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Thread: Tokyo Magnitude 8.0

  1. #61
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    dehydration, heatstroke, hyperthermia.. or maybe it is just a cold like Mari said :\. hopefully it's nothing that serious

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  2. #62
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 OP Single - Kimi no Uta [abingdon boys school]

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #63
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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  4. #64
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quite an interesting episode although I didn't believe for a second Yuuki had really died. I guess Mirai's dizzy behavior just before entering the building was a big hint anyway, even if it was necessary to spare any too serious audience members from a wtf sensation.

    Mari's behavior towards the end of the episode was kind of strange. I wonder if she knows something she's not telling the kids but can't help feeling immensely down herself. It's not like the news by itself would have yet indicated something must have happened to her mom and kid. Yet there must be something since even Mirai's words could cheer her at all.

  5. #65
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Quite an interesting episode although I didn't believe for a second Yuuki had really died. I guess Mirai's dizzy behavior just before entering the building was a big hint anyway, even if it was necessary to spare any too serious audience members from a wtf sensation.

    Mari's behavior towards the end of the episode was kind of strange. I wonder if she knows something she's not telling the kids but can't help feeling immensely down herself. It's not like the news by itself would have yet indicated something must have happened to her mom and kid. Yet there must be something since even Mirai's words could cheer her at all.
    Regarding Mari,I wonder what were the papers she was signing/receiving. Was it to get news from her relatives?

    [slightly OT]
    There's just a little thing bugging me with the subs, Yuuki keeps calling Mirai "Oneechan" and the subs are always Mirai.
    Also, last ep "robotaku" would have been perfectly acceptable [/slightly OT]

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  6. #66
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    Regarding Mari,I wonder what were the papers she was signing/receiving. Was it to get news from her relatives?
    I was certainly also wondering about that. Especially since that scene was before the ending scenes where she seemed to be so depressed.

    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    There's just a little thing bugging me with the subs, Yuuki keeps calling Mirai "Oneechan" and the subs are always Mirai.
    That's not really so rare in subs. I guess in much of the West siblings use each other's names (though I might be wrong as well) and not "big sister" and such like they do in Japan all the time. So, unless the subber sticks to Japanese words entirely, it might look somewhat strange in English.

  7. #67
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    whoa, this episode (the first half at least) had a completely different atmosphere to it than the previous episodes.. it was cool.

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  8. #68
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    okay, so someone else came up with this theory, and i thought it sounded super plausible. so i thought i'd bring it up here

    so basically Yuuki died, but Mirai can't bring herself to accept it, and so she woke up in shock, and is hallucinating that he's there. which is why Mari got a weird look on her face when Mirai talked like he was right there.

    that's also the papers she picked up, and the reason she was using the emergency telephones (seriously, the whole city got hit by the earthquake. using them for a little "oh hey, yeah i'm with your kids, we'll be back soon" definitely wouldn't warrant their use, but calling mirai's parents to inform them of Yuuki's death, would i guess)

    also the legal papers she picked up were his death documents.

    also that explains why mari started crying, and apologizing when mirai talked about how soon enough she'll be with her family and everything will be fine. how Mirai was giving her support even though she just lost Yuuki.

    also mari never acknowledged yuuki, and he never held the backpack...

    i think this is a super probable theory.. what do you guys think?

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  9. #69
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Ho... That's quite a sharp theory indeed. It surely would explain everything, especially the backpack. I'd have to watch the end of the episode again with a keener eye. If it's true, and as a matter of fact I almost believe already it is, it surely would be quite a u-turn for me, considering I said earlier I didn't believe for a moment Yuuki really died. But if he did, like this theory says, I shall give the script of this anime much more credit than I did previously, although I've already liked the show from the beginning.

  10. #70
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I'd have to watch the end of the episode again with a keener eye.
    thats exactly what i did after i read that

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  11. #71
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    This is no spoiler, but if it is indeed true, it spoils some of the fun discovering it later.
    Like knowing the trick in the "6th sense" for those who didn't find it till the revelation.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  12. #72
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I watched the last third of the ep again, and I'm all the more convinced the theory is true. All of Mari's reactions make sense if you consider it that way. Mirai must be so shocked, especially after she got so close to Yuuki due to all the difficulties, that she's escaping to delusions. Man, I wonder how long she will keep imagining Yuuki is still there.

  13. #73
    ZOMG Not Yuuki!!!!!!

