danzou is just Danzou and plucked a eye out of a dead Uchiha?

    Like Uchiha Shusui?

  3. #63
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Well...that IS the only Uchiha left that has been named. I was originally gonna say the brother of Madara but he lost both of his eyes. But yeah Shisui was Itachi's best friend. And he killed him to get the Mangekyo Sharingan. I think Danzou stole his eye.

  4. #64
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Danzo's eye seemed to have been injured since the third great ninja war perhaps even before then and it's reasonable to assume that he has had the sharingan since then. If so, that would have been long before Itachi ever killed Shisui.
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  5. #65
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Yeah but would it really be that hard for him to implant a Sharingan into an empty eye socket that has been empty for quite some years? I mean even if his other eye was damaged he could have still looted the corpse.

  6. #66
    Genin Pastor Cookies's Avatar
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    If Danzo did implant Uchiha Shisui's right eye we'll definetly find out soon if not this weeks chapter.
    Action and Reaction are always equal and in opposite directions..

  7. #67
    Predicting is much easier if you just read the weekly spoiler threads on MH.

  8. #68
    Wow! You guys nailed it. Impressive! Now what do you think the winning lotto numbers are going to be tomorrow?

    It's become a lot more difficult to explain the Madara = Danzo debate now since Danzo's eye is accounted for. But what do you think happened to Shisui's other eye? I would place my money on Madara having the other one. And maybe the reason people seem to pass through him is because he is using the illusion technique and is not actually there. However, Ao said he can see through the illusion, so how come Neji couldn't?
    Last edited by Sam98034; Fri, 08-07-2009 at 12:00 AM.

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Sam98034
    However, Ao said he can see through the illusion, so how come Neji couldn't?
    Ao recognized Shisui's color from having fought him before, while Neji never encountered Shisui. Plus, I don't know that Neji ever used his Byakugan on Danzou. But, that doesn't really explain the rest of the Hyuga. I suppose you could argue that Danzou has kept himself well hidden.

  10. #70
    And when's the last time Neji and Danzou were in the same room? So anyway... did this chapter just kill the Danzou Madara theory?

  11. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    Ao recognized Shisui's color from having fought him before, while Neji never encountered Shisui. Plus, I don't know that Neji ever used his Byakugan on Danzou. But, that doesn't really explain the rest of the Hyuga. I suppose you could argue that Danzou has kept himself well hidden.
    I'm talking about how Ao saw through the illusion placed on the 4th Mizukage (I assume by Danzo or Madara). If Madara also had one of Shisue's eyes, it would explain why people constantly pass through him; however, Neji used Byakugan on Tobi but did not see through any illusion.

  12. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by Sam98034
    I'm talking about how Ao saw through the illusion placed on the 4th Mizukage (I assume by Danzo or Madara). If Madara also had one of Shisue's eyes, it would explain why people constantly pass through him; however, Neji used Byakugan on Tobi but did not see through any illusion.

    Then maybe Madara doesn't have one of Shisui's eyes?

  13. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    Then maybe Madara doesn't have one of Shisui's eyes?
    Usually, a person in this forum makes up some theories and other people criticize the weak points that he or she has overlooked. While other people generally just show the strength of their arguments, I basically do all the work for you by coming up with a theory and then showing its weaknesses. I'm the creative guy that comes up with neat theories, and I'm also the smart guy who points out why it may not be true. In this way, I can both come up with a theory and contradict myself. It's win, win! <insert sarcasm>

  14. #74
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Danzo's eye seemed to have been injured since the third great ninja war perhaps even before then and it's reasonable to assume that he has had the sharingan since then. If so, that would have been long before Itachi ever killed Shisui.
    It looks like Madara's eye has the same kind of injury. Notice the dark sclera.

    They also have the same tomoi pattern, though it does look like a "generic" non-MS sharingan in all the pics.
    "After all, I am strangely colored."

  15. #75
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RasenDori
    did this chapter just kill the Danzou Madara theory?
    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville
    They also have the same tomoi pattern, though it does look like a "generic" non-MS sharingan in all the pics.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  16. #76
    I'm actually relieved that he isn't Madara. I know I was a hard ass about this for a long time, but this is nice to see that he stole an Uchihas eye. Plus, we can finally put the theory to rest. We don't really know whats up with the byakugan though, and who he could have gotten it from bothers me now. Because now we need to find out about Ao's past and see when he fought a hyuuga member.

  17. #77
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    I am awesome for predicting that =D

    Anyway, perhaps Madara IS some kind of illusion and that the real one is somewhere else like Pein did. Would explain how he could just let attacks phase through him,teleport and fly.

    The fact that Ao has a Byakugan doesn't have to have some kind of deeper meaning. But it would have to be someone from the main branch or else the Byakugan would be sealed away. And considering the fact that the Hyuuga are a big clan...he could have gotten that eye from any nameless main branch Hyuuga.

    ( Who the hell neg repped me for guessing it right? I don't even read spoilers )

  18. #78
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin
    Anyway, perhaps Madara IS some kind of illusion and that the real one is somewhere else like Pein did. Would explain how he could just let attacks phase through him,teleport and fly.
    Or maybe, it's the sharingan's power?
    Kakashi has a similar power (time-space blasting) but he applies it to other,while madara applies it to himself. right eye, left eye.

    you know, the entire obito-tobi-madare thing? I still think it's that.

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  19. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville
    That's only because he's in a dark room. Sasuke's eyes are like that as well in those first two links. And the mask is shadowing it as well.

  20. #80
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    No, Sasuke's eyes look very different in the first two links. The whites of his eyes are... white.
    "After all, I am strangely colored."

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