    Right after MIrai woke up from her second 'dream' I was thinking how much I disliked the use of dream sequences meant to pull at people's heart strings by showing a character dying only to have them be alive later. The first one felt so fake it just irritated me that they'd pull something like this and effectively ruin the tension that he might actually die. Then the second one with the doctor felt like it could be real but when we see Yuuki at play it just makes it look like a cheap lazy attempt to pull the same trick twice. In a show that touts realism and seriousness I was rather disappointed in TM8 for seemingly pulling two fake death dream sequences in the same episode instead of tackling the more realistic idea that Yuuki actually might die.

    When I came in here and read what Panadice was talking about and rewatched the ep again from where Mari wakes up under the tent it was like I had just stared at the sun after spending a week in a cave. Yuuki never really interacts with anyone but Mirai. The kids playing soccer don't seem to notice he exists, Mari never looks at him or acknowledges him, when MIrai wakes up there are only two bedrolls, etc. The final clue that seals it for me was the sequence starting around 20:20. Mari apologizes and Mirai immediately looks away and we see Yuuki from her perspective standing all alone in a gap between the pillars. Then a bit later at 21:04 we see the same scene but from a wider overhead angle and Yuuki is nowhere to be found. For him to not be in that shot he would have to have moved out of view of both Mari and Mirai, despite beingwell ahead of them and aware that they had stopped on the bridge.

    On the flip side, Mari and Mirai were talking for almost a minute and it's possible Yuuki was just standing behind one of the pillars. Maybe Yuuki slept in the hospital and Mari and Mirai slept under the tent and held onto his bag. Maybe Mari was just feeling vulnerable after the scare with Yuuki and Mirai was trying to stay positive and strong for the sake of her companions because her dreams taught her to cherish them. If Yuuki really is alive I'll be kind of ticked off at the use of 'dream sequences' to fake us out and push our buttons. On the other hand if he really did die it's somewhat strange that Mari would let Mirai go on talking like Yuuki was right in front of them. Though I could certainly believe that she was just too overwhelmed herself to want to risk poking at a mentally unstable Mirai just then.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Sat, 08-29-2009 at 04:48 PM.

  14. #74
    At the start, when Mari finds nobody is at the tent, she only calls for Mirai. Subsequently, the complete lack of direct interaction between Yuuki and Mari until the end of the episode now more apparent with the mention of Yuuki's death theory.

  15. #75
    Man I can't believe they killed off Yuuki. He was such a sweet kid. I'm glad that this show exists of a rather realistic portrayal of siblings, even more so for the fact that I grew a bit attached to Yuuki.

  16. #76
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I came here to write the exact first paragraph of Yukimura´s posting, how i hate such cheap dream scenes, where the makers can go all out without consequences. Then read that theory and....whoah, its not a theory any longer, of course thats what happend. FUCK!

    After having watched episode 2 of the show, i said to myself "ah, ok, this will be a family friendly series", because i thought that if Mirai found her brother dead in episode 2 it would be a complete different series.
    But that they really killed of Yuki now, damn...

    Scenes like these really get me, having 2 younger brothers myself. I wonder how long her mental disturbance goes on and what happens when she realizes he´s dead.

    Wow, i cant even think of a happy end now for this series...i mean, so Mirai finds her parents...what now? "Hi mom, hi dad, here i am...and Yuki is dead." UH

    My prediction: Everyone dies, bad end.

  17. #77
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    ahhh ep 9 is out!!


    downloading it now, can't wait to watch it ^^

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  18. #78
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    btw am i doing something wrong? those BSS-versions never have subtitles. Huh?

  19. #79
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    btw am i doing something wrong? those BSS-versions never have subtitles. Huh?
    Turn them on. Your player isn't using them by default, from the sounds of things.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #80
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pandadice
    okay, so someone else came up with this theory, and i thought it sounded super plausible. so i thought i'd bring it up here

    so basically Yuuki died, but Mirai can't bring herself to accept it, and so she woke up in shock, and is hallucinating that he's there. which is why Mari got a weird look on her face when Mirai talked like he was right there.

    that's also the papers she picked up, and the reason she was using the emergency telephones (seriously, the whole city got hit by the earthquake. using them for a little "oh hey, yeah i'm with your kids, we'll be back soon" definitely wouldn't warrant their use, but calling mirai's parents to inform them of Yuuki's death, would i guess)

    also the legal papers she picked up were his death documents.

    also that explains why mari started crying, and apologizing when mirai talked about how soon enough she'll be with her family and everything will be fine. how Mirai was giving her support even though she just lost Yuuki.

    also mari never acknowledged yuuki, and he never held the backpack...

    i think this is a super probable theory.. what do you guys think?
    this is theory is...


    I really hope this happened. I don't dislike the kid. But this would be amazing.

    I'll skip reading this thread until I see the next episode just in case...

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